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XGC x0 0 7x XI

Council Leader
Jan 1, 2006
A, A
I agree that leaving a clan then coming back to cause drama or talk sh** is stupid.I personally got tired of it and was one of many reasons I left XG.Clan has now taken interest in the past rather than the future.If havent noticed daftpunk isnt posting-so having this opened is not logical and opening it in the first place was dum.This really should be a closed subject.....it has no purpose now and is gonna do more bad than good.

It's logical because it is all opinions and this is a forum to discuss them. Everyone in this thread including you is expressing their opinions. I like it. I don't feel that this is drama anymore. It is kind of funny when you think about it. I wish more people would come and read it before they do something dumb like quiting. BTW I did not know you left XG. I thought you stayed. And Daft isnt posting cause he cant anymore. Someone banned him. I think at this point the purpose of this thread has changed to the opinion thread. Maybe I should change the title. I like the open door thread or just giving my 2 cents thread. What do you think?


Forum Nub
Apr 25, 2007
007 now you know how i lost my gen spot just look at all the trash legend is spilling and all the trouble he starts


Oct 10, 2006
Most of us have a thread that is for "open discussion" or "my 2 cents", etc. Some of them are called so and so XD's office, or chat thread. I agree with 00 that having open discussions like this are good.

It is healthy and good for the community for the members to be able to come to the leader's forums and speak their mind.

Ky Kyske

Forum Member
Dec 2, 2006
ok. Honestly, i think XG Craves the Drama. Yet they say they don't want it. Yet i never see them Stop it either.

Ok, that's your opinion and your entitled to it. I'm not gonna argue against your opinion, that's not my place. Now here's my opinion....

With any group of people, there will be problems. Drama will surface, even between the best of friends. Some people thrive on drama, some avoid it completely. (or try to anyway). All the problems/drama I've seen in XG have been dealt with smoothly and efficiently.

I had a few friends that left for the aforementioned reasons, told 'em the best of luck, went on with my day. I have a question for you Nepenthe, "Why would someone who left XG, come back and post in the forums?"

Edit: Showed a fellow XG member this and they had this to say "To tell other XGC people what they've seen". They make a valid point, but do you have any proof of this "drama"?
Last edited:
Dec 9, 2006
This thread is a prime example.

00 could easily make a new thread dedicated to people's opinion. but no, he decides to keep it open.

Honestly, the only reason i come on here is to post in Deadeye's forum. and thats it. maybe a few posts in general discussion.


Mar 27, 2006
somewhere on the internet
ok. Honestly, i think XG Craves the Drama. Yet they say they don't want it. Yet i never see them Stop it either.

Actually YOSHI, like yourself, the drama just keeps coming back on our site or sneaking into our clans. ;)

We call it, recycled drama because if anyone actually pays attention, most of our drama comes from people that we have either kicked out or asked to leave more then once. Many of which we have also said, you know what, we can forgive and forget so you are allowed back in. Sure enough, they turn around and do the same crap again and we have to deal with the same drama over.

So, maybe your right. Maybe because of our niceness to people and thinking that people can change so we let them back in or don't ban them from the site right away we are actually allowing the drama to happen.

Then again, is it really our fault that such people exist in the first place? No one ever forces anyone to come to our site and act like an idiot. They do that on their own well enough. Isn't that right? :rolleyes:
Dec 9, 2006
see and that's the thing. all you guys do is ban once you see something. you don't even ask them to stop. How do i know? It's happened to me.

Then work a little bit harder to control the drama. Get more people to be more active on the site (more leaders and such). Its really simple actually, but it seems like you guys don't care.


Forum Veteran
Apr 12, 2007
Rhode Island
Then work a little bit harder to control the drama. Get more people to be more active on the site (more leaders and such). Its really simple actually, but it seems like you guys don't care.

people are only on when they can be on.... people do have lives other than on the computer like some people in the world... and banning them is the simplest way to rid the problem... if the people make new names then they are causing drama not XG... do you somewhat understand that?
Dec 9, 2006
people are only on when they can be on.... people do have lives other than on the computer like some people in the world... and banning them is the simplest way to rid the problem... if the people make new names then they are causing drama not XG... do you somewhat understand that?

No duh. but theres alot of people who don't even come on at all. but what is so hard to tell a few extra people to at least get on for an hour a day to make sure everything stays in tact.

Also, if XG is as good of a clan they claim to be, they wouldn't have any drama at all. They would be on top of everything, keeping everything straight in line.

But like i said, i think XG Craves the Drama. :p:rolleyes:

Mabuhay Ka

Forum Junkie
Apr 19, 2008
Yoshi you are wrong,cause the only drama going on is members of Nv and S8G coming here to talk ****.I just quit your clan and there is no XG comments on your site and if there was they ahve been deleted.The only thing on there is the thread below..

(Alright guys. I hate to tell ya. But the last few days have opened my eyes to some more corrupt BS. Nv tried to leave and do our own thing, to have fun, and form a community much like XG did when you guys broke from KSI. When you guys left, you didnt poach any members, you just left. But you got blamed for poaching, it was a bunch of drama that wasnt needed. Now knowing how that felt and what you guys went through, why would you do the same to us!? We tried to leave, but because Syn was like a family, many followed. We did not poach these members. Yet we get message after message from XG leaders, mostly your dear community Leader Hylander complaining and whining that we are poaching and promising ranks. Well bro, let me tell you, we didnt poach, and we didnt promise ranks. Everyone from Syn, keeps their same rank in Nv. If they proved themselves to us in Syn, thats good enough for us in Nv as well!

Then, we have a higher rank come into our website, make a degrading name, and post a bunch of uneeded drama and BS all over our forums. Real mature there! Just the kind of person I want to lead me!

Then, many of us had accounts on XG's site, not to poach, but to network with the friends we've made over the years. Yet, when someone said something to me, I responded, and my post gets deleted and I get banned before anyone can read it and see the truth. What are the admins so scared of? Members seeing who they really are before they get to XS and XD?

So to finish it off, why should we leave our doors open to this sort of drama and BS to XG members, while you guys have slammed yours in our face!? I wish you guys the best of luck with your corrupt dictatorship, youre going to need it. I mean KoG hasnt been the same since you guys lost all those good leaders and members to RGC, XGG wont be the same since vA, and now you lost the true Syn, the good leaders and the ones that trully put fun first. Not the guys that would ***** at you for not quiting a game half way through to talk to him. So were gone, were havin fun, so you guys do the same. If youre banned in the next few days, sorry, but I was always tought to treat people the way I wanted to be treated, and since you guys dont want us postin around on your site, we dont want you over here with your BS either. So have a nice day guys and if youre ever ready to join a community that is truly for the members, by the members, and really does focus on fun. You know where to find us )-from a admin on Nv site

and also this

(Attn!i! Ok as Corona has stated if we cant stay friends and this bullsh!7 keep happening then why do you come to our site, why do you sign up on here when you have your own site...

If you want to join get over it but as long as XG talk sh!7 about us i dont want anyone of you here thinking this is your backyard to chill in whilst XG's being bi7ches..

We have locked this thread for many reasons ,firstly to prevent more drama and for Nv to leave on a good note!!

So thank you and those who have joined us but to those who have registered and not in Nv then dont be shocked if you log on to see you banned!

Good bye!! )...-from another admin on site

its under thier news section..I saw no posts on thier site from XG members and the only dram is them coming here.In there chatbox I have read on member call XG a dictorship that is 007,just complete nonsense.
see and that's the thing. all you guys do is ban once you see something. you don't even ask them to stop. How do i know? It's happened to me.

Then work a little bit harder to control the drama. Get more people to be more active on the site (more leaders and such). Its really simple actually, but it seems like you guys don't care.

Man that's a pretty bold statement. I'm usually on the site for several hours at a time and I could always say that a leader or admin is always on.

How do I know that, yeah there is this thing called "Currently Active Users" on the homepage. Evertime I look there is a colored member, who if you didn't know is a leader.

I could say that in the 1 1/2 years I've been with XG, the leaders that I've had discussions with have been more than happy to listen to my issues or help me with any problems.

Unfortunatley the people who leave I guess never tried to go to their leaders and have their issues heard, or just thought it would be easier to leave.

Now let me ask you this question, if you had someone that you didn't want to talk to call you everyday wouldn't you block his calls. Yeah that's why we ban people here.