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Hello XG!

We have appreciated everyone's patience over the last two or three weeks. It was a long, and tedious process but we're finally here. We also want to thank everyone for their generous contributions to the community. Whether it was your time, money or your patiences, we thank you for your continued commitment to making Xiled Gaming the best.

The website upgrade has been a long time coming. Our last upgrade from VB4 to VB5 came with many unforeseen issues and we lost a lot of functionality that our community needed to operate. While VBulletin served our community well for years, it was time to move on.

Why Xenforo? Xenforo is a self-hosted, premium forum software. Websites such as IGN, Toms Hardware, and more all utilize Xenforo's software. However, what's most important to us is that it has an active community creating mod's/add-ons. That gives us the ability to regain lost functionality and gain even more. Speaking of which, we have already installed a number of addons...