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Jun 13, 2007
People come people go it's a way of life and it's about the choices you make that effect you. As a leader you will always face hard choices it goes with the job that being said I do not know some of the higher leaders but I'm sure they make these hard decisions every day to make us who we are today especially the council just think how XG lasted all these years it's from people putting in hard work and hard decisions. Not everyone will agree on something but that's life. Do I have friends who left XG in other clans or gaming communitys yes I do but do I let it effect me no i do not because we are still friends and we are mature about it. Do i follow them no because I'm a leader and not a follower and that's what leaders do they lead and make hard decisions that not everyone will agree with. Stay out of drama be who you are and let the leaders do what they have to do. Its all about the choices you make at the end of the day. It's all about fun and trying to get along with each other and having a good gaming experience. Just keep on rollin and don't stop being who you are because of some one else's problems be mature about it and be a leader and not a follower and make the choice that you think is right XG has survived everything and it continues to grow. I'm glad I got to post my opinion.
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KoG Exile

Jan 10, 2006
SYN EXILE said it perfectly, Stay in XG. There is no better place out there, you will go to this new "Land of Oz", you will be promised all these great things and then when it crashes and burns around you and your left standing out in the cold looking in. You find yourself alone, I too have been there and done that and burnt the Bridge here in XG and I have regretted it for a long time. Make sure you look at all the community has done for you and all that time is wasted when you jump ship and bail. If you take any advice from this thread, take the grain of salt so many leaders and gamers have posted, Stay in XGC.

Amen. You are right. At first it's unicorns and ice cream and everyone is happy. Then reality kicks in, people stop doing the jobs they agreed to, people are promoted and now have weird letters at the end of their names yet they have no clue what they are doing nor how to be a leader. Then once that kicks in eventually you'll be alone. Then you realize how you miss being in a good community and having friends to game with so you then post on the grass wasn't greener thread. Then you check daily like a eager puppy lol hoping that someone looks into your story. Then you wait again to see if you will get approved to come back. Save the trouble ladies and gentlemen. Your friends and family is here in XG, not the wal mart brand or Sams choice brand wannabe XG lol.

Crimson of Ooo

Feb 26, 2015
Terre Haute, Indiana
I'm reading a lot of really well put things in this thread. It's saddening to see anyone go, let alone so many good people I've become such good friends with. But life is full of meeting and making new friends, and sometimes seeing them go. They'll be sorely missed. We are a community. We are a family. We are XGC. Good luck in your newest ventures guys. I'll be here.


Forum Junkie
Aug 4, 2014
I agree with this post 100%

Phantom is a great leader he is a good person and knows how to run his clans I believe he will be a XD again he's been here from almost the beginning and also as what was said earlier this clan has some solid leadership we may have lost few good guys but that is said and done there will be more guys to ruse up and possibly be better leaders dont leave XG it will be a colossal mistake I learnt that when I left to agc I hated and regreted my decision to go there this clan has dedicated leaders council knows how to run their clan and I am a proud XG member I promise if you leave you will regret it cause more then likely RXG will fail just like everyother clan that tried to replicate XG so save your self from the stress and stay here n xiledgaming


KoG Smoke

Oct 13, 2013
West Virginia University
I have been in this Community since the Early 2007. I have seen people come and go. The Foundation of XG (Honor Code and Rank Structure) has set the gold standard for all Gaming Communities. Several people who leave and start their own Communities have literally Copy and Pasted the Honor Code and Rank Structure from us to their site and were too stupid to take out Xiled Gaming from them.

This is story is like many I have heard in the past. We have a ton of great people in this Community but every now and again some bad eggs slip in and sometimes people just change. Remember we are a Gaming Community so GAME ON!!!!!!


Nov 22, 2013
sioux falls
Isn't the first, won't be the last. Same story different names, the outcome will be the same though. They will fail as every clan who's tried splitting off XG has done in the past. It's not because they don't have what it takes but when you get people with big egos and are power hungry at the same time, its bound to fail.


Forum Star
May 9, 2015
United kingdom
iv been in this community since may of this year iv made and gamed with so many members since joining I was a private wen I came and now a captain with my own squad iv held a few game nights and there is a GCL match being held on the 19 dec for those who would like o partake.i would like to take this opportunity to thank the community and its leaders for making me a better person and gamer


Forum Junkie
Aug 4, 2014
Agreed people will defiantly come and go thats the way life is but we can also replace those bad apples there will never be a good community like XG best clan IV been in


Jan 6, 2014
New England
XGC 007 XI; Let me say this. As someone who has been around a long time in my opinion. If they wanna leave, who cares? we are better off without them anyways. There is no need in a long post about it though. Simply post their name as Black listed with a brief description as to why and be done. We are supposed to be drama free yet everywhere i turn there seems to be drama. I don't think it is mature. Now, i do agree there is some valid points but again. Much less from an XI which is supposed to help us stay on track and away from the BS. Again this is from someone who has been around the community structures. If you disagree with me please let me know. Thanks.

KoG KiLo69

Get A Life!
Apr 13, 2011
Your missing the main point of the post bro. Its meant to tell his side of their unfortunate falling out and in turn giving the members of XG a piece of mind so to speak. So when they are approached by these members, they will have some knowledge of what's going on instead of following and one persons side of the story. Its an attempt to help keep our members from being swayed into leaving on false information. I say he came straight out with it to be honest with all of us, either way there will be repercussions and members wanting to go. As always it will pass and we will go on.
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Forum Junkie
Aug 4, 2014
Just plan and simple guys dont burn the bridge with XG this place is where true leadership and good group of people are

XGC Define XS

Feb 17, 2009

I concur.

xiled gaming is a community built on, and for its members, no matter what their rank. and while it certainly sucks every time we lose members at any rank ultimately the community will still be here and survive no matter how many times this happens. I personally have seen this happen many times in the 4+ years i've been here, and at the end of the day a lot of member want to come home (some more then once), and xiled gaming is still there every time.

People can make up whatever reasons they want for leaving or staying but ultimately its their decision, anyone leaving should just be sure they have the full story and are making the decision for there own reasons and not anyone else's. either way we will be here if and when you want to come home.

hopefully anyone reading this is having a good time gaming, no matter where they are. I certainly am, and that's why i'll be here.

And to Piggy back on what Pottz said, I have been here since 2009. I have never left XGC, only gone inactive for military reasons. Every time I have come back from inactivity i have been welcomed back with open arms and placed in a clan ASAP. Through the years of me being in XGC I have seen this happen numerous times, again and again. Want to know what usually happens? They leave, make a huge fuss and create drama, try to pouch some members, sometimes succeed too, but the one thing that I always see happen is they FAIL and find themselves wanting to come back to the community, one way or another. XGC is suppose to be a Mature gaming community, which separates us from the rest. No matter how cool you think we are, or how much I game with you, I'll always have it known, I am not going ANYWHERE, I will be XGC. I wish those of the members that chose to leave the best and they find what they are looking for, one thing for certain they won't find a community like this one again.