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Recent content by SYN soonerbomb

  1. S


    Just wondering if anyone saw this game last night, not really just the game, but the aftermath of LeGarrete Blount! I just want to say...What an idiot this guy is. You cant take a loss or a guy walking by from the other team happy about his win, so you just hit him and swing your fist around...
  2. S


    Anyone here on the paintball team looking for an EGO by any chance?
  3. S

    BAN LIST!!!

    Is there anyway with the recent chaos going on that we can get a list of recently banned members? I know the council and all the other leaders have a lot going on right now. But we really need a list published for the community so they know who to stay away from with all of the poaching going...
  4. S


    Just curious if anyone would be interested in doing a CoD 4 tournament. It'd be strictly Team Deathmatch, Regular Core, best 3 of 5 single elimination. I want your input on rather you would like it 4v4, 6v6, or 8v8? The way the brackets would be set up would be KoG would play within KoG, XGC...
  5. S


    Hey guys, I've just about got a solid CoD 4 Squad together. A little fine tuning and we will be ready! My question is, if any of you have CoD 4 squads and need practice or want to scrimmage against us then get some guys together and we can definately set something up. I know we will definately...