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Forum Junkie
Dec 22, 2006
To even read this makes me want to kick rocks at some people!

I myself was a KSI member that followed XG when they where about 6 months old. Been with XG for many years and respect them to the up-most! People just don't understand how it is to truly run a very good gaming community.

I myself will back up the XG leaders, why? do you ask. Its simple, i myself have also had no issue getting in the room or chats with any of the council leaders.


Forum Nub
May 10, 2013
Dayton Ohio
I am new to XG. I have been here for a little over 3 months, and I must say that XG is my Family away from Family, Home away from Home. My husband has also been with XG for about 3 to 4 years now. And I can say from complete experience that when I finally became an Xbox Live member, way before I had ever joined XG, that my husbands clan would always send me an invite. Or they would always let me join after a meeting to game with them. I even became friends with several XG members before I had joined. Then some things happened and I was offline for several months but when I can back online XGC community had picked me right back up like nothing had ever happened and they have always treated me like I was one of there sisters before I had ever joined. So when I did join I knew I was in the right place. So I want to personally thank all of the higher ups for everything that you have done. I really appreciate my second family!!!!!