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Forum Veteran
Dec 13, 2006
Califonia baby!!!!
I posted something like this on another thread and I thought that I should post on my own thread.Many people I know,in my clan and others,are forgetting that XGC is about teamwork.There are some members in my clan that are starting to look at other XGC clans as rivals.I have a feeling that this issue probably is in almost every clan.Many people keep forgetting that we might be in different clans,but we are all in one community.We need to remember that we need to respect every one.Us Generals have to remember to listen to,and respect,lower ranks and what they have to say.I will admit that there are times I dont take lower ranks seriosly enough.Even though we have the most power in our clans,besides XLs and XIs,we have to work with everyone.Thats how clans prosper.Now dont get me wrong,there are alot of generals that are doing great jobs in running thier clans.This post is mainly just to remind every one of the main goal of XGC,and to remind us generals that we might have power,but we are still teammates inside our clans.We got to work together to win.

P.S: This is just a game,so have fun.And dont stress to much over it.


Forum Member
Dec 11, 2006
i dont really feel this is a huge issue because my clan barely plays with other xgc clans....aside from a few players here and there....

That's something that I personally feel needs to change. As a gaming community we should really be trying to play amongst our clan more. We should really all be making an effort to play with other members in other XGC clans, as well as making the members in other clans feel comfortable playing with your own clan.

Next time you're playing with a captain or general of another clan, suggest a friendly clan match, or just ask them to invite all their online members for a big custom.

I know XGC Echo suggested a friendly 4v4 clan match with my clan. We each sent invites out, and within minutes we actually had to make it an 8v8 and we each had other members of our clans waiting for a spot to get in on the clanmatch action! Props by the way to Echo for suggesting the match as well as to his team for beating us in a 2-1 victory in our three game series.


Forum Noob
Dec 11, 2006
Hit me UP! I'll always try to set something up if you wish to play in a clan match. (Given I have enough notice). Right now I'm trying to get an XGL team set up simply so we can play more with other XGC Clans. I think it's great for all ranks to network with other clans. Clan Matches may be the one of the best methods of networking.

XGC Dead Gear