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Apex Legends: Duos Tournament

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Team Name: East Side Boys

Xiled Gaming
Proudly Announces a
On Date: 10/14/2023
Starting at 8:00pm Est - 11:00pm Est

This is a Community-Wide Tournament for all registered members and recruits/potential recruits! Do you and your partner have what it takes to make it to the Winners Circle in this 32 Team Duos Tournament?

Your Team will have 3 hours beginning at 8:00pm EST - 11:00pm EST to get the best placement and kills as possible. You may play as many matches you can play in order to submit your top 3 games for score entry. Submissions will be sent to SYN Sobi XS for scoring no later than 12:00am EST on 10/15/2023.

Even though this is a Tournament, we at Xiled Gaming want you guys to remember to have fun with it. Interact with your teammate and come up with the best strategy to get the most points.

You may be a fast pace player, like Octane, rushing in for the kills. A medic trying to keep...​

General promotion- XGC Eureka 7

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XGC Eureka 7 (although he has gone by a lot of different names during his time in XG) joined the community in February of 2019. After doing some time in each division, he joined XGC Ground Zero in December of 2022.

Eureka has worked hard to recruit, help the clan become more active, and get all of the leadership on the same page these past few months, and his hard work has definitely paid off.

It is with great pleasure that I congratulate XGC Eureka 7 on his promotion to General of XGC Ground Zero. Keep working hard, and it will always pay off. I can’t wait to see your success. Grateful for all you do!

Gone but not Forgotten - KoG KodaK XS

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To all who may not have known, KoG lost one of its great leaders,
KoG KodaK XS

KoG Kodak XS was recruited into SYNdicate on October 30th, 2017.

Kodak was one of those members that spoke his mind and didn't give a crap about what anyone thought of him. Coming up through the ranks, he was a successful leader who produced successful clans, one after another. Not once did he let anyone overstep him or tell him how to do his job. I remembered when him and I were in SYN, we always spoke of how we were going to be promoted to Section Leader at the same time.
He was a great person and a great friend who always put others before him and ensuring that they had what they needed to be successful as well.

KoG KodaK XS came to KoG in 2020 into what is now KoG Hellhounds.
His eagerness to build a PUBG clan and to create a vibe that would soon carry on into 4 different clan and 2 PUBG sections.
KoG Fearless, KoG Sabotage...

SYN Section Leader Promotions February 2023

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Please help me in congratulating the 3 new Section Leaders to the SYN Division.

Formerly known as :

SYN Sobi
SYN GrimReaper

Now known as:

SYN Alpha XS
SYN Reapr XS

These three fellers came into the community with wide eyes eager to explore all Xiled Gaming had to offer., where they eventually found a home away from home here in SYN.
Each striving for success, developing their skills as a leader to progress to the next stage diligently and patiently has landed them where they are today.,
It has been a great pleasure to watch these three come through the ranks, each with their own unique style and personality s that bring the very essence of what being in a gaming community is all about.,
As a Division Leader my...

XGC Wolfpack XK - General - XGC Panda

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When I was given XGC Wolfpack XK, the General and one of the Lt's went inactive and the clan was in need for help with leadership. One person stepped up to the plate and displayed the true meaning of dedication and commitment. XGC Panda. Panda has gone above and beyond with his oppurtunity as Captain and has assisted in training, recruiting, planning, organizing, and building Wolfpack to what it is today. Panda, thank you for all that you have done and continue to do. I know that as the new General of XGC Wolfpack XK, you will be able to continue to do great things for the clan and the community. Thank you for everything and keep up the great work. I am very proud of you!

Your Friend,
XGC Phntm XD

SYN General Promotion SYN KAT

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SYN General Promotion - SYN KAT

SYN KAT originally joined on Oct 20, 2017. SYN KAT later came back to the community and Joined SYN Xiled kings. While her time in SYN Xiled kings she worked hard, and started taking interest in the clan as a whole. SYN KAT soon after, she split her clan and SYN SALVATION was reborn. After a little more work SYN KAT Soon spilt again into SYN MYTHIC. where she worked hard to achieve her goals of reaching leadership. Through hard work and pure diligence, she got her chance. SYN KAT has worked closely with her leadership showing she had what it took to be an effective, successful leader. SYN SYN KAT has displayed the drive to achieve any goal she set for herself while helping her fellow members and assisting in the growth of the community.

So it gives me great pleasure in congratulating SYN KAT on her promotion to General over SYN MYTHIC!!!

KoG Section Leader Promotions

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Xiled Gaming
Kings of Gaming would like to Congratulate
KoG Caper XS and KoG UPS XS
on their promotions to Section Leader.

It has been great watching both of you grow into such amazing and proactive leaders.

KoG Caper XS was recruited on October 17th, 2020 by her former Section Leader, KoG KodaK XS, into a game that some may look at as unachievable to build. Against all odds,
KoG KodaK XS pushed through and from one recruit to multiple in a matter of a short time period, KoG Caper XS made her debut.
January 2022, KoG Caper XS was promoted to General over KoG Hellhounds, and from then on, after multiple splits that came from this clan, KoG Caper decided to take on a new name and build a...

XGC General Promotion for XGC Tactical

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XGC Tactical : General of XGC WolfPack XK

This gentleman, previously known as Tactical Osprey, self joined to XGC WolfPack XK in July of 2020. Leadership and I were baffled at who this person was that decided to request membership. When questioned, he stated that he joined at random and was drawn to the name XGC WolfPack XK. This was definitely a first for me! :) As he progressed through the ranks, he became a LT in August 2021 and strived to make XGC Wolfpack XK an inclusive experience for all gamers. Shortly after he became Captain in October 2021, he again demonstrated tremendous leadership qualities and delivered his promise to make this community a better place. When I approached him about the promotion to General, he expressed that he wanted to split his squad in order to maintain a rich gaming environment and to ensure that when the clan splits that things won't falter. WOW!!!!!!!! At one point...

KoG Division Leader Promotions

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Congratulations on your promotions to Division Leaders in Kings of Gaming!

KoG Force XD, joined Xiled Gaming in 2006. Even though I did not have the pleasure of meeting him until recently, he has been a great asset to me as well as the Division as a whole. His previous experience as a former Division Leader has helped guide me and taught me a few things along the way. There were some times when we did not see eye to eye on a few new changes to how, for example, lists were supposed to be posted each month. He was a great General and a great Section Leader. And I know he will be a great Division Leader. Congratulations on your Promotion to Division Leader in Kings of Gaming!

KoG HAVEL XD, joined Xiled Gaming in 2012. I remembered picking KoG Havel XD (at the time was SYN Tobirama) on Black Ops 4 while randomly running across him on the map...​

SYN General promotion DONDAHYPEGOD

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SYN General Promotion -DONDAHYPEGOD

DONDAHYPEGOD originally joined on Aug 14, 2021 DONDAHYPEGOD joined SYN Xiled Kings . While his time in Xiled Kings he worked hard and started taking interest in the clan as a whole. DONDAHYPEGOD soon learned leadership , where he worked assiduously to achieve his goals of reaching leadership In xiled kings . Through hard work and pure diligence, DONDAHYPEGOD made it up the ranks. DONDAHYPEGOD has worked closely with his leadership showing he had what it took to be an effective leader. DODAHYPEGOD has exhibit the drive to achieve any goal for himself while helping his fellow members and assisting in the growth of the community.

So it gives me great pleasure in congratulating DONDAHYPEGOD on his promotion to General over SYN Xiled Kings !!!