no i did not. But guess what? I beat Redneck in 2 1v1s on MW2
He will deny it but the first game I Had 60 kills and he had 33, and the next I was in the lead when we stopped playing. SO WIN. I have punished Redneck in Halo 3 as well, but never Joe
I almost beat Redneck in 3 different free-for-all games we played Sunday night ... like 60-59, 60-57, and 60-53 .... I had the top spot for most of the game for the first two, then he went on sprees and won. [The 2nd game we played I was 25/24 to his 60/35 .... ouch .. haha]
Atleast I had a better k/d on 2 of the 4 games we played !!!