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XGC Halodaddy

Forum Star
Dec 10, 2006
I figured this Thread needs a place where we can help eachother.
With so many situations in XG we are all bound to run into something new.
So if any Generals have a Question they can post it here and hopefully someone will ANSWER not just put an opinion. Please be careful what advice you heed as i seem to notice alot of people do things different.


Mar 27, 2006
somewhere on the internet
If a recruit gets booted for disrespect or something should they go on the DnR?

Are you asking this of other Generals or do you need an answer to this?

This is a great thread and I ask you all to go into the Generals Meetings notes section as many things that you deal with and questions you have are answered there.

I know for the last several months I have addressed many things for the generals meetings.

Keep the communication going and please, let's get on the same page as one another. Consistency is very important to keeping the community DRAMA free.

Keep up the great work you are all doing. It does not go unnoticed.


XGC Halodaddy

Forum Star
Dec 10, 2006
I need an answer, but no rush. It has not come up yet except for booting recruits for inactivity and such which I am sure is no need to be put on the DnR list.
But if they get booted for disrespect do they go on the DnR?
If a SL answers cool, but a general that already knows would be good too.

XGC Vader

Forum Star
Dec 11, 2006
Member Status, no where in the honor code is this said to be a bannable offense. Ranking Structure, nowhere in the ranking structure does it say you (Cant) have it. it will also does not specify if you (Can) have it. a recent post in the generals forum by XGC Viper XI talking about becoming an XL he says " Generals have more power than XL's............ XL's (Cannot) tell a general what he can and cannot do outside of honor code and ranking structure violations. he (Can) offer advice to help the generals clan. keeping all this in mind in my actions i gave my LT's Member status here is why. i have 90 members in my clan with only 4 captains and i need all the people i can to send out important messages and clan invites, whenever a LT recruits a guy in, he lets them know they cannot send a clan invite and after they accept the terms of honor code/rank structure/ cannot send invite the LT sends a msg to a general or captain requesting a member status change of that particular recruit. we have been doing this for about a month now and i have to say its been working GREAT! it helps me and the clan out (Tenfold) can someone explain why a few generals told me that i (Cannot) have members. this makes me confused. i really really (Want) to keep my LT's with member for it helps them learn good (communication) through messaging the clan. communication is (Key) to running a (Good) clan as you ALL know already. why am i not allowed to give member status? keeping in mind all things stated above. ??????


Mar 27, 2006
somewhere on the internet
Member Status, no where in the honor code is this said to be a bannable offense. Ranking Structure, nowhere in the ranking structure does it say you (Cant) have it. it will also does not specify if you (Can) have it. a recent post in the generals forum by XGC Viper XI talking about becoming an XL he says " Generals have more power than XL's............ XL's (Cannot) tell a general what he can and cannot do outside of honor code and ranking structure violations. he (Can) offer advice to help the generals clan. keeping all this in mind in my actions i gave my LT's Member status here is why. i have 90 members in my clan with only 4 captains and i need all the people i can to send out important messages and clan invites, whenever a LT recruits a guy in, he lets them know they cannot send a clan invite and after they accept the terms of honor code/rank structure/ cannot send invite the LT sends a msg to a general or captain requesting a member status change of that particular recruit. we have been doing this for about a month now and i have to say its been working GREAT! it helps me and the clan out (Tenfold) can someone explain why a few generals told me that i (Cannot) have members. this makes me confused. i really really (Want) to keep my LT's with member for it helps them learn good (communication) through messaging the clan. communication is (Key) to running a (Good) clan as you ALL know already. why am i not allowed to give member status? keeping in mind all things stated above. ??????

Like it or not, the rule is no member status.
This is not a new thing or added rule. It is how the Council have structured the HALO 2 squads from day one based on the experience and knowledge running successful HALO clans.

This was asked of a Council member recently and the response is here

There shouldn't be any further debate on this topic. Run the squads per the structure given to us from the Council members who started our community.



Mar 27, 2006
somewhere on the internet
No, they don't get put on the banlist. Recruits are not considered members of XG until they've reached the rank of Private. You can kick them out of your clan, but you shouldn't put them on the banlist.

If you remove someone for a violation of the honorcode they need to be put on the DNR.

I don't want to recruit someone that is a trash talking , tee-bagging idiot. Nor would any others in our community.

If at anytime someone leaves once they are private and above or gets removed they go on the DNR list.

There is no such thing as good terms or bad terms. It is all the same on the way out. If you ask to come back, there is a process to doing so.

All people that wish to come back in have a chance to be considered for that by speaking to the Division Leaders and Council Members.

To do this the chain of command needs to be followed first. Section Leaders will then bring the situation to the appropriate people at our Sunday meeting and it will be handled from there.

If anyone bring back someone without the proper process being followed, you and that person will be removed.

Trust me, you don't want to test this out either.

XGC Vader

Forum Star
Dec 11, 2006
As far as the council leading us and what they say goes i can understand...................................................................................................... (But) Add this to the ranking structure so NEW generals or even old ones know this. the rank structure NEEDS to be updated for member status rules.... otherwise it is just confusion... please fix this problem.... thanks :)

XGC Maggnus

Forum Nerd
Dec 11, 2006
I dont know about the confusion you speak of Vader. Since I entered into XG, It's always been the norm to have Captains set as staff and Generals as overlords, everyone else as peons. This was explained to me when I joined and the reasons why were given to me.

Generals: Overlords
Captains: Staff
recruit, pvt, sgt, LT: Peon

In my time here, these past few days are actually my first at hearing people giving member status to their LTs.



Forum Nub
Mar 18, 2007
Nothern Kentucky
Not necessarily do you put them on the dnr listif you boot them. Sometimes whem a General has 100 ppl in their clan and it may be a few days untill you are able to split, you can boot the INACTIVE recruits but you MUST send them a freind request. The reason for doning this is because if they want to come back the next time they get on you can send them the clan invite. But i do agree, even a recruit should not disrespect anyone and should follow the honor code. If they cannot abide by this then XG is not right for them so they can go on their seperate ways. But they should be on the dnr for they might want revenge! Remember guys. This is an eighteen or over clan but does not mean some of them dont act like they are twelve and take being booted very seriously.


Mar 27, 2006
somewhere on the internet
As far as the council leading us and what they say goes i can understand...................................................................................................... (But) Add this to the ranking structure so NEW generals or even old ones know this. the rank structure NEEDS to be updated for member status rules.... otherwise it is just confusion... please fix this problem.... thanks :)

Vader, you are very smart and I know you understand this.
There is really no need to put it anywhere as it is common knowledge and common sense.

The honorcode would be 20 pages long if we had to spell out every little detail.

The privileges in HALO mean nothing for ones rank or responsibilities.
It is a tool given to Captains and above to run their squads.

I will give everyone a mass apology that was ever told you could use this by anyone. In the past some Generals and above have done many things which were not exactly how they should have been. That is why we have things like updated honorcodes and leadership classes. To insure the proper way to run squads in our community is being done.

FYI - the rank structure is being updated as well. I am not sure it will say a thing about member status as that is HALO 2 based only and I say again, peon or overlord does not mean a thing for your position in Xiled Gaming.

XGC Pentagram

Forum Veteran
Dec 10, 2006
I dont think it is a problem to boot recruits if they are innactive or anything, I personally dont want my squad filled up by innactive members, mostly right now because we are gearing up for a split, and I want to make sure that the clan is left strong.

Obviously if you have to boot someone for honorcode violations, then they should be put on the dnr list, but if you are just cleaning out your clanlist, which I realize is for Halo 2 only, but since that is the only game I play it is my entire squad, if you are cleaning out the clan list, I dont think that a few innactive people should be banned, but I make a point of telling recruits that they need to be active unless they tell us that they wont be on for that first week for some reason, because we need active people. I have booted people and then they have come back and are now full members of the clan once they had some time to devote to XG. This works really well for us, and we are very tightknit, but we are able to easily accumulate new members who really want to be apart of the clan. So we usually end up having only active and dedicated people, since the other people leave or are removed for innactivity.