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  • Woods I can't access the forums. its saying that I do not have any access or rights to view this page. Could you help me? Thanks!
    DeathsAngelMMXI, sent a join request to the captains user group, and is saying you promoted them, but he or she is not in your user group.

    Let me know whats up, please
    Dead *****
    An old maid wanted to travel by bus to the pet cemetery with the remains of her cat. As she boarded the bus, she whispered to the driver, I have a dead *****.

    The driver pointed to the woman in the seat behind him and said, "Sit with my wife. You two have a lot in common.
    A pig walks into the bar and asks for a pitcher of beer. He drank it all then asked the bartender where the bathroom is. The bartender replies " down the hall and to the left.

    Another pig walks into the bar and orders 2 pitchers of beer. Finishing them off and then aske where the bathroom is. The bartender replies" down the hall and to the left.

    another pig walks in and orders 3 pitchers of beer. Finishing them off he was just going to stand up when the bartender asks him" Well aren't u going to ask where the bathroom is? The pig replies" NO, im going to go wee wee all the way home.
    Hey Mr. Woodmasters! :)

    I wanted to know if we can reschedule our 5/19/11 ClanCompete match to Tuesday, 5/17/11. We have two matches by mistake that night. Let me know if we can do that.

    Thank you.
    My way of getting to the forums is from the homepage click on the forums tab, click on site map on the lefthand side, and scroll down until you see XGC Lookout in an orangy color and click on that. Hope this helps
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