XGC Phntm XD
When recruiting someone cover the following topics:
Initial questions to ask:
1) Are you 18 or older? (16+ send to SYN or KoG)
2) What games do you mainly play?
3) Do you have Discord? If not, are you willing to download it?
-What is our community all about, our gaming style.
- Explain the 3 divisions and what they are about.
- Explain clan layout (Divisions, Sections, Clans, Squads) and how they work.
- Rank Structure - Explain all the ranks up to section leader, quickly mention Division Leader and up- any questions so far?
- Honor Code - Summarize each rule (most important things [racism, sexism, etc]). - any questions on that? Do you agree with these rules?
- Clan Meeting, squad meetings, and all clan activities.
- Community Activities and tournaments. Any questions so far?
- Forums, sign up, and "Request Membership", explain how to get to clan forums. Have Gen or XS add to Discord.
Make sure usernames are the same as gamertags when signing up.
- Friend request to - General, Captain, LT, and 1-2 Sargent's.
- [OPTIONAL] Add something in motto or bio - XGC and your clan and/or squad, rank, etc.
I wrote this template in order to assist new leaders who are learning how to recruit and even old leaders who need a reference to help Recruit people into the community. Remember you don't need to read directly from the text, just cover it in your own words and make sure to hit each bullet point. If you have any questions, please contact me.
- Phantom
Initial questions to ask:
1) Are you 18 or older? (16+ send to SYN or KoG)
2) What games do you mainly play?
3) Do you have Discord? If not, are you willing to download it?
-What is our community all about, our gaming style.
- Explain the 3 divisions and what they are about.
- Explain clan layout (Divisions, Sections, Clans, Squads) and how they work.
- Rank Structure - Explain all the ranks up to section leader, quickly mention Division Leader and up- any questions so far?
- Honor Code - Summarize each rule (most important things [racism, sexism, etc]). - any questions on that? Do you agree with these rules?
- Clan Meeting, squad meetings, and all clan activities.
- Community Activities and tournaments. Any questions so far?
- Forums, sign up, and "Request Membership", explain how to get to clan forums. Have Gen or XS add to Discord.
Make sure usernames are the same as gamertags when signing up.
- Friend request to - General, Captain, LT, and 1-2 Sargent's.
- [OPTIONAL] Add something in motto or bio - XGC and your clan and/or squad, rank, etc.
I wrote this template in order to assist new leaders who are learning how to recruit and even old leaders who need a reference to help Recruit people into the community. Remember you don't need to read directly from the text, just cover it in your own words and make sure to hit each bullet point. If you have any questions, please contact me.
- Phantom
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