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This thread is for all X members who want to come back. No matter what reason you left of were kicked out. You can come to this thread and state your reason on why you left and why we should consider you coming home. YOU WILL NOT BE TOLD "I TOLD YOU SO" OR MADE FUN OF AT ALL IN THIS THREAD! ANYONE WHO DOES SO WILL BE REMOVED! I don't always get messages or have people come to me to sit down with the Council so you can just post in here that you would like to talk and I will send you a FR to sit and discuss your return or not. Basically this is an open door to come and talk with me and or the Council. There is not any guarantee that you will be let back. Our rule is what it is. However some people left due to not knowing the real truth and might have been misled and would like a second chance. Well here it is. Don’t waste my time. If you are a racist or cheater the answer is without a doubt NO. But if like I said you were told something that was or is not true and would...


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Throughout its history, the Xiled Gaming Company has successfully met all its challenges. The online XG community began on January of 2006, the Council of Leaders broke from the community known as KSI in order to run a Community free of cheating, trash talking, racism and run it the way they see fit.

From those early days of the XG community there has been, certain bedrock principles or core values that have been carried by the members in silence. They consist of three basic principles, and together create the XGC mission.

Honor: "I will bear true faith and allegiance..." Accordingly, we will: Conduct ourselves in the highest ethical manner in all relationships with peers, superiors and subordinates; Be honest and truthful in our dealings with each other, and with those outside the XGC community; Be willing to make honest recommendations and accept those of junior personnel; Encourage new ideas and deliver the bad news, even when it is unpopular; Abide...


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What makes a community a community?

The word community comes from the Latin communis, meaning "common, public, and shared by all or many."

People have formed communities from the days of the earliest hunter-gatherers. Communities are distinguished by enough participants in a group caring for the common good, developing a sense of community, in which they give of themselves. A crucial factor is the balance between self-interest and shared interests. Whatever drives people to cooperate in the first place is not as important in the context of community as what makes them continue to associate. Lasting ties between and among people are what is important in the formation of viable communities. Successful efforts by a mix of participants tend to attract the attention of other less-connected individuals who may seek to join a group that is succeeding.

The majority of the founding Leaders of Xiled Gaming, came together to launch...