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XGC Vader

Forum Star
Dec 11, 2006
i was not aware in the honor code that being inactive for 6 months was a ban-able offense? if we are talking about recruits here they have a 7 day trial period, if they like the clan and YOU like them...they stay untill they quit or are banned for a honor-code (violation)... i recently read the honor code and i still dont see where it says it is against the rules of XG to be inactive for 6 months? please show me where it does. thanks! :)


Dec 11, 2006
With the underpants gnomes
i was not aware in the honor code that being inactive for 6 months was a ban-able offense? if we are talking about recruits here they have a 7 day trial period, if they like the clan and YOU like them...they stay untill they quit or are banned for a honor-code (violation)... i recently read the honor code and i still dont see where it says it is against the rules of XG to be inactive for 6 months? please show me where it does. thanks! :)

Its not there, you would know that because you just re-read it. Anyway the info I got about booting after 6 months came from my General at the time who is now a section leader and I'm pretty sure he got it from Viper.
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Mar 27, 2006
somewhere on the internet
Its not there, you would know that because you just re-read it. Anyway the info I got about booting after 6 months came from General at the time and I'm pretty sure he got it from Viper.

You guys must sit around and think up stuff for the sake of thinking it up huh?

Yeah, people have said 6 months and for the sake of finally needing a spot in a squad that may be approved by a Section Leader.
BUT, there is no dang rule about that anywhere. Such as with the countless other things that only take some common sense to figure out. :)

A recruit is not officially part of the community. They are window shoppers. If you are doing things properly you would never have an inactive recruit. Why?
Because you give them 7 to 10 days to check us out and then you vote them in or out.

If that person has not been online since you recruited them, surely you are not going to vote them in so say bye bye to them. It would be fair to maybe give them a week or so to come back on and/or send them a FR. Sometimes things happen and people can't get on. This does not mean they don't want to be part of XG. Those that do, will surely look you up if they are no longer in the clan. Others will simply go away.

It has been said over and over and over again that no member gets removed for being inactive. NO MEMBER.

So many times I hear this the same sad story, no one gets on in my squad. Or, every is inactive and never comes on. Well, who in the heck recruited those people and then promoted them up in the squad???

Usually the same people complaining about it that's who!!!

Also, it is funny when I ask those people how many members they have and they say like 40 total. Ok, so you can fit 100 members into a halo squad. That leaves 60 slots open. Why in the heck is anyone complaining about inactive people??? They surely are not bothering anyone. Go recruit new active people and stop whining!!

I say this again to everyone, USE COMMON SENSE.
The honorcode and rank structure is going to give you most everything you would ever need to be concerned with for running squads in XG.

Meet the responsibilities of your rank and teach the people under you to do the same.

Now, get the heck out of here with this discussion and go play some dang games!!! :D

XGC Halodaddy

Forum Star
Dec 10, 2006
no offense to anyone, but this thread is for questions and answers not opinions. You want to change something bring it up with a SL or DL and they will bring your idea to the council on the weekly meeting.
Lets please try to keep this thread from clutter because it will be easier to navigate when to the point.


Mar 27, 2006
somewhere on the internet
no offense to anyone, but this thread is for questions and answers not opinions. You want to change something bring it up with a SL or DL and they will bring your idea to the council on the weekly meeting.
Lets please try to keep this thread from clutter because it will be easier to navigate when to the point.

Real quick, Bojangles, I was pointing out something in general not to you specificlly. Your 6 month rule is some myth not a real rule. Someone thought it up on their own and then spread the rumor that is was a rule.

Anyway, as Halodaddy says lets try to keep this thread on track. It is a great thread to use so stay on topic. For other discussions on something you can feel free to post in my forum area or any other section leaders area.

Keep up the great job you are all doing!!

XGC Titan

Forum Rookie
May 22, 2007
There is a guy that is in my clan and he thinks that he is not considered inactive because he turns on his Xbox and just sits in the pregame lobby all day. I didn't know if that was inactive or not. He is online but he isn't doing anything. I wouldn't ask normally but he is a captain.


Forum Nerd
Jan 28, 2007
Nova Scotia, Canada
True Snowy, but whats the point of Hording aCaptian status and doing nothing with it, when it could be given to someone else who may be eager to help the clan productivly and have an active role in the clan's functions, Mabey the individual is the type of person who is all about his rank and now that he has a captian's status he feels he doesn't need to be a part of his clan anymore because he has the title he wants.
I would demote him personally, Captians who are not active should not be captians, if you donot want to take a active working role in the clan's functions be a sargent, no higher. It's normally easy to tell who makes good captians based on their enthusiasim.

XGC Halodaddy

Forum Star
Dec 10, 2006
If he is online and sending invites out, answering questions, and communicating with the other captains and general(s) he is not inactive. You should be greatful that their is a captain online to talk to when needed.
I just noticed you were a general so,
what I would do if he is not doing any of those things mentioned above. Is talk to him and let him know what he should change to keep his capt position. If he cannot or does not perform the actions that a capt should be performing talk to your other captains and generals and see what they think about demoting him to lt. or sgt.
Leadership is not for everyone. It is for leaders


Forum Veteran
Nov 27, 2006
Las Vegas
I don't understand "hording" a spot? If you need another Captain to replace him, make sure one is trained properly and promote him. Only bad things come from demotions. People get mad and usually end up leaving. And just as you can't boot people for inactivity, you should NEVER demote someone for it. Inactivity is when you don't get online at all, not when you get on and sit in a pregame lobby. Sounds to me like you might just need to sit down and talk to him.