Welcome to Xiled Gaming
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General meeting notes


Section Leader
Apr 4, 2018
When removing members from the community. Please make sure you are that you are following the proper steps in the removal process. Make sure you are covering all bases(Clan list,Squad list,Usergroup,Discord). If you need help with any of this please make sure you are contacting your peers or chain of command and they will help you the best they can. Remember just because they are not a good fit for your clan doesn't mean they are not a good fit somewhere else.

Helping out other gamers

One of the benefits of being in Xiled Gaming is that there are members to help other members on games by providing tips, suggestions, and helping them through tough levels. There is no issues helping someone rank up in a game by assisting them in a level or providing them with in-game gear, as long as it is allowed by the game and no modding is occurring. We should be encouraging members to game together and to help each other.

Banner Requests

With the new upgrades to the website, the Clan Banner dimension format size has been updated from 400x75px to 200x80px. Generals if you wish to upload your own banners onto the website, as a reminder it needs to fall in the correct format as seen below.
1- Image format size must be 200x80 pixels
2- Must include clan name on the banner (ex: XGC, KoG, SYN)
If you are not sure where to upload your Clan Banner, feel free to hit up your Leaders or myself

We as the Design Team will be going through and editing the format sizes for Clan Banners, Leader Banners, Avatars, etc. They can be found HERE: DESIGN GUIDELINES, FORMATS, & SIZES

Most of your Clan banners can not be retrieved from the previous website. If you know the person who created the banner please get with them and get the info. Or this would be a awesome time to get together with your clan members and create a banner that is custom for your clan. If you are interested in having a new one made, Generals, you are welcomed to click HERE: REQUEST A BANNER

Community Events

Warzone Event hosted by Clan Compete

Clan Compete will be hosting a Warzone Event on Saturday, August 1st at 8:30 PM Eastern Time. Please get members registered who are interested in competing, and ensure they are using the same username as their Xbox gamertag on the site.
Clan Compete
Clan Compete - Online ladders and tournaments for all Gamers.

Call of Duty: Black Ops 4
Saturday, August 8th @ 9pm EST
Game Modes: Custom Blackout
Hosts: SYN OPTIC & XGC Buffy XD


Section Leader
Apr 4, 2018
Weekly Warzone Tournament

Presenting: Warzone Weekend. Every Friday or Saturday night (depending on schedules) there will be a two hour Warzone Tournament hosted by ClanCompete. We will be keeping a running tally of team scores each week that will be posted on the site. The event can be watched LIVE at Twitch.tv/XiledGamingTV every week.

For those who want to participate, make sure they have a team set up on Clan Compete - for questions, comments or ideas, hit up any of the CC Staff.


MICRO MANAGING Micro managing is stepping all over your leaders feet, doing their jobs for them, not giving them the freedom to succeed on their own, not holding them accountable for the members they are over, and basically just not giving them enough respect to let them do their jobs. This...

The Xiled Gaming rank structure is in place to ensure that the responsibility over sections, clans, and squads, is not all placed on one person. Prior to promoting somebody into a leadership rank, you should have worked with them to make sure they knew the basics of the rank beforehand, and that they are capable of making good decisions to better their squad and the clan as a whole. Allowing people to make mistakes is a critical part of them becoming a stronger leader, when you see mistakes happen, have a conversation with them about what they can change in order to prevent that mistake from being repeated in the future.

By doing someone's responsibilities for them, you aren't setting them up for success, because they need to know how to do their responsibilities without you being present. Trust in their decisions and work with them on teaching the leaders and members beneath them the correct way to do things.

Preparing for the Future

When looking at your squads and your clan day to day, take note of things that you see them doing well, and things they could improve on. If your clan is struggling with recruiting, have a conversation with the leadership about what's not working for them. If your clan is growing very quickly, but struggling to find members who want to move into leadership, bring that up in the clan meeting and ask people to speak up on if they have questions about going into leadership, or why some people may be hesitating to move up. Sometimes that's all that is needed, once you start a conversation and have people thinking about something it will help, not necessarily right away, but it lays a foundation for future communication.

As leaders in this community we should always be on the lookout for future leadership, we want our future leadership to be better than what we were. Never hold anyone back, give people the chance to show what they can do for our community as a whole, sometimes you have to break a few eggs to make a good omelet.

Community Wide Events

Saturday, August 8th @ 9pm EST
Hosts: SYN JAChelle XS & KoG Alucard

Black Ops 4
Saturday, August 8th @ 9pm EST
Game Modes: Custom Blackout
Hosts: XGC Buffy XD & XGC Pepsi Mango

Modern Warfare
Wednesday, August 12th @ 9pm EST
Game Modes: Lobby-voted
Hosts: Ragintigress & XGC Horus XS


Section Leader
Apr 4, 2018

Name Change Research

When researching name changes, make sure you are utilizing the Members search to check that the name isn't currently in use. If the name has been inactive for more than 3 years and isn't currently in a usergroup or listed on a clan list, it is okay to approve someone for that inactive name.

As a reminder, gamertags can only be 12 characters total, so anything longer needs to be shortened before approval.

Navigating Clan Forum

Reminder that you have the ability to view your clan usergroup - when going to the Clan Forum, scroll to the right and find "Clan Members" as a tab and that is the clan usergroup. AT LEAST twice a month you need to verify that the clan list and the clan usergroup match. This is important for keeping paperwork updated as much as possible so that higher ups can view it and get accurate information about the number of people currently in the clan.

Recruits should not be accepted into the usergroup until they have been promoted to the rank of private, in order to prevent unnecessary paperwork through the help desk for those who don't make it past the 7 day trial period.

Leadership Classes

Please note that leadership classes are updated and back - if you need a class on a specific date/time, message any of the instructors with a date and time that works for you, or if your captain may need one.

Meet the leadership development team
DO NOT POST IN THIS THREAD Below are a list of those that are part of the Leadership Development Team for Xiled Gaming. This list is meant to help our members know who is on the team and what their roles are. Leadership Development Team Trainer XGC HYLANDER XC Section Leader Classes All...


Leadership Training Classes

Captain's Class
Saturday, August 15th @ 8pm EST
Hosted by KoG Turdz XS
Captains Class
KoG Turdz XS will be hosting a Captains Class on Saturday Aug. 15, 2020 @ 8pm est This class is highly encouraged for those who intend to move up the ranks. It is open to any member holding the currently rank of Captain in all divisions with XG. This class will hold 10 spots. Members will be...


Intro to General's Class
Monday, August 24th @ 8pm EST
Hosted by XGC Tantaliz XC
[8.24.20] Intro to Generals Class
XGC Tantaliz XC will be hosting an Intro to Generals Class on Monday, August 24th, @ 8pm EST It is open to any member holding the current rank of General in all divisions within XG. This class will be held in Party Chat with only 10 spots available. Members will be invited according to the...


Advanced General's Class
Tuesday, September 1st @ 8pm EST
Hosted by XGC Tantaliz XC
[9.1.20] Advanced Generals Class
XGC Tantaliz XC will be hosting an Advanced Generals Class on Tuesday, September 1st, @ 8pm EST. It is open to any member holding the current rank of General in all divisions within XG. This class will be held in Party Chat with only 10 spots available. Members will be invited according to the...


Section Leader Class
Tuesday, August 18th @ 8pm EST
Hosted by XGC Tantaliz XC
[8.18.20] Section Leader Class
If you are not a Section Leader, DO NOT post in this thread. The Section Leader Class is for ALL Section Leaders. This class will be 2 hours long and you must attend the entire class in order to get credit for it. The class will be Tuesday, August 18, @ 8pm EST. It is not mandatory but...


Community Wide Events

Modern Warfare
Wednesday, August 12th @ 9pm EST
Game Modes: Hardcore and Core game modes
Hosts: Ragintigress & XGC Horus XS

Modern Warfare
Saturday, August 15th @ 9pm EST
Game Modes: Hardcore Modes & more
Hosts: XGC StaleDonuts & SYN JAChelle XS


Section Leader
Apr 4, 2018
Warzone Tournament

The ClanCompete weekly Warzone Tournament will be back this Saturday, August 22nd starting at 8:30pm EST.
Each team must have 4 players only, and scoring will be based on total kills per game - only the top 3 games should be submitted to the tournament officials and must be present in the Team Captains Xbox Activity Feed for verification.
If you want to put a team together, please make sure you join the ladder here:
Clan Compete
Clan Compete - Online ladders and tournaments for all Gamers.

This tournament is currently only open to players on Xbox. No PC or PS4 players allowed.

Grass Wasn't Greener

The Grass Wasn't Greener should never be used as a recruiting ground for you or anybody in your clan. If you have information about a GWG applicant, let your XS know and they will be able to post a reply in that individual's application - only XS and higher are allowed to post in current GWG applications.

Please note that if you have a member who is returning that had to put in a GWG application, you need to verify that their application was approved before adding them back into the clan usergroup - if someone has a denied application, they should not be added into the clan usergroup under ANY circumstances.
Additionally, if someone was approved and had to pay to return, they will be placed by an XD or higher and cannot choose the clan they return into.

Verify that if someone says their application was approved, don't just take their word for it. It's a simple thing to check that will save you trouble down the road.

Recruiting / Thinking Ahead

As we get closer to fall, now is a great time to push recruiting - people tend to stay indoors as the weather cools off and we get into fall and winter.
You need to be talking to all of your clan members about recruiting and making it a priority, if your clan has been struggling with recruiting, talk about ways to fix that with either your Section Leader, or with the open door policy.
With new consoles and games still supposed to come out through the end of this year, make sure you have conversations about who is planning on buying new consoles and new games now, that way when they do come out it isn't a surprise to see people switch games or consoles.

This information should be utilized when considering squad splits and clan splits - don't send a group of people out who might not be playing the same games as each other in a matter of a few weeks as that doesn't set the squad or clan up for success going forward.

Leadership Development

With recruiting and growth always comes the challenge of training future leadership. The easiest way to start training potential future leaders is by starting at the very beginning, even as a recruit or as a private, because that way the knowledge has time to develop within their mind and they will be comfortable asking questions from the get-go.

Make sure your clan doesn't just focus on recruiting - it needs to be an equal balance of recruiting and training current clan members, otherwise you'll end up in a not so great situation down the road. That's why we have the rank structure in place, because everyone contributes towards training, whether they are in leadership or not, just from being in parties and games and having conversations. Having the team all working together pulling the same rope in the same direction should always be the goal, because the more people that are doing it, the easier it will be for the group as a whole.

Leadership Training Classes

Intro to General's Class
Monday, August 24th @ 8pm EST
Hosted by XGC Tantaliz XC
[8.24.20] Intro to Generals Class
XGC Tantaliz XC will be hosting an Intro to Generals Class on Monday, August 24th, @ 8pm EST It is open to any member holding the current rank of General in all divisions within XG. This class will be held in Party Chat with only 10 spots available. Members will be invited according to the...


Advanced General's Class
Tuesday, September 1st @ 8pm EST
Hosted by XGC Tantaliz XC
[9.1.20] Advanced Generals Class
XGC Tantaliz XC will be hosting an Advanced Generals Class on Tuesday, September 1st, @ 8pm EST. It is open to any member holding the current rank of General in all divisions within XG. This class will be held in Party Chat with only 10 spots available. Members will be invited according to the...


Section Leader Class
Tuesday, August 18th @ 8pm EST
Hosted by XGC Tantaliz XC
[8.18.20] Section Leader Class
If you are not a Section Leader, DO NOT post in this thread. The Section Leader Class is for ALL Section Leaders. This class will be 2 hours long and you must attend the entire class in order to get credit for it. The class will be Tuesday, August 18, @ 8pm EST. It is not mandatory but...


Community Wide Events

Saturday, August 22nd @ 9pm EST
Game Modes: Custom Battle Royale

Call of Duty: Black Ops 4
Saturday, September 12th @ 9pm EST
Game Modes: Custom Blackout


Section Leader
Apr 4, 2018
Recycling Leadership

All ranks must be earned - handing somebody a leadership rank only because they have previously held a leadership rank in the past is not what you and your leaders should focus on when considering promotions. Go through their current rank responsibilities and ensure that they are already doing what is expected of them at that rank. Then take a look at the responsibilities of the next rank and evaluate whether or not you think they can handle the extra responsibilities of that rank - if you feel like they could fulfill some but not all, start working with them on those areas that they need training on.

To be clear, nobody is barred from going back into leadership after a demotion, but they need to show that they are going to uphold their rank responsibilities instead of it simply being assumed that "they've done it before so they know what they're doing." Issues which caused them to be demoted need to be addressed to ensure they don't repeat the same mistakes as before, and if you only look at members who had previous experience it becomes easy to overlook members who haven't been in leadership before, even if they are demonstrating more leadership qualities than someone who's been leadership previously.

Removal Requests / Help Desk

Please remember that usergroups should be checked at least twice a month to ensure that they match the clan list - meaning anybody who is in the usergroup who has left, transferred, or been removed for inactivity shouldn't still be in the usergroup. In order to submit a ticket for removal, you need to go to the Help Desk, then select the Usergroup Removal Request category, being sure to follow the correct format as listed, with the correct spelling of the member's name and a detailed reason for the removal. Make sure you are including any specifics that would be needed in case the member wants to return through the GWG in the future. Members removed for inactivity do not need to post a GWG and are welcome to return to any clan of their choice.

Additionally, members need to request to join the clan usergroup and should be accepted only once they reach the rank of private in order to reduce removal requests for recruits who don't stay after the 7 day recruit period.

In-Game Regiments / Clans

When creating in-game clans or regiments, it is recommended to have members of leadership in control of them in order to maintain them and keep things running smoothly. Having an in-game regiment or clan on certain games allows certain benefits and perks that can be used as a tool to help bring in new recruits and members as well, such as XP bonuses, rewards, etc. However, members are not required to be a part of an XG in-game clan or regiment unless they wish to be, they are able to be in any they choose.

Enforcing the Honor Code

As a reminder, all XG members are expected to follow their specific division honor code, which can be located here:
The honor code is the foundation that Xiled Gaming was built on. It is the code of conduct for how our gamers should play and conduct themselves as members in our community.

Using derogatory terms that target a specific race or gender are not allowed and must be handled immediately, with a warning and/or removal from the community, depending on the severity. Use of the N-Word is not allowed under any circumstances within Xiled Gaming. Make sure that you and your leaders are able to handle these situations when they arise and help to teach them if they haven't had to deal with this type of issue, or reach out to your chain of command if you need assistance.

Leadership Training Classes

Captain's Class
Saturday, August 29th @ 9pm EST
Hosted by KoG LOTUS XS
Captains Class [08.29.2020]
KoG LOTUS XS will be hosting a Captains Class on 08.29.2020 @ 9pm est This class is highly encouraged for those who intend to move up the ranks. It is open to any member holding the currently rank of Captain in all divisions with XG. This class will hold 10 spots. Members will be invited in...

Captain's Class
Monday, August 31st @ 9pm EST
Hosted by KoG Turdz XS
Captains Class 8/31/2020 9pm Est
KoG Turdz XS will be hosting a Captains Class on 08.31.2020 @ 9pm est This class is highly encouraged for those who intend to move up the ranks. It is open to any member holding the currently rank of Captain in all divisions with XG. This class will hold 10 spots. Members will be invited in...

Intro to General's Class
Monday, August 24th @ 8pm EST
Hosted by XGC Tantaliz XC
[8.24.20] Intro to Generals Class
XGC Tantaliz XC will be hosting an Intro to Generals Class on Monday, August 24th, @ 8pm EST It is open to any member holding the current rank of General in all divisions within XG. This class will be held in Party Chat with only 10 spots available. Members will be invited according to the...

Intro to General's Class
Tuesday, September 1st @ 8pm EST
Hosted by XGC Mini Me XD
Intro to Generals Class 9-1-2020 @8pm Eastern Time
XGC Mini Me XD will be hosting an Intro to Generals Class on Tuesday Sept 1st,2020 @8pm Eastern Time. It is open to any member holding the current rank of General in all divisions within XG. 8pm Eastern Time 7pm Central Time 6pm Mountain Time 5pm Pacific Time 1am UK Time This class will be...

Advanced General's Class
Tuesday, September 1st @ 8pm EST
Hosted by XGC Tantaliz XC
[9.1.20] Advanced Generals Class
XGC Tantaliz XC will be hosting an Advanced Generals Class on Tuesday, September 1st, @ 8pm EST. It is open to any member holding the current rank of General in all divisions within XG. This class will be held in Party Chat with only 10 spots available. Members will be invited according to the...

Community Wide Events

Modern Warfare
Saturday, August 29th @ 9pm EST
Game Modes: Hardcore / Lobby Voted
Hosts: XGC ironvik & XGC StaleDonuts

Prominence Poker
Saturday, September 5th @ 9pm EST
Hosts: KoG Havel & XGC StaleDonuts

Black Ops 4
Saturday, September 12th @ 9pm EST
Game Modes: Custom Blackout
Hosts: XGC ironvik & XGC Buffy XD


Section Leader
Apr 4, 2018
Building A Leadership Pipeline

For your clan, you need to have a leadership development plan in place in order for everyone to be successful and achieving their goals. Some might think that training doesn't happen until someone has reached the rank of lieutenant (first leadership rank), but if you take a look at the rank structure under rank responsibilities, you'll actually find that learning and training starts at the rank of private. See the below rank responsibilities for a Private.

#2. Learn, understand, and follow the Honor Code.
#3. Learn, understand, and follow the rank structure and chain of command.

Notice the words learn and understand are used, not just locate and read, as it is more than just knowing where to find these items on the website, it's about explaining our rules and guidelines in a way that each individual member understands.

So how are they to get that knowledge? The number one priority of Generals and Captains is to get recruits and privates to the rank of sergeant. That means more than simply promoting members just because they spent their two weeks at private. It means that leadership development begins at this level by providing the foundation of knowledge that every member needs to understand. Specifically, Xiled Gaming's Four Main Components or Pillars which set us apart from every other gaming community, which include the Honor Code, Rank Structure, Promotion Requirements, and Clan Structure. Training can be done in many different ways, from covering information in clan meetings, to one on one training with members throughout the week - many clans cover an article of the Honor Code each week, one rank responsibility, one promotion requirement, and so on. Also, make sure that you are going fully over the rank responsibilities when doing a promotion and ensuring the member accepts them and asks any questions they may have. This will set them up for success in their new role.

Establishing a system of providing this information will start to establish your leadership pipeline. Members tend to be more active and will want to move up the ranks more once they understand the foundation of our community and what is expected of them. You do not want to have a gap in your pipeline due to no one being prepared or trained, just as you do not want your leadership pipeline to be clogged because someone is promoted to a higher position without having the basic knowledge required for the rank. This is not preparing them for success and will cause harm to the clan.

When a leader has to step down due to personal life, or if someone is demoted for failing to complete their responsibilities, it shouldn't cause the clan to completely fail. If a clan is doing really well, you also need a pipeline in place to prepare for potential squad splits or a clan split, so that you have members ready to move up into the new ranks created by splitting.

Clan and Squad Lists

As a reminder, clan and squad lists are due by tomorrow, August 31st @ 11:59pm EST. You need to verify that they have been posted, do not just take your Captain's word for it - check to make sure it was done. Make sure you are deleting all old clan lists as well to keep things clean, there should only be three posts in the clan list thread - the Do Not Post In This Thread, the original clan list, and the current clan list. If you know you will be unable to post your list on time, you are able to post up to 3 days early, or let your XS know that you won't be able to get it done this time. If a captain doesn't post their squad list, you as General need to post their list for them and follow up as to why it wasn't done. Also please make sure edits are being made in between the posts on the 1st and 15th, to add any new members to the clan, remove anyone who needs to be removed, and also to ensure members who were promoted or demoted are listed in the correct rank.

Leadership Training Classes

Captain's Class
Monday, August 31st @ 9pm EST
Hosted by KoG Turdz XS
Captains Class 8/31/2020 9pm Est
KoG Turdz XS will be hosting a Captains Class on 08.31.2020 @ 9pm est This class is highly encouraged for those who intend to move up the ranks. It is open to any member holding the currently rank of Captain in all divisions with XG. This class will hold 10 spots. Members will be invited in...

Intro to General's Class
Tuesday, September 1st @ 8pm EST
Hosted by XGC Mini Me XD
Intro to Generals Class 9-1-2020 @8pm Eastern Time
XGC Mini Me XD will be hosting an Intro to Generals Class on Tuesday Sept 1st,2020 @8pm Eastern Time. It is open to any member holding the current rank of General in all divisions within XG. 8pm Eastern Time 7pm Central Time 6pm Mountain Time 5pm Pacific Time 1am UK Time This class will be...

Advanced General's Class
Tuesday, September 1st @ 8pm EST
Hosted by XGC Tantaliz XC
[9.1.20] Advanced Generals Class
XGC Tantaliz XC will be hosting an Advanced Generals Class on Tuesday, September 1st, @ 8pm EST. It is open to any member holding the current rank of General in all divisions within XG. This class will be held in Party Chat with only 10 spots available. Members will be invited according to the...

Community Wide Events

Prominence Poker
Saturday, September 5th @ 9pm EST
Hosts: KoG Havel & XGC StaleDonuts

Black Ops 4
Saturday, September 12th @ 9pm EST
Modes: Custom Blackout
Hosts: XGC ironvik & XGC Buffy XD


Section Leader
Apr 4, 2018
New Xbox Console Release 2020

The new Xbox Series S and Xbox Series X were announced last week and will be releasing on November 10th 2020. Please start asking members about whether or not they will be getting the new console, staying with the Xbox One, and what games they are planning on buying when they come out.

Notable Games / DLCs coming up:
Star Wars: Squadrons - October 2nd
Watch Dogs Legion - October 29th
Assassin's Creed Valhalla - November 10th
Destiny 2 Beyond Light - November 10th
Call of Duty Black Ops: Cold War - November 13th
Cyberpunk 2077 - November 19th

Xiled Gaming Logo

We are looking for a new logo, created by the community! Please refer to this thread and let any members know who have design experience about this opportunity. The logo needs to include either X or XG and should be clean and professional looking, and submissions can be posted in this thread.

PRIORITY: - Xiled Gaming Logo
Prior to the website update, our previous logo was our infamous X. We want something new and we want you, our community members, to take part in creating a new logo to represent us in different outlets including but not limited to our website, streaming and social media. We are looking...

Clan & Squad Lists

Reminder that clan and squad lists must be posted by 11:59pm EST tomorrow, 9/14/2020 - If a squad list isn't posted, you as General must post the squad list for the captain and follow up with them about why it wasn't completed. Make sure to check that your clan list and usergroup matches, check that nobody is still listed who needs to be removed, and that any new members have requested to join the usergroup and been accepted after they reach the rank of private.

Leadership Training Classes

Captain's Class
Friday, September 25th @ 9pm EST
Hosted by KoG Turdz XS
Captains Class 9/25/20 9pm est
KoG Turdz XS will be hosting a Captains Class on 9/25/20 @9pm est This class is highly encouraged for those who intend to move up the ranks. It is open to any member holding the currently rank of Captain in all divisions with XG. This class will hold 10 spots. Members will be invited in order...

Intro to General's Class
Friday, September 18th @ 9pm EST
Hosted by XGC Tantaliz XC
[9.18.20] Intro to Generals Class
XGC Tantaliz XC will be hosting an Intro to Generals Class on Friday, September 18th @ 9PM EST. It is open to any member holding the current rank of General in all divisions within XG. This class will be held in Party Chat with only 10 spots available. Members will be invited according to the...

Advanced General's Class
Friday, October 2nd @ 9pm EST
Hosted by XGC Tantaliz XC
[10.2.20] Advanced Generals Class
XGC Tantaliz XC will be hosting an Advanced Generals Class on Friday October 2nd @ 9PM EST. It is open to any member holding the current rank of General in all divisions within XG. This class will be held in Party Chat with only 10 spots available. Members will be invited according to the...

Community Wide Events

Modern Warfare
Wednesday, September 16th @ 9pm EST
Hosts: SYN Orpheus & SYN JAChelle XS

Modern Warfare
Saturday, September 19th @ 8pm EST
Hosts: XGC Pepsi Mango & SYN Stiddy

Modern Warfare
Tuesday, September 22nd @ 9pm EST


Section Leader
Apr 4, 2018
Discord Usage

Remember that you as a General have the ability to assign roles to members when they join into your division Discord server - make sure you and leadership are getting the link out to new members and getting them assigned so all your members have access to the clan chat box and can communicate with their fellow clan members. Make sure you and your leadership are putting out clan news and announcements as needed, as well as using the leadership channel. Communication is the key to success!

Holding Leadership Accountable

As a General, you must hold your Captains and Lieutenants to their responsibilities as listed in the rank structure - making sure you are calling them out for what they are doing well and what they need to improve on. This includes making sure that your leaders are on top of holding squad meetings and game nights every week, and looking at their online activity - specifically on if they are playing with their squad members to ensure no member is left behind. This in turn is a part of your responsibilities as a General, to ensure your clan is developing and progressing as it should, instead of staying stagnant or declining. This means making sure that everyone is doing their jobs as detailed in the rank responsibilities and rank structure.

If someone is missing and not completing a couple of responsibilities, talk to them early - see what's causing them to complete some things and not others. If you head it off at the pass before it gets really bad, you more than often will be able to prevent your clan from going stagnant or eventually dying, but if you don't talk to them early you'll have a much bigger issue on your hands. Being proactive instead of reactive will make things easier on both you and the leadership within the clan.

That being said, when someone is having issues and not fulfilling those responsibilities, you have an obligation to talk to that leader and tell them - not just deciding after a few weeks that it isn't working, without trying to help them turn it around.

Upcoming Games and New Consoles

As a reminder, we brought this up about a month ago - the new Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S are due to release in just over a month on November 10th.
Over the next couple of weeks, we need you to get with your clan and members to find out who is getting new consoles, new games, and making sure you and your leaders are prepared for any changes ahead of time.

As always, if your clan needs to change what your primary games are, please let your Section Leader know so they can submit an Update Clan request through the Help Desk to help keep those games up to date for potential transfers, members returning through the GWG, etc.

Leadership Training Classes

Intro to General's Class
Friday, October 9th @ 9pm EST
Hosted by XGC Mini Me XD
Intro to Generals Class 10/9/2020 @9pm
XGC Mini Me XD will be hosting an Intro to Generals Class on Oct 9th 2020 @ 9pm Eastern Time. It is open to any member holding the current rank of General in all divisions within XG. This class will be held in Party Chat with only 10 spots available. Members will be invited according to the...

Community Wide Events

Destiny 2
Friday, October 9th @ 8pm EST
Hosted by XGC PEPSI MANGO & XGC Buffy XD

Among Us
Saturday, October 10th @ 8pm EST
Hosts: XGC Horus XS & XGC Buffy XD


Section Leader
Apr 4, 2018
Great Things Never Came
From Your Comfort Zone

Honor Code Section VII

Violation of the Honor Code will earn a Gamer a warning; two warnings and you will be banned from the community. Members caught purposely cheating and/or participating in manipulated online play will be immediately banned. No exceptions!

Religion & Politics

We are an online gaming community, meaning that we are here to game, not to talk about subjects such as religion and politics. Talking about these topics are deeply personal to each person, and talking about them can cause huge issues between clan members and even members in different sections or divisions, and have even caused clans to completely fall apart. Keep in mind that these topics should not be brought up between members and any discussions about these topics are very sensitive, so it's best to completely avoid discussions about them at all.

Official Communication

Official XG Communication should only take place on:
1. Xiled Gaming Website
2. Xbox Party Chat or Messages
3. Official XG Discord Servers

Creating Facebook groups, Discord servers, Kik chats, or anything else that is used to discuss clan business or Xiled Gaming topics besides the three official forms of communication will cost you your rank and possible membership in XG. This DOES NOT include chats or Discord servers for non-XG related topics, such as streaming Discords or official game Discord servers - if you need clarification, hit up your chain of command.

Discord is not mandatory for any ranks other than XS-XI, but is highly encouraged as a way to keep on touch with and meet other members who play the same games.


Sensitive Information

When speaking about information with leadership that is sensitive, whether over a party or in messages, make sure that this information isn't being brought up around members that it doesn't pertain to. This can be regarding promotions, demotions, warnings, etc. If a leader is spreading information around to members that it shouldn't be discussed with, disciplinary action will be taken which can include demotion or even removal from the community.

Working with Peers

To be successful as a group of leaders, we have to work together as a team. You have to be a strong enough leader to be able to put petty differences aside to work for the betterment of the whole team. There is no room for condescending remarks or attitudes when a peer comes to you for help. All leaders have had different experiences and have advice or perspectives to offer for specific situations or know how to answer a question that you might not know. Be willing to listen to ideas or perspectives, because it's hard for one person to consider all options and ideas by themselves. Make yourself an asset to anyone you can help when they are dealing with a situation they haven't had to previously.

1. Clan is struggling and is rebuilding - offer advice or support so that person or clan doesn't feel like they are alone and that people have their back.
2. A clan struggles with recruiting new members, while your clan steadily brings in recruits on a regular basis. Tell them your tactics and even team up and go recruiting together to help them become more comfortable and also show them different ways that they hadn't tried.
3. Someone new has been promoted that was previously under you - be there to listen to their questions and offer advice to them as they become accustomed to their new rank, continue building that mentor/protégé relationship that you have already established.

Game Nights

We have community wide events which are hosted by our community Events Team, that are listed each week in meeting notes - if you or any member are interested in hosting events which are open to the entire community, please apply by posting an application here: EVENTS TEAM APP AREA

Members and leaders are welcome to host clan game nights, squad game nights, or even section game nights, but community wide events must be hosted by members of the official Events Team. Please be considerate that if a game night is already taking place on a night when someone else is doing an unofficial game night, it can pull people away from the opportunity of meeting other members across the community. If you have questions about the Events Team, please hit up either XGC Buffy XD or SYN JAChelle XS on Xbox.

Leadership Training Classes

Intro to General's Class
Wednesday 11/11 @ 9pm EST
Hosted by XGC Tantaliz XC
[11.12.20] Intro to Generals Class
XGC Tantaliz XC will be hosting an Intro to Generals Class on Wednesday, November 12th @ 9pm EST. It is open to any member holding the current rank of General in all divisions within XG. This class will be held in Party Chat with only 10 spots available. Members will be invited according to...

Captain's Class
Thursday 11/12 @ 8pm EST
Hosted by KoG Turdz XD
Captains Class
KoG Turdz XD will be hosting a Captains Class on 11/12/2020 @8pm est This class is highly encouraged for those who intend to move up the ranks. It is open to any member holding the currently rank of Captain in all divisions with XG. This class will hold 10 spots. Members will be invited in...

Intro to General's Class
Saturday 11/14 @ 9:30pm EST
Hosted by XGC Mini Me XD
Intro to General's Class 11/14/2020 @9:30pm
XGC Mini Me XD will be hosting an Intro to Generals Class on 11/14/2020 @ 9:30pm Eastern Time. It is open to any member holding the current rank of General in all divisions within XG. 9:30pm Eastern Time 8:30pm Central Time 7:30pm Mountain Time 6:30pm Pacific Time 2:30am UK time This class...

Community Wide Events

Friday 11/13 @ 9pm EST
Hosts: XGC StaleDonuts & SYN JAChelle XS

Friday 11/13 @ 9:30pm EST
Hosts: XGC Aries & XGC Pepsi Mango

Black Ops: Cold War
Saturday 11/14 @ 9pm EST
Hosts: SYN Orpheus & SYN JAChelle XS

Among Us
Saturday 11/21 @ 8pm EST
Hosts: SYN JAChelle XS & Ragintigress#134


Section Leader
Apr 4, 2018
Meeting Notes 12/6/2020

Leaders become great not because of power but their ability to empower others

Stream Advertisement

The XG Communty Discord will now offer stream promotion and all things stream related. Follow for following, stream help, and stream suggestions. The point of this is for members to help new streamers, bring each other closer by being able to interact with members via stream and support each other's stream dream(s).

Cross-Platform Good News

We will be adding areas in the XG Discord for PlayStation gamers. This will include a place to share Activision IDs so Playstation gamers can cross-play and be apart of our community. They can utilize discord chats to communicate in-game or in-game lobby. The only requirement is that discord is used for these gamers. Them having the Xbox app is not required. If there is another game (PubG, Fortnite, rocket league, etc.) that needs to have these places created for such communication we will make those as well. There are no plans to make clans specific for PlayStation gamers. We are a gaming community and not specific to Xbox.

Clan & Squad Meetings

With Xiled Gaming welcoming gamers from Playstation and PC, clan and squad meetings can be held from the clan voice chat in the respective XG Divisional Discord as needed. It is not required to hold meetings via Discord, if you are able to hold meetings over Xbox and that is working for you then continue to do so, just know that it is an option to use Discord if needed. We will be adding areas for PC gamers in the XG Community Discord. These areas will offer a place for PC gamers to share Steam usernames, as well as areas for gamers to share the appropriate IDs so members can find people to play PC games with.

We will have game lobbies on discord for these games that will allow members to communicate on Discord if they choose to. The point of these changes is making the Xiled Gaming Discord open for everyone and to bring gamers together regardless of the platform they game on. We will be able to bring in new members and bring our current members together to play games across all platforms. We encourage all members to participate and share in these areas.

Xiled Leader Discord Chat


Make sure you are sending it to your leaders so they can join and be part of the Gen-XI chat as well as the Gen-XS chat for your division (KoG, SYN or XGC).

Additionally, Generals and above have the ability to assign roles to members when they join - make sure they are getting the link out to new members and getting them assigned so all members have access to their clan chat box and can communicate with their fellow clan members. Make sure leadership are putting out clan news and announcements as needed, as well as using the leadership channel. Communication is the key to success!

Clan Structure

The goal of the CLAN STRUCTURE is to create smaller, tighter, stronger more personal clans. A clan is a group of friends who gets on to play together. Think for a minute, when you turn on your console who are you looking for first? The people you look for or text before you turn on your console, those are your clan members.

Gone are the days of big clans. Gone are the days of dragging *** to get your clan split. Gone are the days of waiting for promotion. Do what's required for promotion, do what's required to split and it's going to happen. If it doesn't go straight to an XC or XI.

With XG being in so many games and having members on so many platforms we MUST execute our clan structure perfectly in order to ensure YOU as a member are playing with like minded gamers and enjoying playing with your friends.

1 General per 20-30 Members (Limit 1 per clan)
1 Captain to a minimum of 4 Members (Making this a Squad)
1 Lieutenant per Captain per squad.
There are NO amounts or ratios of sergeants or privates per clan or squad!
The proven Xiled Gaming rank structure will be followed exactly how it is written!
All recruits must be introduced to their squad members and get to know them for the first seven days in the squad. Recruits must be put into squads with members who play similar games and on similar consoles. If a member of a squad switches games or consoles they must be transferred to a different squad or clan if necessary. These transfers will be approved by your section leader.

Leadership Training Classes

Captain's Class
Friday, December 11th @ 9pm EST
Hosted by SYN JAChelle XS
Captains Class 12/11/20
SYN JAChelle XS will be hosting a Captains Class on Friday, Dec. 11th @ 9pm EST. This class is highly encouraged for those who intend to move up the ranks. It is open to any member holding the currently rank of Captain in all divisions with XG. This class will hold 10 spots. Members will be...

Advanced General's Class
Monday, December 7th @ 8pm EST
Hosted by XGC Tantaliz XC
[12.7.2020] Advanced Generals Class
XGC Tantaliz XC will be hosting an Advanced Generals Class on Monday, December 7th @ 8pm EST. It is open to any y holding the current rank of General in all divisions within XG. This class will be held in Party Chat with only 10 spots available. Members will be invited according to the order...

Community Wide Events

Cold War
Wednesday, December 9th @ 8pm EST
Hosts: SYN GrADemon & SYN JAChelle XS

Cold War
Friday, December 11th @ 8pm EST
Hosts: XGC Pepsi Mango & XGC Horus XS

Destiny 2
Friday, December 11th @ 8pm EST
Hosts: XGC WHACKO & XGC Buffy XD

CoD: Warzone
Saturday, December 12th @ 8pm EST
Hosts: SYN OkKaite1 & SYN JAChelle XS

Cold War
Saturday, December 12th @ 9pm EST
Hosts: XGC StaleDonuts & XGC ironvik

Destiny 2
Friday, December 18th @ 9pm EST
Hosts: XGC Pepsi Mango & KoG Havel XS

Friday, January 1st @ 8pm EST
Hosts: XGC ARIES & XGC Pepsi Mango


Section Leader
Apr 4, 2018
Meeting Notes 12/6/2020

Leaders become great not because of power but their ability to empower others

Stream Advertisement

The XG Communty Discord will now offer stream promotion and all things stream related. Follow for following, stream help, and stream suggestions. The point of this is for members to help new streamers, bring each other closer by being able to interact with members via stream and support each other's stream dream(s).

Cross-Platform Good News

We will be adding areas in the XG Discord for PlayStation gamers. This will include a place to share Activision IDs so Playstation gamers can cross-play and be apart of our community. They can utilize discord chats to communicate in-game or in-game lobby. The only requirement is that discord is used for these gamers. Them having the Xbox app is not required. If there is another game (PubG, Fortnite, rocket league, etc.) that needs to have these places created for such communication we will make those as well. There are no plans to make clans specific for PlayStation gamers. We are a gaming community and not specific to Xbox.

Clan & Squad Meetings

With Xiled Gaming welcoming gamers from Playstation and PC, clan and squad meetings can be held from the clan voice chat in the respective XG Divisional Discord as needed. It is not required to hold meetings via Discord, if you are able to hold meetings over Xbox and that is working for you then continue to do so, just know that it is an option to use Discord if needed. We will be adding areas for PC gamers in the XG Community Discord. These areas will offer a place for PC gamers to share Steam usernames, as well as areas for gamers to share the appropriate IDs so members can find people to play PC games with.

We will have game lobbies on discord for these games that will allow members to communicate on Discord if they choose to. The point of these changes is making the Xiled Gaming Discord open for everyone and to bring gamers together regardless of the platform they game on. We will be able to bring in new members and bring our current members together to play games across all platforms. We encourage all members to participate and share in these areas.

Xiled Leader Discord Chat


Make sure you are sending it to your leaders so they can join and be part of the Gen-XI chat as well as the Gen-XS chat for your division (KoG, SYN or XGC).

Additionally, Generals and above have the ability to assign roles to members when they join - make sure they are getting the link out to new members and getting them assigned so all members have access to their clan chat box and can communicate with their fellow clan members. Make sure leadership are putting out clan news and announcements as needed, as well as using the leadership channel. Communication is the key to success!

Clan Structure

The goal of the CLAN STRUCTURE is to create smaller, tighter, stronger more personal clans. A clan is a group of friends who gets on to play together. Think for a minute, when you turn on your console who are you looking for first? The people you look for or text before you turn on your console, those are your clan members.

Gone are the days of big clans. Gone are the days of dragging *** to get your clan split. Gone are the days of waiting for promotion. Do what's required for promotion, do what's required to split and it's going to happen. If it doesn't go straight to an XC or XI.

With XG being in so many games and having members on so many platforms we MUST execute our clan structure perfectly in order to ensure YOU as a member are playing with like minded gamers and enjoying playing with your friends.

1 General per 20-30 Members (Limit 1 per clan)
1 Captain to a minimum of 4 Members (Making this a Squad)
1 Lieutenant per Captain per squad.
There are NO amounts or ratios of sergeants or privates per clan or squad!
The proven Xiled Gaming rank structure will be followed exactly how it is written!
All recruits must be introduced to their squad members and get to know them for the first seven days in the squad. Recruits must be put into squads with members who play similar games and on similar consoles. If a member of a squad switches games or consoles they must be transferred to a different squad or clan if necessary. These transfers will be approved by your section leader.

Leadership Training Classes

Captain's Class
Friday, December 11th @ 9pm EST
Hosted by SYN JAChelle XS
Captains Class 12/11/20
SYN JAChelle XS will be hosting a Captains Class on Friday, Dec. 11th @ 9pm EST. This class is highly encouraged for those who intend to move up the ranks. It is open to any member holding the currently rank of Captain in all divisions with XG. This class will hold 10 spots. Members will be...

Advanced General's Class
Monday, December 7th @ 8pm EST
Hosted by XGC Tantaliz XC
[12.7.2020] Advanced Generals Class
XGC Tantaliz XC will be hosting an Advanced Generals Class on Monday, December 7th @ 8pm EST. It is open to any y holding the current rank of General in all divisions within XG. This class will be held in Party Chat with only 10 spots available. Members will be invited according to the order...

Community Wide Events

Cold War
Wednesday, December 9th @ 8pm EST
Hosts: SYN GrADemon & SYN JAChelle XS

Cold War
Friday, December 11th @ 8pm EST
Hosts: XGC Pepsi Mango & XGC Horus XS

Destiny 2
Friday, December 11th @ 8pm EST
Hosts: XGC WHACKO & XGC Buffy XD

CoD: Warzone
Saturday, December 12th @ 8pm EST
Hosts: SYN OkKaite1 & SYN JAChelle XS

Cold War
Saturday, December 12th @ 9pm EST
Hosts: XGC StaleDonuts & XGC ironvik

Destiny 2
Friday, December 18th @ 9pm EST
Hosts: XGC Pepsi Mango & KoG Havel XS

Friday, January 1st @ 8pm EST
Hosts: XGC ARIES & XGC Pepsi Mango


Section Leader
Apr 4, 2018
Meeting Notes 12/13/2020

Think of the solution, not the problem. If your mind was filled only with thoughts of why you were going to lose, then you couldn't think of how to win.

All XG members are encouraged to share any issues or ideas through the chain of command and with XC/XI at ANYTIME! The leaders of Xiled Gaming believe in the open-door policy in order to encourage openness and transparency with all members of the community.

Name Changes

Please remember when members change their name that they need to seek proper approval by following the chain of command.
First, make sure they are reporting the names they wish to their captain, who will then pass the names on through the proper chain of command.
Once the XS has approved the name, please inform all leadership of the name change, ie captains, generals, and section leaders.
Please also make sure to request a name change on the website.

Generals, it is also your responsibility to remind members who are requesting to change their name with KoG, XGC or SYN, to make sure the names are approved on the website by an Admin prior to changing it on Xbox. You should also be researching these names as well to ensure that the name is currently not taken on the website by another. Names are not to replicate someone else's name or a Clan Name, as well as making sure they are not inappropriate.

Holiday Season

Just a quick reminder that the Holiday season is here and with Christmas less than two weeks away a lot of members will be traveling and spending more time with their families, and might not be as active with gaming as before.
We are asking to remind members to send a quick message to their leadership to inform them if they will be gone so nobody is worried about them.
We would also like to remind you that many people will also get new games and consoles at this time, So remember it's prime time to recruit as well.

X-Team Challenges

With the New Year coming up, XTEAM Challenges will be picking up as well. Teams will be set up for either Casual Challenges or Competitive Challenges in both Core and Hardcore game style plays. Xteam Challenges will be held on Clan Compete like before. Each Team will be able to challenge the XTEAM to a battle with specifications of whether it be CORE or HARDCORE (COMPETITIVE or CASUAL). Challenges are to be posted One Week in advance to ensure that each team will have enough time to prepare. However, XTEAM will also be handing out Challenges as well to Clans through Clan Compete. This would be a way for Leaders to join and participate as well as meet members in this community. If you have any questions, feel free to please hit up KoG Turdz XD or KoG LOTUS XD for further information.

Community Wide Events

Destiny 2
Friday, December 18th @ 9pm EST
Hosts: XGC Pepsi Mango & KoG Havel XS

Friday, January 1st @ 8pm EST
Hosts: XGC ARIES & XGC Pepsi Mango

XG's 15th Birthday Party
Saturday, January 2nd @ 8pm EST
Cold War - SYN Animo, SYN GrADemon, SYN Orpheus, XGC StaleDonuts
MW - XGC ironvik & ragintigress09
Among Us - SYN JAChelle XS & XGC Buffy XD
GTA V - XGC ONYX XS & XGC Pepsi Mango

Captains Classes

KoG Drif XS will be hosting a Captains Class on
Thursday, December 17th @ 9 PM Eastern

Captains Class, Thursday, 12/17/2020 at 9 PM Eastern
KoG Drif XS will be hosting a Captains Class on Thursday, December 17th @ 9 PM Easter This class is highly encouraged for those who intend to move up the ranks. It is open to any member holding the currently rank of Captain in all divisions with XG. This class will hold 10 spots. Members will...

Generals Classes

KoG Turdz XD will be hosting an
Intro to Generals Class on (12/17/2020 @ 10 PM EST).
It is open to any member holding the current rank of General in all divisions within XG.

Generals Intro Class
KoG Turdz XD will be hosting an Intro to Generals Class on (12/17/2020 @ 10 PM EST). It is open to any member holding the current rank of General in all divisions within XG. This class will be held in Party Chat with only 10 spots available. Members will be invited according to the order in...


Section Leader
Apr 4, 2018
"There are far better things ahead than we ever leave behind.
Every accomplishment begins with the decision to try." - SYN SNOW XD

Section Leaders
With a new year, we should be putting forth new goals & relaying those expectations back to your Division leaders.

With 2021 upon us let's take the opportunity to focus on training, below you will find links to success.

Section Leaders should be providing all the tools available to produce a strong successful leadership pipeline.

With a new year, we should be putting forth new goals & relaying those expectations back to your Section Leaders.

With 2021 upon us let's take the opportunity to focus on training, below you will find links to success.

Generals need to be ensuring they are providing the best training for their Captains, and ensuring they are communicating goals.

We would like to say thank you all for the great support with the XG's Birthday Bash it was a Success!


Section Leader
Apr 4, 2018
Website Updates

A few updates on the website took place this last week. An important one being the User Name Change button. It is no longer located in the drop down by clicking your name in the top right hand corner of the website. You have to click on ‘Account Details’ and then click ‘Change’ next to your current user name.

You can also organize sticky threads within clan forums, for example you could make it so the Clan List thread is always at the top of the stickied threads followed by Squad Lists, or however you and your Generals want to keep it organized - for assistance hit up your chain of command.

Meeting Feedback

Please start an open conversation in all meetings about how we can make the meetings more meaningful. What does everyone find the most useful/helpful from meetings currently? Are there current ongoing issues with meetings that should be thought of changing? All XS & XD take note of this conversation because we will be asking for feedback.

Speaking of “taking notes,” someone should be taking notes or minutes at every meeting so when a member brings up an idea, suggestion, or comment regarding something they would like to see done, changed, or questioned, there is a record of the conversation. The notes should be relayed to the next level of the chain of command and posted in the same thread that the attendance is recorded.

There are instances where those items are getting mentioned but not relayed to the correct leaders that could either consider the request or provide clarity of the issue.

Individual Goals

Generals remember to work closely with your XS to ensure everyone is aware of your individual goals for your clan as well as you personally.


When someone reaches out to you, whether it's through Xbox, the website, or Discord, please make sure you are replying as soon as you are able, even if it's just to let them know you received the message and that you'll get with them when you are next available.

Xiled Gaming YouTube

Please subscribe to Xiled Gaming's new YouTube Channel. We need 100 followers for Youtube's Channel Eligibility Program. Tell your friends, family, dogs, and cats. Who is going to be number 100? More details to come as far as video submissions, etc.

Leadership Training Classes

Captain's Class 01/19/21 @ 9 EST

SYN JAChelle XS will be hosting a Captains Class on Tuesday, January 19th @ 9 PM Eastern This class is highly encouraged for those who intend to move up the ranks. It is open to any member holding the currently rank of Captain in all divisions with XG. This class will hold 10 spots. Members...

Captains Class on Tuesday, January 26, 2021 at 9 PM eastern

#1 KoG Drif XS will be hosting a Captains Class on Tuesday, January 26th @ 9 PM Eastern This class is highly encouraged for those who intend to move up the ranks. It is open to any member holding the currently rank of Captain in all divisions with XG. This class will hold 10 spots. Members...

Intro to Generals Class 1-23-2021 @9pm Eastern

XGC Mini Me XD will be hosting an Intro to Generals Class on January 23 2021 @9pm Eastern Time It is open to any member holding the current rank of General in all divisions within XG. This class will be held in Party Chat with only 10 spots available. Members will be invited according to the...

Advanced Generals Class

KoG Cobra XD will be hosting an Advanced Generals Class on 1/21/21 @ 8pm est It is open to any member holding the current rank of General in all divisions within XG. This class will be held in Party Chat with only 10 spots available. Members will be invited according to the order in which they...

Community Wide Events

Modern Warfare
Tuesday, January 19th @ 8pm EST
Hosts: XGC Bulldog & XGC ironvik

Cold War
Saturday, January 30th @ 10pm EST
Hosts: SYN OkKaite1 & SYN JAChelle XS


Section Leader
Apr 4, 2018
Unity is strength when there is teamwork and collaboration, wonderful things can be achieved

What is Effective communication,
Effective communication is about more than exchanging information. It's about understanding the emotions and intentions behind the information. It is being able to clearly convey a message to another person, you also need to listen to the full meaning of what is being said and makes the other person heard and understood.

Team Effort

Everything we do within Xiled Gaming is a Team Effort, regardless of Rank or which squad, clan, section, or division you may be in. The Community is based on our Honor Code, Rank Structure, Rules & Guidelines, and Team Work. We pull the rope together and we succeed or fail together, but we always do it as a group. No one person is bigger than the whole, no one in game loss is more important than all the fun we have together. Here are just a few things we have to do to be the best Community we can be;

* Recruiting: Building our community is everyone's responsibility, no one person can do this alone, make sure you are bringing in good like-minded gamer's to be a part of the environment you want to create, with this you will be helping us pull the rope, Remember we all are facilitators of fun.

* Training Recruits to be good members, It takes a whole Clan to be open to new members, invites these potential members to games, Welcomes them, be a good example, shows them the ropes, teaches them about the community, and work with them so they can become a valued community member., as we grow its more important that we grow together.

* Practices: Training together, Learning the Tactics, getting to know each other's playing styles, and learning from each other will prepare us for Victory and help us learn from defeat.

* Clan Compete / Game Battles: As a team, Everyone should put forth their own best effort in any in-game play, while maintaining the environment of Good Sportsmanship, regardless of win or lose we always say Good Game!

* Meetings, Meetings are a great place to share ideas, celebrate successes, discuss any issue, offer feedback on how to improve our environments, Remembers we cant make things better without teamwork. Team Effort is what it is all about.

* Communication: exchanging thoughts and ideas with the intention of delivering information and goals. Communication is the key to success, not only within the community but also in both professional and personal scenarios. Successful leaders are those marked by their effective use of communication and understanding of their followers.

No member gets left behind: ensue all gamer"s are being involved, reach out to the ones who are not.

This forum is for any procedural questions. Past issues that have been discussed are documented here. If you have a question about a procedure, search for the documented issues. If it is not listed, post your question in the designated area and it will be discussed by Community and Council Leaders.


Captains Class on Tuesday, January 26, 2021 at 9 PM eastern

KoG Drif XS will be hosting a Captains Class on Tuesday, January 26th @ 9 PM Eastern This class is highly encouraged for those who intend to move up the ranks. It is open to any member holding the currently rank of Captain in all divisions with XG. This class will hold 10 spots. Members will...

KoG Drif XS will be hosting a Captains Class on Tuesday, January 26th @ 9 PM Eastern

CAPTAIN'S CLASS Saturday, January 30th @ 8 PM Eastern

SYN JAChelle XS will be hosting a Captains Class on Saturday, January 30th @ 8 PM Eastern This class is highly encouraged for those who intend to move up the ranks. It is open to any member holding the currently rank of Captain in all divisions with XG. This class will hold 10 spots. Members...

SYN JAChelle XS will be hosting a Captains Class on Saturday, January 30th @ 8 PM Eastern


Prop hunt game night 1/30/21

Event Name: Prop Hunt Game Night Game To Be Held On: Black Ops Cold War Date & Time: 1/30/2020 10pm EST Hosts (Must Have 2): SYN JAChelle XS and SYN OkKaite1 Mass Message: The Events Team Presents a Prop Hunt game night, on Saturday January 30th @ 10pm EST, with your hosts SYN OkKaite1 and SYN...

Event Name: Prop Hunt Game Night
Game To Be Held On Black Ops Cold War
Date & Time: 1/30/2020 10pm EST
Hosts (Must Have 2): SYN JAChelle XS and SYN OkKaite1
Mass Message: The Events Team Presents a Prop Hunt game night, on Saturday, January 30th @ 10 pm EST, with your hosts SYN OkKaite1 and SYN JAChelle XS. We will be playing custom prop hunt on Cold War. Send a message to either host for an invite to the event!
Event Layout: Prop Hunt.

Among Us game night 02/04/21 @ 9 EST

Event Name: Among Us game night 02/04/21 @ 9 EST Game To Be Held On: Among Us Date & Time:02/04/21 @ 9 Est Hosts (Must Have 2): SYN JAChelle XS and SYN OkKaite1 Mass Message: The Events Team Presents Among Us Game Night, on Thursday Febuary 4th @ 9pm EST, with your hosts SYN JAChelle XS and SYN...

Event Name: Among Us game night 02/04/21 @ 9 EST
Game To Be Held On: Among Us
Date & Time:02/04/21 @ 9 Est
Hosts (Must Have 2): SYN JAChelle XS and SYN OkKaite1
Mass Message: The Events Team Presents Among Us Game Night, on Thursday February 4th @ 9 pm EST, with your hosts SYN JAChelle XS and SYN OkKaite1. Who will be the imposter? Hmm we will find out soon so be ready to have a fun night! Send a message to either host for an invite to the event!
Event Layout: Imposter or crewmate?

Game night on gta 5

Event Name: Gta 5 Fun/Game Night Game To Be Held On: Gta 5 Date & Time: 1/29/2021 9pm EST Hosts (Must Have 2): XGC Pepsi Mango & SYN JAChelle XS Mass Message: The Events Team Presents a Gta 5 Game Night, on 1/29/21 @ 9pm EST, with your hosts XGC Pepsi Mango & SYN JAChelle XS including car show...

Event Name: Gta 5 Fun/Game Night
Game To Be Held On: Gta 5
Date & Time: 1/29/2021 9pm EST
Hosts (Must Have 2): XGC Pepsi Mango & SYN JAChelle XS
Mass Message: The Events Team Presents a Gta 5 Game Night, on 1/29/21 @ 9pm EST, with your hosts XGC Pepsi Mango & SYN JAChelle XS including car show and races send a message to either host for an invite to the event!
Event Layout: car show and races


Section Leader
Apr 4, 2018
Determination is doing what needs to be done even when you don't feel like doing it.

So next week there will be no meetings on Feb 7th,2021 due to the Professional American Football Championship "Superbowl". Please enjoy the game and have fun with your clans. This would be a great time to get with you Generals and leadership to chat and have a game night. Also, a good time if your into football to sit and watch the game together and have some laughs.

Clan & Squad list's

It's the 31st. Clan and Squad lists are due by Midnight 12:00 am Eastern. If you haven't already posted them please make sure to get with your Generals and Captains and make sure that all editing is done and the lists are posted. Also please make sure you are looking at your Usergroups and if they are needing some attention now is the time to do that. Members who have been removed or members that need to be added etc.............

Design Team

Xiled Gaming is looking for creative minds to join us in the Design Team. If you are interested, feel free to hit us up on the website or discord. This is for anyone who is interested in being a part of the Xiled Gaming Design Team. The application can be found here in the link below.


Interested in joining our incredible Design Team? Apply here!



Clan Compete

At this current time, we are working on building the Clan-Complete ladders and stuff. If you would like to be apart of this or want to help out please contact SYN Optic , XS KoG Cobra , XD KoG Lotus XD.

Leadership Classes

Class: Captain's Class
Date: 2/5/2021
Time: 9 pm Eastern

Captains Class on 2/5/2021 at 9 PM est

KoG Drif XS will be hosting a Captain's Class on Friday, February 5th, 2021 @ 9 PM EST This class is highly encouraged for those who intend to move up the ranks. It is open to any member holding the current rank of Captain in all divisions with XG. This class will hold 10 spots. Members will...

Class: Captain's Class
Date: 2/10/2021
Time: 9 pm Eastern


SYN JAChelle XS will be hosting a Captain's Class on Wednesday, February 10th @ 9 PM Eastern This class is highly encouraged for those who intend to move up the ranks. It is open to any member holding the current rank of Captain in all divisions with XG. This class will hold 10 spots...


Community Game Nights

Event Name: Among Us game night 02/04/21 @ 9 EST
Game To Be Held On: Among Us
Date & Time:02/04/21 @ 9 Est
Hosts (Must Have 2): SYN JAChelle XS and SYN OkKaite1

Among Us game night 02/04/21 @ 9 EST

Event Name: Among Us game night 02/04/21 @ 9 EST Game To Be Held On: Among Us Date & Time:02/04/21 @ 9 Est Hosts (Must Have 2): SYN JAChelle XS and SYN OkKaite1 Mass Message: The Events Team Presents Among Us Game Night, on Thursday Febuary 4th @ 9pm EST, with your hosts SYN JAChelle XS and SYN...



Event Name: Call of Duty Game Night
Game To Be Held On Black Ops Cold War
Date & Time: 2/5/2021 at 9pm EST
Hosts (Must Have 2): XGC StaleDonuts & XGC ARIES

Fun Night on COD

Event Name: Call of Duty Game Night Game To Be Held On: Black Ops Cold War Date & Time: 2/5/2021 at 9pm EST Hosts (Must Have 2): XGC StaleDonuts & XGC ARIES Mass Message: The Events Team Presents a Black Ops Cold War Game Night, on Friday February 5th at 9pm EST, with your hosts XGC...


Event Name: Cold War fun night
Game To Be Held On Black Ops Cold War
Date & Time: 2/6/2021 9pm EST
Hosts: XGC Pepsi Mango & XGC Horus XS

Cold war fun night

Event Name: Cold War fun night Game To Be Held On: Black Ops Cold War Date & Time: 2/6/2021 9pm EST Hosts (Must Have 2): XGC Pepsi Mango & XGC Horus XS Mass Message: The Events Team Presents a Black Ops Cold War Game Night, on Saturday, February 6 @ 9pm EST, with your hosts XGC Pepsi Mango &...


The Events Team Presents a Valentine's Special Event Game Night!
Cold War Hosted by KoG Havel XS and XGC Pepsi Mango
Among Us: Hosted by SYN JAChelle XS and SYN LexTech
Modern Warfare: Hosted by: SYN Animo and XGC ONYX XS
on Saturday 02/13/2021 at 9 EST!


Event Name: VALENTINES SPECIAL EVENT GAME NIGHT Game To Be Held On: Black Ops Cold War, Modern Warfare, and Among Us Date & Time: 02/13/2020 9pm EST Hosts (Must Have 2): Mass Message: The Events Team Presents a Valentine's Special Event Game Night! Games presented are as followed: Cold War...




Section Leader
Apr 4, 2018
Never discourage anyone who continually makes progress, no matter how slow

Clan Compete ladders for Cold War, Modern Warfare, and Rocket League are live. We'll have more news about upcoming tournaments and events soon, but in the meantime, we hope to see everyone out there competing.

The Xiled Gaming is looking for members to join the News Team to write about upcoming games, provide reviews of new content, or game strategies, do interviews with leaders, and report on community events or tournaments. If you are interested or want to find out more information hit XGC Coop XC up or see the information on the website by following the link below.


This area handles news that is important to Xiled Gaming.


New Meetings
A friendly reminder with our new meeting times being changed to the first and third weekend every month and big meetings being done quarterly, we would like to remind you to keep an eye on the new calendar function on the website. We want to ensure you are all kept up to date with class and events and meeting times.

Leadership Class's

Class: Captain's Class
Date: March 2nd, 2021
Time: 9pm Eastern

Captains Class on March 2nd @ 9 PM Eastern

SYN JAChelle XS will be hosting a Captains Class on Tuesday, March 2nd @ 9 PM Eastern This class is highly encouraged for those who intend to move up the ranks. It is open to any member holding the currently rank of Captain in all divisions with XG. This class will hold 10 spots. Members...


Class: Intro Generals Class
Date: March 5, 2021
Time: 8 pm Eastern


SYN DESI XD will be hosting an Intro to Generals Class on (March 5th, 2021) Time: 8 pm est. It is open to any member holding the current rank of General in all divisions within XG. This class will be held in Party Chat with only 10 spots available. Members will be invited according to the...

Class: Advance Generals Class
Date: March 12th, 2021
Time: 9pm Eastern

Advanced Generals Class 3/12/2021 @9pm EST

KoG Cobra XD will be hosting an Advanced Generals Class on 3/12/2021 @ 9PM EST It is open to any member holding the current rank of General in all divisions within XG. This class will be held in Party Chat with only 10 spots available. Members will be invited according to the order in which...


Clan Events

Monopoly plus game night
Game To Be Held On: Monopoly Plus
Date & Time: 03/05 at 9pm EST
Hosts: SYN JAChelle XS and XGC StaleDonuts

Game To Be Held On: Jackbox Party
Date & Time: 3/5/2021 9:30 pm EST
Hosts: XGC Mango XS & SYN LexTech

Game To Be Held On: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare
Date & Time: 03/05/2021 9pm EST
Hosts: KoG LILSTONE & KoG Havel XS

Game To Be Held On: Modern Warfare
Date & Time: Saturday 3-6-21 at 9CST, 10EST
Hosts: SYN LexTech and SYN OkKaite1

home clan xgc titans


Section Leader
Apr 4, 2018
What does it take to become a great leader?

Leadership is not easy, nor is it for everyone, it takes a highly driven individual to be a successful leader, "You are not born a leader", it takes dedication, professionalism, good decision-making, and years of learning by experience to become a great leader. The key to being an effective leader is to remain humble and approachable; Never get a big head, never loose your cool, be respectful, A leader leads by example and sets the tone, if your having a fun, your team will have fun. Your enthusiasm is contagious, remember, we all pull the rope together. Below are links that will be beneficial to your growth as a leader:

Section Leaders:


What does it mean to become a great team leader? Walter J. Lippman said, "The final test of a leader is that he leaves behind him in other men the conviction and will to carry on." Leadership is fundamentally about influence; it is about influencing people for great purposes. It may seem more...




Being A Leader In XG. As Written by XGC Wolfman XS Everything I have written here is a culmination of things that I've learned during my time in XGC. I wrote this post to act as a starting point for new leaders in the community. It is far from complete because there is always more to learn, but...




Congratulations on your Promotion to Section Leader! Sometimes transitioning into the new role can be a bit overwhelming at the beginning so i'm going to give you some helpful tips to make things a bit smoother for you! The Help Desk will become your best friend if it isn't already. Everytime...




Communication means exchanging thoughts and ideas with the intention of delivering information and goals. Communication is the key to success, not only within the community but also in both professional and personal scenarios. Successful leaders are those marked by their effective use of...





Team Effort Everything we do in an XGC Clan is a Team Effort. The Clan is based on the XGC Honor Code, Rank Structure, and Team Work. We pull the rope together and we succeed or fail together, but we always do it as a group. No one person is bigger than the whole, no one loss is more important...




HOW TO RUN A NEW CLAN So you have just started a clan, which means you are a Section Leader and have permission from a Division Leader or above. First, you will need to appoint a General and a Captain to assist you in running the clan. The General and Captain must be trustworthy and good...




How To Recruit It doesn’t matter where in Xiled Gaming you are located (XGC, KOG, SYN). Everything included in this post is for you. One of the biggest things members are confused about and may need help with, is recruiting. There are many reasons why recruiting is not done properly. One...




Communication means exchanging thoughts and ideas with the intention of delivering information and goals. Communication is the key to success, not only within the community but also in both professional and personal scenarios. Successful leaders are those marked by their effective use of...



To eliminate drama and keep any kind of favoritism or feelings from influencing decisions, XG does not allow husband/wife, boyfriend/girlfriend, or immediate family to directly report. We realize that with the amazing members we have, at some point you might find the person who completes your life. If you do, we require you to notify a leader (XD, XC, XI) so one of you can be moved. Notifying a leader of these relationships will not result in the loss of rank or removal from the community. However, any lying, deception, manipulation of stories or members, or relationships that generate issues or drama for the community may result in demotion and/or removal from the community. The rank structure is intended to be followed without personal feelings or emotional decisions affecting the directions of our clans.

Look, we get it, some of you are going to date. We don't care! Just spare us and your division the drama of going through it by being honest!


RELATIONSHIPS AND LEADERSHIP IN XG To eliminate drama and keep any kind of favoritism or feelings from influencing decisions, XG does not allow husband/wife, boyfriend/girlfriend, or immediate family to directly report. We realize that with the amazing members we have, at some point you might...



RESPECT-------Being aware of your surroundings. When your gaming or in a party chat with fellow members please be aware of your surroundings. Don't juts go popping off at the mouth and saying inappropriate things or sayings. Someone people may get offended event though you didn't mean it in a hurtful or derogatory way. Also if someone asks you not to say something have the respect and not do it while they are around.

Clan Compete---- Let's make sure we are getting our members signed up on Clan Compete - Clan Compete This is a great place to chaenge someone in a 1v1 or take a 4/5 person team and challenge another Clan or Section. We hear alot when members are playing and talking smack "Well 1v1 me then" This is the perfect place to do it. So let's make this happen and get some challenges going on here. If you have any questions please hit KOG Cobra XD XGC Barrage SYN Lazy XD

Clan Compete is going to be holding a Cold War 4v4 CDL SnD tournament on May 1 at 8 p.m. eastern. Rules and sign-ups will be up by meeting time, so send them there for all that info,
Also, Clan Compete is looking for another couple (or few) people to help out, so if anyone's got members interested in that sort of thing, have them message XGC Traitor XC

Xiled Gamer Girls
Xiled Gamer Girls is looking for competitive gamers to join. XGG consists of an all female competitive team with a competitive mindset. If any Ladies are interested in joining the Scrimmage Team, please hit up KoG LOTUS XD for questions. #girlsgametoo

XG Design Team:
-Signature of the Month is now starting! This month's theme is Star Wars. If anyone is wanting to create a signature and join in this contest, send your completed signatures to KoG LOTUS XD or SYN Deadly to participate. The size of the signatures are 400x200 pixels. Voting will occur the 1st week of May. So lets see those designs!
-If anyone is hosting an event, whether it is for the community or individual clans, and would like a flyer created for their event, you can now make a request through the Design Team on the website under the Projects forum! There is a thread with the format; if there are any questions, feel free to reach out!
XG News Team:
The Xiled Gaming News Team The Xiled Gaming News Team is looking for members. If you like writing about upcoming games, providing reviews of new content, or game strategies; we have a spot for you. Maybe you enjoy doing interviews and providing an article with insight on leaders and/or hall of fame member; we can provide that access. How about reporting on Clan Compete matches, tournaments, or game nights? Report on the action highlighting the members that stand out. If any of these items interest you or if you have any ideas on other ways to spread the news of our great community, fill out an application to join the XG News Team.


News Team Consideration and Application Format Applications are only to be posted in this parent forum. If you are wanting to submit a one-time article to the News Team, please feel free to do so through the Community Creations Forum located in the TEAMS section. The News Team is looking for...



Website App I'm proud to announce our new website app. Xenforo recently released an update that upgraded the website with the ability to support what's called a Progressive Web App, or PWA for short. Without getting too technical, a PWA is supposed to be the best of both worlds when comparing it to a Web App or Native App (The apps you get out of the Google Play or Apple Store). You install it on your device (desktop or mobile) through your browser. Several browsers are supported, however, it works best through chrome or chromium based browsers, like Firefox and the new Microsoft Edge. Apple devices are have limited features but are also capable of downloading the app.
So how do you download it?

Follow the steps below:

Android Phone
1. Open your chrome browser and log into our website.
2. Click the three parallel lines in the upper left-hand corner and scroll down.
3. At the bottom, there will be an install app option.

1. Open your chrome browser and log into the website.
2. Look at the right-hand edge of the address bar.
3. Click on the box with a diagonal arrow pointing to the upper right-hand corner of the box. 4. Install App.

Apple Phone
1. Open safari and log into the website.
2. Swipe up
3. Scroll down until you find "Add To Home Page"
4. Add a name and install.

X Team
We are re-organizing the X-Team into an actual practicing, fully living, and breathing competitive team. If you are interested, please let SYN PMAR XS know, Regardless of response, we will be getting together with everyone who has an X in their name in the upcoming weeks,, we would love for all X's to show their support and participate when available., Let's Make The X-TEAM A unstoppable force to be reckoned with !


Discord is one of the official forms of communication of Xiled Gaming, and is a valuable tool at our disposal,. Please make sure we are using this to our full advantage. it is fully acceptable to to utilize Discord for meetings if necessary ., Ex. When someone isnt able to use the Xbox or Xbox App discord can be used for communication. Holding meetings is encouraged for this.


Section Leader
Apr 4, 2018
“What you do has far greater impact than what you say.” – Stephen Covey, author and educator

There has been "Gamers" going around called TSB and XGN, Xiled Syndicate. These people have been adding higher leadership and then looking on there friends list to see who they can come after and annoy. There are trying to poach and also DDOS Xiled Gaming members offline. So if you are contacted by these gamers we highly suggest ignoring them and blocking them so that something like this doesn't happen to you.

As some of you may have seen, we have added a few new things to your Division Discords. Each Section Leader has their own section channel and chat box for their section as well as categories with voice boxes for you all to utilize for meetings.

HonorCode : Section VI
In the Honor Code of Section VI - XILED GAMING members CANNOT be apart of any other gaming communities/clans! Any and all gamer tags must be either in XILED GAMING clans or in none at all. XILED GAMING does NOT have ANY alliances with other gaming communities/clans! XILED GAMING will remain friendly and professional with ALL gaming communities at all times! ZERO TOLERANCE! If an XILED GAMING member leaves, they are NOT allowed back. In the event of a member wanting to come back, each situation will be looked at by the COUNCIL/Division Leaders on a case-by-case basis.

Why People Join XG - Your Attitude & Enthusiasm Matter!
There are two main reasons that people join Xiled Gaming.
#1: Having like-minded gamers to play with when they are online!
#2: Competition, whether within their clan or the community

Gaming is supposed to be fun - make sure your attitude when you enter parties is enthusiastic, enthusiasm is contagious! We all need to get some pep in our step and show members why we're the best gaming community out there. If you have members in leadership who have lost their drive, it trickles down to members as well, so figure out what makes XG fun for you and embrace that.

Being a Leader
Being a Leader in Xiled Gaming isn't just about holding a specific rank. It's about leading by example, acting in a professional manner and ensuring that no member is left behind. Treating every member in the community as a valued member and respect. Know that at the end of the day, it isn't about which Clan/Section/Division is better, it's about having fun and gaming with your friends.


Section Leader
Apr 4, 2018

Leading by example means you're guiding others through your behaviors and inspiring them to do the same as you. When you lead by example, you provide a path to direct others down so that everyone is working towards a common goal with the same purpose, all the while creating a picture of what's possible. People can look at you and say, "Well, if he can do it, I can do it." Build that relationship with your members and learn one another.

Members requesting to transfer have the right to transfer to a clan that they feel best suits them. Most transfers are unjustly denied due to personal reasons or emotions. This being said, transfers are never denied unless that transfer will without a doubt cause the community harm. An unhappy member will not only not benefit you, they will also resent you for denying their transfer. This will eventually develop into problems.

Saturday, 05/22/2021 starting @5pm Eastern Time, Xiled Gaming will be hosting a Charity Stream in Honor of KoG Cobra XD. All donations will go to the family. A Variety of games will be played and members will receive prizes for participations so don't forget to check out the Twitch Stream @XiledGamingTV.

When bringing new members into your clans, you always have to ask yourself these questions. Have they ever been in Xiled Gaming? Do they meet the age requirements to your specific division and do you feel that they are a good fit for the community as a whole? Whether they are former members or new members, you as leaders should be researching on the website to ensure that theses members are not trying to sneak back into the community in an attempt to avoid the Grass Wasn't Greener process. If a returning member approaches you about being removed for inactivity, Generals you would still have to find that removal request to verify that the said member was indeed removed for inactivity. If you are unable to find a removal request, please reach out to your leadership for further research.

Sergeants must meet all their responsibilities as outlined in the XG Rank Structure as well as hold their rank for a minimum of 2 weeks. They must also show they want to be part of the XG leadership. They must play with recruits and privates and be an example to them on how to play. Sergeants should work closely with their Lieutenant to learn how the responsibilities of leadership work. Sergeants should encourage all members of the squad/clan to add every member in order to assist in building good gaming relationships between members. Never let time requirements dictate a promotion. Ensuring that the individual is a good fit for the position is key. utilize them to recruit as a requirement to teach them about their future rank responsibilities.

If you have new members joining the community, remind them that they cannot change their name on Xbox and have XGC, KoG, SYN in front of it. Once they have reached the rank of a Sergeant, they are eligible to put in a name change to the General. The General will then research the name on the website as well as on Xbox to ensure that the name isn't already taken by someone else before submitting it into their Section Leaders Forums. The Section Leader will then do a second search to verify that there are no other duplicate names. Once the Section Leader approves the name change in their forums, the member can then proceed to request for a name change through the website. Gamertags cannot be changed until a Division Leader or higher approves it on the website. If you are requesting a name with either XGC, KoG, SYN in front of it, the name cannot duplicate another members name or a Clan Name. If it is spelled differently but sounds the same, it will be Denied.

XILED GAMING members will display a professional gaming demeanor at all times. Any match an XG member participates in should observe the rules of Fair Play, Sportsmanship and Respect. As an XG member, you not only represent yourself but XILED GAMING as a whole.