S S SadisticPup8863 Nov 23, 2015 Thank you! I've been part of XG since February. But I'm trying to become more active on the site
XGC Taurus Nov 20, 2015 Yeah lmao I noticed that to add me when ever and we will game thinking about a game night soon
X X XGC GreyPOOPonU Nov 17, 2015 i have been good how have you been and how have you been and how are you liking bo3
X X XGC Shmoopybear Nov 11, 2015 Hey Been crazy busy with life and stuff so I have not been on much except to do clan stuff. I want to game! lol
Hey Been crazy busy with life and stuff so I have not been on much except to do clan stuff. I want to game! lol
H H hotboy257 Nov 10, 2015 Hi! Thanks for accepting my friend request, im trying to make new friends and have people to play with, what clan are you in?
Hi! Thanks for accepting my friend request, im trying to make new friends and have people to play with, what clan are you in?