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In Remembrance of KOG Cobra XD

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I am shocked and saddened by this terrible news of your passing. I am not sure if I have known of someone to make as big of an impact in XG as you did in the short time you were with us. The fact that you went from recruit to XD is less than two years, is a testament of your leadership and dedication to KOG. I could always count on laughing when in a party with you, no matter the topic of conversation. You and your nips will be missed. Although Cobra was the leader of the snake pit, you will always be Turdz to me. Rest In Peace.



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Request to join Xiled Media and Design:
Xiled Media and Design is currently looking for anyone interested in creating custom artwork for the members of our community and our website. No design experience? Don't know how to create custom artwork? No problem! We are also looking for people interested in learning how to create artwork. Our knowledgeable team and in-depth tutorials can guide you along the way to creating signatures and banners for our community! The Xiled Design Team is a great way for you to grow your talents in design and have your work showcased on our website and/or social media!

What do we do?
We are a group of gamers/creators that work together to create excellent content for our community. This includes anything from custom artwork for our members or website, all the way into media for the events team and our social media platforms. Just like any other team, we learn...


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News Team Consideration and Application Format

Applications are only to be posted in this parent forum. If you are wanting to submit a one-time article to the News Team, please feel free to do so through the Community Creations Forum located in the TEAMS section.

The News Team is looking for members that have an interest in writing about games, leaders in the community, tips/tricks to make gaming more fun, and so much more. By joining the Xiled Gaming News Team you will help share new and exciting information in gaming with the members of our community.

Here are some things to consider before submitting your application for consideration as a potential News Team member:

1) Understand the basics of writing and grammar.
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Weekly Warzone

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Weekly Warzone Tournament
Hosted by ClanCompete.com

Welcome to ClanCompete’s Weekly Warzone Tournament.

The event will be held on Saturday, August 22nd, with gameplay expected to start at 8:30 p.m. eastern. Registration will consist of teams of four and we will try to accommodate as many teams as are interested in participating.

Sign-ups are linked ->HERE<-. Rules for registration, play, and scoring are attached to the tournament. Any further questions can be directed to any Clan Compete Staff Member​

Welcome Home

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Hello XG!

We have appreciated everyone's patience over the last two or three weeks. It was a long, and tedious process but we're finally here. We also want to thank everyone for their generous contributions to the community. Whether it was your time, money or your patiences, we thank you for your continued commitment to making Xiled Gaming the best.

The website upgrade has been a long time coming. Our last upgrade from VB4 to VB5 came with many unforeseen issues and we lost a lot of functionality that our community needed to operate. While VBulletin served our community well for years, it was time to move on.

Why Xenforo? Xenforo is a self-hosted, premium forum software. Websites such as IGN, Toms Hardware, and more all utilize Xenforo's software. However, what's most important to us is that it has an active community creating mod's/add-ons. That gives us the ability to regain lost functionality and gain even more. Speaking of which, we have already installed a number of addons...

Clan Compete Tournament

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CC CDL Domination Tournament
Hosted by ClanCompete

Welcome to ClanCompete’s CDL Domination Tournament.

The event will be held on Saturday, July 18th, with gameplay expected to start at 8:30 p.m. eastern. Registration will consist of teams of five, with provision for substitutes, and we will try to accommodate as many teams as are interested in participating.

Sign-ups are linked ->HERE<-. Rules for registration, play, and scoring are attached to the tournament. Any further questions can be directed to KoG Turdz XS, KoG MamaCoco XS or KoG Caustic.


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The Xiled Gaming Leaders have decided to offer memberships for those who have left Xiled Gaming but wish to come back. We've added this, "Pay To Come Back" to XG for a couple of reasons.

The first being that: When you originally join, you get a free membership to our community.
We seek to recruit people into our family who are like minded gamers and we want the opportunity to give you the best online gaming experience possible. Sometimes people quit or get kicked out for the wrong reasons. We don't want to charge to give YOU your membership back. It's your's, we will get you back in. However, those who leave and take up the time of our hard working leaders, the one's who left due to drama or thought they could recreate our fraternity of gamers, you will have to pay (if approved) to regain your membership as well as your standing in the community.
Now I'm sure some of you are sitting there thinking this is a way for XG to make money off of gamers. Let me assure you Xiled Gaming...


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This thread is for all X members who want to come back. No matter what reason you left of were kicked out. You can come to this thread and state your reason on why you left and why we should consider you coming home. YOU WILL NOT BE TOLD "I TOLD YOU SO" OR MADE FUN OF AT ALL IN THIS THREAD! ANYONE WHO DOES SO WILL BE REMOVED! I don't always get messages or have people come to me to sit down with the Council so you can just post in here that you would like to talk and I will send you a FR to sit and discuss your return or not. Basically this is an open door to come and talk with me and or the Council. There is not any guarantee that you will be let back. Our rule is what it is. However some people left due to not knowing the real truth and might have been misled and would like a second chance. Well here it is. Don’t waste my time. If you are a racist or cheater the answer is without a doubt NO. But if like I said you were told something that was or is not true and would...