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Mar 27, 2006
somewhere on the internet
Below is my post from the other thread which is now closed. I did not close this thread as that will be up to double. Note that I banned this person because he broke the rules of the forum by spamming, insulting others and posting inappropriately, not just because he was a jacka$$ or had left the community. As mentioned below, I am sure it will be back at some point. They usually always do.


For those that did not know, this person was XGC LegendKilla. I personally have no idea why he would be upset as the issues that were dealt with were with other people that left. They made their decision to leave and of course, buttheads like this who are followers run their mouths without knowing the facts.

He has been banned but I suspect he will be the pathetic loser he is and make another account and post again.

You see, people like him will never get it. Even if we are corrupt and play favorites, no one says you have to stay here. If you get up one day and say, you know what, I hate this place and leave, so what. That is your right just as it is our right to stay here. You don't see me running over to some other clans website making multiple accounts to hide behind and crying like a little bi*** do ya?

Of course not!! I don't care one way or the other. Just get online, hang out with friends and play games. All this other BS is for immature idiots.

If I have offended any of our members by posting back to this clown I apologize as it is not a normal thing I would do but, I am truly tired of the online BS these people keep bringing to our site. Enough is Enough. Time to move on.

SYN CodeBook

Forum Veteran
Aug 27, 2007
Well as long as some people are listening, i want to pose a question.

What if hylanders joke was true? U join a game and there's 00 t-baggin and cursing up a storm. what would you do? what could you do, u honestly think anything could be done? or have these council members risen above the honor code? If ur fine with that then u belong here, in the community that wants followers, not leaders.

Im sorry I had to reply to this post. For One you have to remember that all the XI and XC are in the XG community so that means SYN too, and you that over here in SYN we can T-Bag and curse up a storm. And if you really want to get technically with that All of them have SYN Gamer Tags too. Sorry if that sounds like me being an *** but it is what it is.


Oct 10, 2006
Seriously Legend,
I know you very well, and I am really surprised to see you posting all of this sop****ric drama. I have always liked you, but........

Hylander is right. You weren't happy here so you left.....good for you. Why do you come back, make a second account and post on and on and on about how currupt everyone is? Are you hoping that some members will see your propaganda and leave XG and go join your clan? Or is it that in addition to being in your community and gaming with your members, you have SO much extra time on your hands that you come over here to spread hate, lies, rumors and drama.

I agree with what the other's said: You left. Go have fun with your new clan. Post all of your anger filled propaganda and senseless minutae on YOUR website, NOT ours.
And, have a nice day!

XGG Really Shy

Mar 31, 2008
Saskatchewan, Canada
Seriously Legend,
I know you very well, and I am really surprised to see you posting all of this sop****ric drama. I have always liked you, but........

Hylander is right. You weren't happy here so you left.....good for you. Why do you come back, make a second account and post on and on and on about how currupt everyone is? Are you hoping that some members will see your propaganda and leave XG and go join your clan? Or is it that in addition to being in your community and gaming with your members, you have SO much extra time on your hands that you come over here to spread hate, lies, rumors and drama.

I agree with what the other's said: You left. Go have fun with your new clan. Post all of your anger filled propaganda and senseless minutae on YOUR website, NOT ours.
And, have a nice day!

Very well put XGC 1CoolMom XC

I am amazed, seriously at the activity of former members posting. They leave because they are unhappy in XG.... but somehow they just can't move on without slapping their friends that stay in XG in the face.

We are here in XG because we choose to be.... don't come come back in to shove insults into our faces and treat us all with disrespect. If you don't like XG, then bloody well move on already. All your doing daft, (and you certainly are being daft) is insulting us all...... you attack part of XG... you attack us all.

We stand together ............. unfortunately you can't comprehend the fact that we are the community you are trashing...

Fine you left.... we get it... You were unhappy, so you and some of your friends left... okay... so move on and leave the rest of us be... because we choose to be here and you don't!

I could go on and on.... but there have been enough rants....



Oct 10, 2006
Oh, and since you mentioned me by name, I must opine on that part of your argument.

You mentioned that I earned my promotions. You are correct, I did. I worked my butt off, I learned what I could and I realized that this is NOT about me. I took advise from people above AND below my rank. And most importantly, I have always tried to serve ALL the member's of XG. I can personally tell you from 2 years of being in leadership in this great community that our leaders are NOT currupt! Occasionally we get a rogue Section Leader or Division Leader, but they eventually get dealt with.

I sit in meetings with the Council every Sunday night, and ALL of them talk about how we can make the community better for our members and how we can put LESS work on our XD's and XS's so they have more time to game with their clan members. They talk about making sure WE as the highest leaders MUST be held to a higher standard. I have yet to see ANY curruption!!!

Just because you hear some rumors about curruption, doesn't make them true. You should not say things that you have no proof of as being true. You do not see what goes on behind the scenes and in meetings with the Council, so, maybe you should have asked one of us XC's or XI's about the rumors you heard or told us of any problems you were having so we could address them!

I knew you for a long time Legend, and you never once told me that you thought all of these things that you now claim. Why would you suddenly claim all of these things now that your gone? Could it be that Hylander is correct in saying that you believe all the lies you have been told by the founders of your new community? I think so.

You are no longer a member of Xiled Gaming so you really have NO reason at all to continue to post all of this endless drama here.
Please go post your propaganda and whining on YOUR community's forums!

Edit: I see that Daftpunk/LegendKilla has been banned.....again. So there is no reason for us to continue posting.

XGC Coleslaw XI

Council Member
Jan 1, 2006
Pittsburgh, PA
We hear the same arguement anytime some people/group of people decide to leave the community... We've said before and we'll say it again... XG isn't for everyone, although we would like it to be a community for every single gamer out there... and we strive to make XG appropriate for every gamer, that's what we are trying to do when we try and grow the community... When people decide that XG isn't for them, that's fine, just leave and take your baggage with you... situation over

but we always hear, "XG is corrupt, the council is breaking the honor code, etc.etc.etc." but for some reason they can never tell us what rule we broke... we the council created the honor code for a reason, because that is what kind of gamers we were before we joined XG, KSI, or wherever any one of us got our roots at... that is why the council came to be friends, we gamed by the honor code, before there was an honor code... there's no reason why we would stop following the rule that we created after 5 years (we created the honor code when we were in KSI Xiled Kings, but no one else in KSI followed it, thus we left took our baggage and haven't worried about KSI since) ago...

also this guy keeps saying, what if you caught this, what if you saw that... well that's a good arguement, but you are never going to see double t-baggin or me degrading members or any other member of the council doing any of this stuff... i know a lot of our members, but i know the council the best... i spend the most time with them, i've been friends with the council for some time now... i've had a lot go on in my life lately and one of the main reasons i still get on the box is to game with 007, hades, otto, cav, knight, viper, dotcom, blkknight... i know those guys, and i know that these complaints against them and me are false... anyone that knows us knows that also...

we've noticed another trend with these complaints... we've seen this before, and often times we attempt a follow up to get the record straight, and 9 times outta 10 it's because the people leaving think that they DESERVE to be promoted and the people that have been promoted DIDN'T DESERVE it... we all have our opinions, it's human... but there is a big problem when you start pointing fingers... we have a problem with people when they critique their peers... everyone that gets promoted earned it... some people worked harder than others, but there is a bare minimum that every person needs to get promoted... and some people overachieve... those are the people that want to get promoted again... it's as simple as that... we notice hard work, and we reward it...

XGC x0 0 7x XI

Council Leader
Jan 1, 2006
A, A
I think my point has been made. By unbanning him and letting him show how butt hurt he is only proves my point. ALL LIES. It is great when members speak their minds. In his post he said you weren't allowed and yet everyone who posted in this thread did speak their mind. Some were a little harsh and others were sincere but at the end the truth will set you free! Truth is we don't break our own honor code! We don't lie and we don't have any favoritism! Did anyone see him give an example of any of his accusations? I didn't. I saw a flimsy one about me calling an X XGG member a slut but that is also false! That is actually an old lie and I was accused of saying it to Senorita which I never said. Go and ask her about it. I went to her and cleared the air. It really was laughable.

I say good luck to them and I hope they have fun in their new clan that they made that was already in existence. They already copy our rank structure and I’m sure our honor code they might as well steal their name from the real section 8 gaming www.section8gaming.com LMAO, how dumb are you to go and create something that has already been created since 2002. What mooks! Finally I want and need everyone to make sure you speak your mind. That is what it’s all about! You get what YOU want from Xiled Gaming. If you want to rank up, it involves work and fun. Only YOU can provide that balance. Sitting around crying about not getting promoted only leads to bad things, any time I have ever been promoted I never saw it coming! It felt so good too! I never complained about someone elses promotion. That is their day! I would just continue to do what I did until it was my day. The tools for success are here, you just need to know how they work. Speaking of tools, here is our main one that makes us what we are. It is proven success! That’s why everyone borrows it for their rip off versions of XG. Go ahead, take it, it works but you have to know how it works. I’m not telling either, that is our secret recipe!

XG members will display a professional gaming demeanor at all times. Any match a XG member participates in should observe the rules of Fair Play, Sportsmanship and Respect. As a XG member, you not only represent yourself but XG as a whole.

All XGC members MUST be at least 18 years of age. XGC is a mature gaming community. If a gamer is under the age of 18, they will be recruited into KoG or SYN. XGC is an 18 and up community, NO EXCEPTIONS! Any member who lies or any leader that allows this exception will be dealt with accordingly.

All XG members must register on the website within one week of their recruitment to remain in XG. As a registered member, you will have access to the Forums and the Gaming Ladder (www.CLANCOMPETE.com) along with many other great sites. New members must read and accept the Honor Code and Rank Structure.

All XG members are encouraged to share any issues or ideas through the chain of command and with The Council of Leaders ANYTIME! The leaders of XILED GAMING believe in the open door policy and encourage members to use it.

New members will not be allowed to change their gamer tag until reaching the rank of Sergeant and receiving approval from a Section Leader or higher.

XG members CANNOT be apart of any other gaming communities/clans! Any and all gamer tags must be either in XG clans or in none at all. XG does NOT have ANY alliances with other gaming communities/clans! XG members will remain friendly and professional with ALL gaming communities at all times! ZERO TOLERANCE! If a XG member leaves, they are NOT allowed back. In the event of a member wanting to come back, each situation will be looked at by the COUNCIL/Division Leaders on a case-by-case basis.

Violation of the Honor Code will earn the Gamer a warning; two warnings and you will be banned from the community. Members caught t-bagging, purposely cheating and/or participating in manipulated online play will be immediately banned. No exceptions!

Honor Code violations consist of trash talking, t-bagging, discrimination, racism, sexism, harassment, illegal drugs, cheating, poaching, squad deranking, or any other aggressive behavior toward fellow online gamers. Cheating is defined as any manipulation of online play; this includes, but is not limited to modding, bridging, stand-bying, forcing host, action replay, glitching / super jumping in match making / ranked games to gain an unfair advantage, playing online custom / ranked games with Modders, and circle boosting.

BOTTOM LINE!!! Have fun, play games, and network with other gamers that share the same interest. At the end of the day, it is after all just a game!

First, let me say that no where in our honor code does it say you can’t use profanity! So let me say **** you, *******, **** face **** suckers! LMAO! Second, there is nothing in it that talks about personal feelings. If you are personally butt hurt with a fellow leader/member and you have a personal **** you fest that is not breaking the honor code. That is a personal disagreement. Disrespect is the most commonly broken honor code violation and yet where is it written? ****! It’s not there. I have had arguments with other leaders/members and there was plenty of disrespect in the conversation but as adults, more importantly as humans we worked it out or agreed to disagree. Either way no one was kicked out. It is called a friend list. If we aren’t friends you aren’t on the friend list (or there is just not enough room). LOL. Can someone tell me when we started making things up in our honor code that suit us? I didn’t think so. BTW it is very clearly written about our open door policy and I think the word are in all CAPS TOO! When you are promoted to leadership it comes with a lot of responsibility. If you do good you get promoted and praised. If you do bad you get yelled at. Since we have a rank structure you have a boss. As do I in my fellow XI’s. So if you’re a leader and you make a mistake is it breaking the honor code for your boss to discuss your mistake and maybe even yell at you (depending on the situation)? Where is that written? As a leader you can’t let personal feeling interfere with your decisions for the community or your respective division. I personally get accused of things all the time, from the lie listed above to making fun of someone’s dead mother (also a lie) to me allowing myself to take something personal and react like a human.
I remember a time where I sent out a message calling some guy a loser for making a fake XG gamer tag and I was called out by an XS saying that it was unprofessional. As I can’t disagree with him, I will argue my point and try to let him see it from my point of view. This XS sent me a message and we talked. I won’t say who it was (if he chooses to tell you he can) but he did speak his mind. I let him talk and he let me talk. I really did not know him very well but after we talked I walked away from our conversation with a lot of respect for him! I am not a nice person and for him to come and speak his mind showed me a lot about his character and leadership ability. All members have this same opportunity. If I could I would meet every one of our gamers and play with them! That’s just how I am. It was posted that this is not possible due to me not wanting people joining my game. What a colossal twist of my words! MY DOOR IS ALWAYS OPEN! When I’m gaming with members I am looking for future ones to recruit. I like to go into matchmaking and play against new people. I don’t like to play a ranked game against members. I’m sorry! Now I really don’t care. Join my game, kill me, say hello whatever. I’m just here for fun and making friends. Lets all get back to what we are here for, GAMING! Save the drama for your mama after all at the end of the day it’s just a game!

XGC Pat Ma

Forum Star
Mar 11, 2007
Auburn, Alabama
Beautifully done, well said and so on and so forth. I have never had any problems with anybody in XG above the rank of Captain not following rules and I don't know where these accusations come from. To an outsider looking in it does look like daft was throwing stones in a weak attempt at getting more people to follow him out the door...sad day yet also a good day for people who would do such things aren't the people that belong in this wonderful community...that's just the way I see it, and I'm here to stay


Oct 10, 2006
I'd like to thank double O for letting us get a kick out of his dire stupidity.

I completely agree! But more importantly, like 00 said, he unbanned daft and re-opened the thread so that we, the members of Xiled Gaming could have an open discussion about all of this. The council and all of the XG leaders have ALWAYS had and continue to have an open door policy, which basically means ANY member can come to ANY of us ANY time for ANY thing! Allowing a thread like this to exist, allows our members to see what the term "open door policy" really means.


Forum Veteran
Mar 29, 2007
I never understood why people that leave feel the need to come back to these forums and talk ****. I was banned, and I disagree with that decision still, but if you've looked at the forums at any point in the last year, you won't see anything negative posted by me. I don't have a problem with XG, I had some of my best times on Live while I was here. 00 can be sort of mean sometimes, but I can't say I've ever seen him break the honor code. I know a lot of people that say the leaders are corrupt, but I haven't heard any specific examples of this. Coming back to the forums and starting unnecessary drama only makes XG look better and your community look worse.

I just thought I would share my opinion on the issue.

Later XG,
I believe in XGC. I value their Codes of Conduct and enjoy gaming with all of you. This is the best gaming community on the net and in my opinion the best in the World. I appriciate its open door policy. IF there is a problem.... it will be fixed. The very reason I love XG most is for its lack of problems. There will always be problems. Its the way those problems are handled which makes XG a model for all other communities. This thread could have been closed. The voices of the bannished silenced. I think XG has done the right thing once again. The rules aren't that hard.
Last edited:

Mabuhay Ka

Forum Junkie
Apr 19, 2008
I agree that leaving a clan then coming back to cause drama or talk sh** is stupid.I personally got tired of it and was one of many reasons I left XG.Clan has now taken interest in the past rather than the future.If havent noticed daftpunk isnt posting-so having this opened is not logical and opening it in the first place was dum.This really should be a closed subject.....it has no purpose now and is gonna do more bad than good.

XGC Brad Mayhem

Forum Star
Sep 2, 2008
i've only been in xgc for nearly 6 weeks and i'm starting to enjoy it a little more than when i had just started. i think my squad (academy) have started to all act like a mini community as we all seem to play with one another. suppose the next step is to encourage our squad/clan to mongle with others throughout xgc. i'm personally enjoying the xgc expierence so far