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XGC Daystar

Forum Star
Aug 11, 2012
As a long-time fan of the Xbox, I'm sad to say I probably won't be getting the next one. Forcing the kinect on me, removing my ability to play and trade used games, and enacting some pretty crazy DRM policies including making discs useless once the game is installed are all just the top layer of icing on the XboxOne sucks cake.

Plus, one of the major problems I had with the PS4 is being fixed. There's now cross game chat. My only gripe with Sony's system right now is that it doesn't look like it has any interesting exclusives - or at least not as many as the X1. Plus, it's the principle of the thing. Microsoft is claiming that when you buy the game - it isn't actually yours. You're simply purchasing a license to use the product (thus the no trading in, all games have to be installed issue). Call me crazy, but if I buy a game, it's mine. Microsoft is screwing the consumer in more ways than one, and I won't support such a draconian future for gaming.

Of course, it's still a tad early - Microsoft could still make company saving changes, so I'll reserve my judgement to the final moments. What sucks the hardest is I'm afraid I'll never get another Halo game again. :(


Forum Star
Dec 20, 2012
Lighthouse Point
Still weighing up the pros and cons for the 2 consoles. Yes yes PS4 will allow you still trade your games etc At first I thought this was a big deal. But now after careful consideration I'm leaning towards an XBOX ONE. Yes it needs to be online once a day but to be honest mine always is anyway so no biggie. I think Microsoft have taken a huge leap forward in the next gen console arena. Risky yes but I believe eventually ALL consoles will head this way. PS4 or 5 included. Microsoft is doing something different and not seen before. PS4 although will still be a great gaming machine is still only that a gaming machine. The way the future has been heading most things are online these days. Your thoughts?? no fanboy b.s. or nonsense just leave an opinion with courtesy.


Feb 2, 2013
yeah im sorry but i dont want my xbox turnin on every time i walk in the room and call me paranoid but i dont like the kinect i dont have it with my 360 and im not looking at the xbox one cause of it but other then taht is kinda cool i guess sux that you cant play old xbox 360 games on it though but im not sure thats true since i didnt read much about it
Paranoid because of privacy? the kinect camera is only on if your xbox is on. The Kinect will be listening to you but only for the key words "Xbox On" which in my opinion is pretty amazing. now when it comes to it being on while gaming this is not a concern for me. currently i have a star wars edition xbox 360 the kinect that came with it is literally only in use while at the dashboard or while im playing kinect integrated games (Skyrim) and even then the camera is not on. ive ben doing my research and have discovered that alot of the negative things people are saying about the Xbox One are typically biased and untrue. Alot of the main concerns right now are geared towards the used game licencing and physical disc. when it comes to the used games on xbox one apparently there are some restrictions. once a game is purchased it comes with an activation code once this code is activated that game disc is tied to your xbox live account and can be played on any xbox one with your profile. so say you want to play GTA V at a friends house you can bring the physical disc to their house and it will be installed onto their HDD. Once this is completed you can play this game on YOUR account at your friends house but say when you leave and he wants to play the game he has to pay the full price of the game as you did. appearently there is some talk about the ability to digitaly trade games with friends as long as they have ben on your friends list for over 30 days. i hope this helped with some of your concerns. here is one of my sources http://news.xbox.com/2013/06/license


May 31, 2009
Nay. Plan on getting the PS4 and getting an Xbox 360 controller made for the PS4.

I wonder if XCM will make another cross-battle adapter for the PS4. I use one on my ps3 now, and its AWESOME. Just plug your 360 controller in, and plug the other cord into the USB on the PS, and you're good to go.