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SYN General Promotion - Bullmn

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Everyone please join me in congratulating Bullmn on his promotion to General of SYN ABYSS.
Bullmn and I have been friends on Xbox Live going back to Halo 2. He is an avid CoD and Rocket League player, and one hell of a friend. Bullmn had a Clan named Devils of Gaming from Halo 2 through CoD 4 MW. When it ended, I remember him telling me that he would never start or join another clan. Flash forward to January of 2020. While we were playing CoD MW and Rocket League with my fellow members of SYN Gotham, he became intrigued at my excitement about this community of ours and the possibility of joining a clan again.

After a month of this, I was able to recruit Bullmn. He joined XG as a member of SYN Gotham on February 16th, 2020. Imagine my excitement to have another of my old friends join me in this community.

Not long after Bullmn joined, I was made a Captain of Joker Squad in SYN Gotham and he...

KoG General Promotion - KoG Revan

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Congratulations to KoG Revan On his Promotion to General Over KoG Leviathan
KoG Revan joined the community in 2007 during the Halo days into KoG Good Game. As a new member, he knew that he was going to achieve goals in Xiled Gaming.
During his time in the early years of XG, through motivation and passion, he was able to achieve his goal and was promoted to Section Leader in KoG. Due to personal life crisis, he had to go Inactive.
After returning to Xiled Gaming, he joined KoG LookOut under KoG Alucard and once again was determined to set goals for the clan as well as himself. Helping the clan grow and setting an example to lower-ranking members that here in KoG we are Family. The love and dedication that he shows for this Community and its members goes above and beyond.

Congratulations, KoG Revan. I look forward to working with you and watching...

SYN General Promotion - SYN Cinder

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SYN General Promotion - SYN Cinder

SYN Cinder was recruited in on Sept 17 2011 into XGC kings. Although she transferred to XGC Vixens when XGC Still had Clans. Cinder came back in XGC Xiled Kings. Cinder transferred to XGC Coldfire and the clan split into XGC 101st XK. SYN Cinder transferred from XGC Division to SYN Division into SYN Divergent. Also, transferred to SYN War Underneath SYN Ribon. However, Cinder was merged into SYN Eternal due to the clan being shut down at the time. Although, Kept her squad and continue to grow the squad. Then clan split into SYN Valhalla. Cinder has shown great leadership skills and is very determined, her main focus is for growth and development for her clan. Cinder has big plans for SYN Valhalla as well as many goals set. She is flourishing in her own way. She's very determined and driven to grow. Cinder is very positive and an excellent listener when it comes to her members. Cinder...

SYN General Promotion - SYN Shaggy

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Congratulations to SYN Shaggy on his Promotion to General over SYN BloodLine.

SYN Shaggy began his journey back in April of 2016 with Xiled Gaming back in the 360 days. SYN Shaggy's name was SYN SohCahToa back in the day as he was a Captain under SYN kryptonic in the clan SYN BloodLine. SYN Shaggy was in that stage of chasing girls at that time and put that Xbox away and left the community to go out and have some fun for a while. He decided to come back to Xiled Gaming in Nov of 2016. He was placed in KoG in the clan KoG Mafia. This is where he changed his name to KoG Shaggy then transferred to my section on April 27, 2020, to SYN Greed 7. At this time SYN LexTech was his General and SYN kryptonic was his Captain, Remind you SYN kryptonic was his General back in the day. SYN Shaggy became LT on May 6th for SYN Greed 7. As SYN Shaggy was already familiar with a lot in the community it did not take much...

SYN General Promotion - SYN Kenshin

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SYN General Promotion - SYN Kenshin

Everyone, please give a round of applause to SYN Kenshin on his promotion to General over SYN Manslayers.

SYN Kenshin was an avid Call of Duty player when he was recruited, by a friend, back in February of 2013 into the clan of XGC Charlie Company. He joined because he wanted to be apart of a great community and clan.

SYN Kenshin has worked religiously to improve the community. One of the last members left in his previous clan, he was placed in SYN Celestial. Upon his Section Leader leaving and new General being promoted (SYN Unholy) he stepped up for the clan and become captain. With the clan on brink of destruction, SYN Kenshin worked closely with his General, countless hours, to save the clan eventually renaming it to SYN LEVIATHAN. With SYN Kenshin's hard work and his dedication as well as training his leadership to the best of his ability, they were moving in the right direction...

SYN General Promotion - SYN Oceanic

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SYN General Promotion - SYN Oceanic

SYN Oceanic was recruited into XGC Explicit on April 29, 2014. During the time he spent over there he made it up to the ranks of Lieutenant. In December of 2014, he decided to make a transfer to XGC Immortals XK, where his real-life became a little more hectic so he had to take a short leave of absence until his return in December 2015. He returned from inactivity into XGC Atrocity. Shortly after his return, he decided to make a big choice of moving from XGC to SYN Kings. Due to his hard work, Kings were able to clan split into SYN Nemesis where SYN Oceanic began to truly shine. Oceanic transferred over to SYN Xiled Kings, then was clan split into SYN Blackwater. When Oceanic became General over SYN Blackwater, He focused his attention on working with members. Oceanic is striving for greatness and has big plans for Blackwater. I have no doubt he will achieve his goal of growing...

SYN General Promotion - SYN BREEZY1

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SYN General Promotion - SYN BREEZY1
Breezy1 was recruited on Oct 24, 2015, and joined SYN Eternal. Breezy soon worked his way up the ranks and became a Section Leader. SYN Breezy had transferred from KoG division back into SYN Division. However, Breezy came back with a passion for his original home clan SYN Xiled kings. Breezy is an experienced leader. He has strived to achieve every goal, even if they are out of reach. Breezy continues to set goals for Xiled Kings. Breezy is an excellent listener when it comes to his members and a hard worker. He always tries to think positive and always has a plan for whatever might be thrown his way. Breezy loves being a part of SYN Xiled Kings and enjoys every moment with members within the clan. Breezy is always looking for new and exciting ways to grow the community, and continue to work towards the goals of helping this community grow even bigger.
I am proud to congratulate SYN...

Welcome Home

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Hello XG!

We have appreciated everyone's patience over the last two or three weeks. It was a long, and tedious process but we're finally here. We also want to thank everyone for their generous contributions to the community. Whether it was your time, money or your patiences, we thank you for your continued commitment to making Xiled Gaming the best.

The website upgrade has been a long time coming. Our last upgrade from VB4 to VB5 came with many unforeseen issues and we lost a lot of functionality that our community needed to operate. While VBulletin served our community well for years, it was time to move on.

Why Xenforo? Xenforo is a self-hosted, premium forum software. Websites such as IGN, Toms Hardware, and more all utilize Xenforo's software. However, what's most important to us is that it has an active community creating mod's/add-ons. That gives us the ability to regain lost functionality and gain even more. Speaking of which, we have already installed a number of addons...

Clan Compete Tournament

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CC CDL Domination Tournament
Hosted by ClanCompete

Welcome to ClanCompete’s CDL Domination Tournament.

The event will be held on Saturday, July 18th, with gameplay expected to start at 8:30 p.m. eastern. Registration will consist of teams of five, with provision for substitutes, and we will try to accommodate as many teams as are interested in participating.

Sign-ups are linked ->HERE<-. Rules for registration, play, and scoring are attached to the tournament. Any further questions can be directed to KoG Turdz XS, KoG MamaCoco XS or KoG Caustic.


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The Xiled Gaming Leaders have decided to offer memberships for those who have left Xiled Gaming but wish to come back. We've added this, "Pay To Come Back" to XG for a couple of reasons.

The first being that: When you originally join, you get a free membership to our community.
We seek to recruit people into our family who are like minded gamers and we want the opportunity to give you the best online gaming experience possible. Sometimes people quit or get kicked out for the wrong reasons. We don't want to charge to give YOU your membership back. It's your's, we will get you back in. However, those who leave and take up the time of our hard working leaders, the one's who left due to drama or thought they could recreate our fraternity of gamers, you will have to pay (if approved) to regain your membership as well as your standing in the community.
Now I'm sure some of you are sitting there thinking this is a way for XG to make money off of gamers. Let me assure you Xiled Gaming...