The Council is comprised of the founding members of Xiled Gaming. This area is designed to allow you, the member, an opportunity to ask questions directly to the Council.
The Community Leaders are a part of Xiled Gaming's leadership that is responsible for XGC, KoG, and SYN as a whole. This area is designed to allow you, the member, an opportunity to ask questions directly to the Community Leaders.
The Division Leaders are a part of Xiled Gaming's leadership that are responsible for XGC, KoG, and SYN. This area is designed to allow you, the member, an opportunity to ask questions directly to the Division Leaders.
The Xiled Gaming Section Leaders are a part of Xiled Gaming's leadership that are responsible for the XGC, KoG, and SYN clans. This area is designed to allow you, the member, an opportunity to ask questions directly to the Section Leaders.