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KoG Mari XS

Dec 8, 2016
El Paso, TX
1) Gamertag: SYN MissMari
2) What type of program are you using? 2016 Maya, photoeditor, EZGif
3) How much experience do you have with your program and making signatures or banners? I make animations for school. I have owned a website design company where I can create logos, websites and any animations for business. I have been creating animations for 3 years but recently started working with gifs.
4) What is your current clan & rank? General
Will this affect your ability to fill the requirements of being on the design team? No, being on the design team will allow me to become more involved with people outside of SYN. I believe this is an opportunity to better myself with the animation software I currently use while will allow me to become certified. This also helps with creating desgins that will assist with exploring outside my comfort zone.

Below I will paste the clan banner that I have just created (which triggered my interest in joining) and 2 Sample Signatures which I wanted to keep a simple design.
WOT Complete jpeg.jpg
Asassins creed completed jpeg.jpg


Mar 29, 2015
1) Gamertag: SYN MissMari
2) What type of program are you using? 2016 Maya, photoeditor, EZGif
3) How much experience do you have with your program and making signatures or banners? I make animations for school. I have owned a website design company where I can create logos, websites and any animations for business. I have been creating animations for 3 years but recently started working with gifs.
4) What is your current clan & rank? General
Will this affect your ability to fill the requirements of being on the design team? No, being on the design team will allow me to become more involved with people outside of SYN. I believe this is an opportunity to better myself with the animation software I currently use while will allow me to become certified. This also helps with creating desgins that will assist with exploring outside my comfort zone.

Below I will paste the clan banner that I have just created (which triggered my interest in joining) and 2 Sample Signatures which I wanted to keep a simple design.
View attachment 37319
View attachment 37320

Welcome to the Design Application Area! Here we will have you complete various tasks in order to gauge - if possible, or establish an understanding of what you're capable of. We will be providing CnC on your productions, as it is part of our growing process together. Please don't take anything negative or personal.

We would like to require productions from the >>TEST IMAGES FOR APPLICANTS THREAD<< that is provided above your app. This is intended so we may begin to see a start point and end result. Thanks for applying! We greatly look forward to working with you.

Please remember that all images must be in PNG or GIF format. Signatures are maximum 500x200 pixels and banners are 400x75 pixels.
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