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XGC Traitor XC

The Queen's CoD Player
XG Addict
Tournament Admin
Jul 15, 2010
Oceanside, CA
Attention All Generals, Section Leaders, Division Leaders, Community Leaders, and Council Members:
This is your Weekly Updates Mass PM for the week of Sunday, June 29th, 2014.​

KoG FOX XS (formerly known as KoG Fox) - New section leader in KoG*
XGC CALLAWAY XS (formerly known as XGC Callaway) - New section leader in XGC
XGC TRAITOR XS (formerly known as Traitornator) - New section leader in XGC

CAJUN2007 - New general over SYN Pride 7
SYN ANUBIS - New general over SYN Delta
SYN IRONSIDES - New general over SYN Gluttony 7
XGC MARLBOROMAN - New general over XGC Vendetta
XGC MODERNGHOST - New general over XGC Torment XK
XGC VEGETA - New general over XGC Federation
xMULTAxNOXx - New general over SYN Archon

Important Notes:

This was a "slow news week," so there isn't much in the way of notes this week.

  • Remember to spam messages that are marked as SPAM on the Xbox. If you are a general, you should also be spamming out messages regarding your clan such as new promotions and new recruits. We have a lot of people in Xiled Gaming, so we rely on leaders and generals to re-spam messages that are sent out so that the information reaches the greatest number of people possible.

  • There will be another XG Last Man Standing event coming up on Saturday, July 12th, 2014 at 9 PM EDT | 6 PM PDT. This event will be held by XGC Tantalizing and XGC BlankSpot and will be held on Black Ops II. If you want to take part in this event, add the gamertag XG LastManStand. As with the previous Last Man Standing events, there will be a $25 Amazon gift card as a prize for the victor. If you have any questions, please direct them to the hosts.

  • Have a happy 4th of July guys! If you haven't yet done your clan list, remember that it was due on the 1st (which was 2 days ago by the time most of you will read this). If it wasn't updated yet, try to get it done when you can; it's better to be late on updating than skipping an update completely.


New Clans:
SYN Archon
SYN Divergent
SYN Gluttony 7
XGC Torment XK

Shutdown Clans:
SYN Ambush

*Fox was promoted last week, however I forgot to add him to last week's Mass PM so I am including him in this week's PM. As always, have a great week and happy gaming! Enjoy the holiday and stay safe out there.

Don't trust people that do acupuncture, they're a bunch of back-stabbers. KoG Lycos XD.

XGC Traitor XC

The Queen's CoD Player
XG Addict
Tournament Admin
Jul 15, 2010
Oceanside, CA
Attention All Generals, Section Leaders, Division Leaders, Community Leaders, and Council Members:
This is your Weekly Updates Mass PM for the week of Sunday, July 13th, 2014.​

KoG COTTON - New General over KoG Good Game
XDC ICHIGO - New General over XDC Inquisition
XGC INTIME - New General over XGC Slaughter House
XGC MONSTAR - New General over XGC Redemption
XGC STRIK3R - New General over XGC Last Empire

Important Notes:

  • XGC Nurse and SYN Stinger XS will be holding a 3v3 Search and Rescue tournament on CoD: Ghosts. This will be held on Friday, July 18th at 9 PM EDT. There will be a prize of Microsoft Points for the winners as well. If you'd like to attend, please add the gamertag XG SnR to your friends list. Please direct any questions to the hosts of the event.

  • The Advanced General's class is now finished and we expect classes to be up to be soon. Keep on the lookout for information regarding future class dates and times.

  • Generals: when coming up with new clan names for a split, please keep in mind that clan names must be 16 characters or less (including spaces). This means that the main clan name (XDC/XGC/SYN/KoG _________, for example), must be 12 characters or less.

  • Finally, XGC Joe Onion and XGC Rebar will be holding a Black Ops I CTF Throwback game night on Saturday, July 19th at 7 PM EDT. If you'd like to attend, or if you have any questions, please contact the hosts.


New Clans:
XDC Inquisition
XGC Slaughter House

Shutdown Clans:
SYN Greed 7
SYN Royalty
XGC Themis XK
XGC Xtreme XK

As always, have a great week and happy gaming!

Past, Present, and Future walked into a bar, and let me tell you...it was tense. KoG Lycos XD.

XGC Traitor XC

The Queen's CoD Player
XG Addict
Tournament Admin
Jul 15, 2010
Oceanside, CA
Attention All Generals, Section Leaders, Division Leaders, Community Leaders, and Council Members:
This is your Weekly Updates Mass PM for the week of Sunday, July 20th, 2014.​

XGC CHALLENGER (now known as XGC BRYAN XS) - New Section Leader in XGC
XGC IRAQVET (now known as XGC IRAQVET XS) - New Section Leader in XGC

KoG BLADEOFDOOM - New General over KoG Uprising
KoG DRIZZY - New General over KoG Revolution
KoG RECKLESS - New General over KoG Velocity
XGC H STEEL - New General over XGC Vicious
XGC PURSUIT - New General over XGC Ignition

Important Notes:

  • Generals: let your members know that when posting a request to the design team, do not add a prefix to the thread. This is for moderator use only in the Sig Requests and Banner Requests forums. Also, please be sure to post your requests in the proper area and read the rules that are stuck before posting. Thank you.

  • Generals: sometimes underage members are recruited into the community (under 18 in XGC, under 16 in SYN, under 13 in KoG, etc.). In cases like this, it is important to transfer the underage member to a division where they meet the age requirements (if they are under 13 though, they must be removed from XG). However, if a member is purposely recruiting underage members with the knowledge that they aren't the proper age, they will be removed from Xiled Gaming. There are no exceptions on this, so make sure that you check a member's age before recruiting them.

  • XGC Sin Vu and XGC Kisses will be holding a CoD: Black Ops II custom game night on Saturday, July 26th at 8 PM EDT | 5 PM PDT. If you are interested in attending this event, please add the gamertag XGC Sin Vu Game to your friends list and you will be invited when the event is starting.

  • Finally, XGC Tantalizing and XGC Kisses will be holding a Titanfall (Xbox 360) Marked for Death game night on Thursday, July 31st at 9 PM EDT | 6 PM PDT. If you want to attend, or if you have questions, please direct your messages to the hosts of the game night.


New Clans:
There were no clans created this week.

Shutdown Clans:
SYN Bloodlust

As always, have a great week and happy gaming!

I have a photographic memory, but it was never developed. KoG Lycos XD.

XGC Traitor XC

The Queen's CoD Player
XG Addict
Tournament Admin
Jul 15, 2010
Oceanside, CA
Attention All Generals, Section Leaders, Division Leaders, Community Leaders, and Council Members:
This is your Weekly Updates Mass PM for the week of Sunday, July 27th, 2014.​

KoG DAYZE2 - New general over KoG Unity
SYN SAMMIEGIRL - New general over SYN Undead
XGC ATTILA - New general over XGC Salvation
XGC IRONFIST - New general over XGC Armada
XGC TRUCKIE831 - New general over XGC Wise Guys

Important Notes:

  • Don't forget, XGC Tantalizing and XGC Kisses will be holding a Titanfall (Xbox 360) Marked for Death game night on Thursday, July 31st at 9 PM EDT | 6 PM PDT (tomorrow). If you want to attend, or if you have questions, please direct your messages to the hosts of the game night.

  • XGC Joe Onion and XGC Tantalizing will be hosting a Girls vs. Guys General's Tournament on Friday, August 8th, at 8 PM EDT | 5 PM PDT. This will be held on Black Ops II. The tourney will be four matches of Hardcore TDM, four matches of Hardcore Search and Destroy, and a tiebreaker match of Hardcore CTF. If you are a general and you want to attend, please add the gamertag XG Joe EVENTS and message the hosts of the event.

  • Please keep in mind that XG does not require you to give out personal information for any reason, nor do we ask for anything like this to become a leader. You should be careful when giving out your phone numbers, Facebook information, Voxer information, etc. It is okay if you do give out information to your captains/section leaders/etc., but be judicious and make sure that you trust the person beforehand. If any problems arise from the release of personal information, there isn't much we can do; we are a gaming community, not the police.

  • Finally, generals: remember that Friday is the 1st of August, which means that clan lists are due. Clan List completion has been improving steadily over the past couple of months, so let's continue the trend. Remember that these lists are very important for your section leader, and an old list isn't very helpful. The more up-to-date, the better.


New Clans:
XGC Armada
XGC Salvation

Shutdown Clans:
No clans were shutdown this week.

XGC Backsmasher passed away on Thursday, July 24th from colon cancer. Please keep his family in your thoughts. Outside of that, have a great week and happy gaming!

I have the ability to read minds, but I'm illiterate. KoG Lycos XD.

XGC Traitor XC

The Queen's CoD Player
XG Addict
Tournament Admin
Jul 15, 2010
Oceanside, CA
Attention All Generals, Section Leaders, Division Leaders, Community Leaders, and Council Members:
This is your Weekly Updates Mass PM for the week of Sunday, August 3rd, 2014.​

DEMON DOG XPR - New general over KoG Vendetta
HARBINGER RISE - New general over KoG Easy Company
KoG THEGAMERX21 - New general over KoG Phoenix
SYN CLARITYY - New general over SYN Divergent
XGC NOSHOT - New general over XGC Relentless

Important Notes:

  • Remember that we have an Open-Door Policy in XG. This means that if a sergeant has a problem with their captain, they are able to bring the issue up to you (the general). Likewise, if you have a problem with your section leader, you can bring the issue up to a division leader. This doesn't mean that you immediately jump to the highest rank that you can get a hold of. Please remember to bring the issue up the Chain of Command to handle it.

  • Also along the same vein as the previous note, if you have an issue within your clan, please bring the issue up the Chain of Command, not down. If you have an issue with a captain causing drama, you shouldn't go complaining about it to the sergeants or other captains in your clan. This will undoubtedly cause drama that could easily be avoided if you instead bring the issue up to your section leader.

  • SYN EMINENCE XS and XGC Kisses will be holding a CoD: Black Ops II Wingman Event game night on Saturday, August 9th, 2014 at 9 PM EDT. If you would like to attend, please add the gamertag SYN xEMINENCEx to your friends list.

  • Finally, as a reminder, keep in mind that that on Friday, August 8th, 2014 there will be a Girls vs Boys XG Generals game night on CoD: Black Ops II. If you want to attend, add the gamertag XG Joe Events to your friends list and message the hosts for an invite. The hosts, again, are XGC Joe Onion and XGC Tantalizing. For more details, check last week's Mass PM that had the full information in it regarding this event.


New Clans:
XGC Delta
XGC Genesis

Shutdown Clans:
SYN Nightmare

As always, have a great week and happy gaming!

Did you hear about the kid that swallowed all of those coins? Let's just say that there's been no change yet. KoG Lycos XD.

XGC Traitor XC

The Queen's CoD Player
XG Addict
Tournament Admin
Jul 15, 2010
Oceanside, CA
Attention All Generals, Section Leaders, Division Leaders, Community Leaders, and Council Members:
This is your Weekly Updates Mass PM for the week of Weekly Updates for August 10th, 2014.​

JBAT13 - New general over SYN Archon
SYN BUCKEYE - New general over SYN Ground Zero
XGC ARMY - New general over XGC Delta
XGC NOSHOT - New general over XGC Relentless
XGC PHOENIXHAWK - New general over XGC Paradox

Important Notes:

  • Generals and Section Leaders: I cannot stress this enough - we do not deny or hold up legitimate transfer requests. This means that if someone wants to transfer out of your clan to somewhere else, then it's your job to try and get the transfer done in a reasonable amount of time. The only time we deny transfers are in rare cases where they've recently transferred, then they may have to wait before being allowed to transfer again. But outside of these very few cases, only the incoming clans can choose not to accept the transfer if they do not want to.

  • Generals: remember that part of your job is to provide game nights and practices/scrimmages for your clan members. Though holding meetings is important, XG is a gaming community as well. Most generals do game nights after their weekly clan meetings (which is a good time since everyone's already in there together). Don't forget to organize different events to provide for your clan members.

  • XGC Armadillo6 and XGC Thomas will be holding a Black Ops II Border Patrol game night on Saturday, August 16th at 9 PM EDT | 6 PM PDT. If you are interested in attending, please add the gamertag "Dillos Events1" to your friends list. If you have any questions, please direct them towards the hosts.

  • Also on Saturday, August 16th at 9 PM EDT, there will be an XG FFA Last Man Standing event on Black Ops II. This event will be held by XGC Tantalizing and XGC BlankSpot. The prize for the winner will be a 25$ Amazon gift card. If you are interested in attending this event, add "XG LastManStand" to your friends list.


New Clans:
XGC Delta
XGC Paradox

Shutdown Clans:
There were no clans shutdown during this week.

As always, have a great week and happy gaming!

I used to work for H&R Block, but it was just too taxing. KoG Lycos XD.

XGC Traitor XC

The Queen's CoD Player
XG Addict
Tournament Admin
Jul 15, 2010
Oceanside, CA
Attention All Generals, Section Leaders, Division Leaders, Community Leaders, and Council Members:
This is your Weekly Updates Mass PM for the week of Sunday, January 4th, 2015.​

KoG DRIZZY XS (formerly KoG DriZzy) - New section leader in SYN

DUDEPACKERS - New general over KoG Valiant
KoG ABYSSAL - New general over KoG Unity
KoG OREO - New general over KoG Basic
SYN CLARITYY - New general over SYN Outlaws
SYN MERCIFUL - New general over SYN Divergent
XGC BRADSHAW90 - New general over XGC Darkages
XGC FINN - New general over XGC New Breed
XGC GH0ST - New general over XGC Purgatory XK
XGC LANCER - New general over XGC Salvation
XGC SPEAKEASY - New general over XGC Immortals XK

Important Notes:

  • Welcome back after that nice holiday break. I hope everyone had a great time and I wish everyone the best luck in 2015. While it may be a new year, the same events as last year will still affect every general and higher. Remember that regardless of new games coming out, don't forget to keep tabs with everyone in your clan. Next-gen consoles also present challenges to any general on the Xbox 360 or PS3, not only with regards to members transferring to the new consoles but also making sure section leaders and division leaders that moved on don't forget those who haven't. Remember, no member should be left behind.

  • XGC Tantaliz XS and XGC Apollo XS will be hosting an XG Last Man Standing event this coming Saturday, January 10th at 9 PM EST. This will be a hardcore FFA event on the Xbox 360 version of Advanced Warfare. There will be a $25 Amazon gift card as a prize for the victor. If you want to attend and take a shot at the prize, add the gamertag "XG LastManStand" to your friends list and you will receive an invite when it is set to start. If you have any questions, please direct them to the hosts of the event.

  • XGC Wolfman XS is putting together an 8 week long, 4v4 Advanced Warfare competitive season on the Xbox One / Xbox 360. There will be weekly scheduled matches, brackets, and playoffs as the season progresses. The winning team at the end of this event could win $240 worth of prizes. If you are interested, the rules are located > HERE < and the actual signup thread is located > HERE <. Please make sure that you read and understand the rules before you sign up.


New Clans:
KoG Excalibur
XGC Darkages

Shutdown Clans:
KoG Themis
SYN Archon
XGC Delta
XGC Lookout
XGC Origins

Again, I wish everyone the best in this coming year. Stay safe, and as always, have a great week and happy gaming!

Ever heard of that one restaurant, Kung Fu Panda Express? KoG Lycos XD.

XGC Traitor XC

The Queen's CoD Player
XG Addict
Tournament Admin
Jul 15, 2010
Oceanside, CA
Attention All Generals, Section Leaders, Division Leaders, Community Leaders, and Council Members:
This is your Weekly Updates Mass PM for the week of Sunday, January 11th, 2015.​

CALL ME PERSON - New general over KoG Vengeance
EARTHSUPERDUDE - New general over KoG Section 8
KoG ZOHVA - New general over KoG Oblivion
SAAMAZING - New general over KoG Alliance
SACRIFICE6 - New general over KoG Revolution
TRIATOMICPIT75 - New general over XGC Nemesis XK
XGC SNAKEEYES - New general over XGC Redemption
XGC TOKEN - New general over XGC Wise Guys

Important Notes:

  • Starting off, keep in mind that today is the 15th of the month, which means that clan lists need to be updated by the end of the day. I know it seems like we always say this, but clan lists are very important to the XSs and XDs within your division. If you haven't yet done so, please take a minute or two and update your clan lists as you normally would on the 1st and 15th of each month.

  • Please make sure that you don't find yourself taking part in the rumor mill within XG. If you hear a rumor, please don't pass it on as it is almost definitely not the full truth. Though this may seem obvious, this is still something that we run across every week in all of the divisions. You can help out, though. Try to nip these rumors in the bud: if you hear a rumor, tell that person to stop spreading them, and if need be (if it keeps on), report that member to your leaders. This is a gaming community, not a TV show about the drama in high school, so try to keep this in check.

  • In the same line of thought: if you have issues, don't hesitate to bring them to your leaders. No leader has ever been upset with a member coming to them with a question or for advice. It's much better to ask a question and know the answer than to go on an incorrect assumption when dealing with something.

  • Care to try your hand at a CoD: AW competitive gaming season? Well XGC Wolfman XS is putting together an 8 week long, 4v4 Advanced Warfare competitive season on the Xbox One / Xbox 360. There will be weekly scheduled matches, brackets, and playoffs as the season progresses. The winning team at the end of this event can win $240 worth of prizes. If you are interested, the rules are located > HERE < and the actual signup thread is located > HERE <. Just like I mentioned last week, please make sure that you read and understand the rules before you sign up.


New Clans:
There were no clans created during this past week.

Shutdown Clans:
KoG Apocalypse
SYN Exodus
SYN Undead

As always, have a great week and happy gaming!

I used to work at an orange juice factory, but I got canned because I couldn't concentrate. KoG Lycos XD.

XGC Traitor XC

The Queen's CoD Player
XG Addict
Tournament Admin
Jul 15, 2010
Oceanside, CA
Attention All Generals, Section Leaders, Division Leaders, Community Leaders, and Council Members:
This is your Weekly Updates Mass PM for the week of Sunday, January 18th, 2015.​

XGC WEEZY XS (formerly XGC Weezy) - New section leader in XGC

I DRESS MYSELF - New general over KoG Ethos
SYN ASTOUND - New general over XGC Xiled Kings
XGC PAINKILLA - New general over XGC New Age

Important Notes:

Short and sweet this week as not that much happened:

  • Generals: make sure that your usergroup closely matches your clan list. For example, if your clan list says that you have 40 members in your clan, your usergroup shouldn't show that you actually have 87 people in it. If this is the case, you need to get with your section leader to clean out your usergroup. If the clan list has more on it than your usergroup shows, then you'll need to get your members registered and/or into your usergroup on the site.

  • If you're on the Xbox One, you can still spam out information effectively without any major hoops to jump through. Just go to your activity feed, and post your spam message there. This makes it way easier for other members to spam the information as all they would have to do is click "share" on it.

  • KoG Drizzy XS and KoG Devoured XS will be holding a Battlefield 4 Rush game night this coming Saturday, January 24th at 6 PM PST | 9 PM EST. Everyone is welcome to join in for this event. If you're interested in joining in, just add the gamertag "XG Events II" to your friends list and you will receive an invite if you're on for this event.


New Clans:
There were no new clans created this week.

Shutdown Clans:
KoG Impulse
SYN Undead

As always, have a great week and happy gaming!

I used to work at Starbucks but I got tired of the daily grind. KoG Lycos XD.

XGC Traitor XC

The Queen's CoD Player
XG Addict
Tournament Admin
Jul 15, 2010
Oceanside, CA
Attention All Generals, Section Leaders, Division Leaders, Community Leaders, and Council Members:
This is your Weekly Updates Mass PM for the week of January 25th, 2015.​

SYN RABID ODANI - New general over SYN New Dynasty
XGC HONOS - New general over XGC Ascension

Important Notes:

  • There will be no meetings for this upcoming Sunday, February 1st due to the Super Bowl. Keep in mind that though there won't be meetings this Sunday, the Sunday general's meetings are not optional. We need generals to make an attempt to show up each week for the meetings. These are where we pass on information that is needed for you to run your clan more effectively. If you cannot make it to the meetings due to work or other obligations, please let your section leader know and make it a priority to have a captain sit in for you.

  • Generals: remember that though one of your goals is to have a successful clan (i.e. a decent-sized clan), it is just as important, if not more so, to have a clan that enjoys playing together. This is just like what is taught in the general's class - there is nothing worse than a clan that recruits members and then does nothing with them. Try to include any new recruits into the rest of your day-to-day activities as quickly as you can.

  • Finally, as mentioned numerous times in the Weekly Updates Mass PM: the leaders in your divisions are not mind-readers. If you have an issue, don't wait for someone to come to you about it; instead, approach your section leader (or division leader if necessary) with the problem to get it resolved. Try not to assume that leaders know about your problem and will go to you to fix it. Leaders within the divisions are over many clans and can't possibly know all of the issues going on at any given time, but that doesn't mean they can't help you with the issue.


New Clans:
There were no clans created this week.

Shutdown Clans:
KoG Liberty
XGC Bermuda

As always, have a great week and happy gaming!

What's that one strike in Destiny, Mitt Romnigul? KoG Lycos XD.

XGC Traitor XC

The Queen's CoD Player
XG Addict
Tournament Admin
Jul 15, 2010
Oceanside, CA
Attention All Generals, Section Leaders, Division Leaders, Community Leaders, and Council Members:
This is your Weekly Updates Mass PM for the week of Sunday, February 8th, 2015.​

HAUGEREIGHTEEN - New general over XGC Royalty
INITIALD DRIVER - New general over KoG Uprising
SYN BLACKICEE - New general over SYN United
SYN GAMBIT - New general over SYN Divergent
SYN FLYY - New general over SYN Empire
SYN WARLOCK - New general over SYN Havoc
XGC ANGRYHAMSTR - New general over XGC Kings
XGC ROLLTIDE - New general over XGC 9th Legion
XGC SAMURAI 11B - New general over XGC Velocity XK
XGC TONKATRUCK - New general over XGC Purgatory XK
XGC WHIT3WOLF - New general over XGC Bad Co

Important Notes:

  • XGC Tantaliz XS and XGC BlankSpot will be holding a hardcore FFA Last Man Standing game night on the Xbox One version of Advanced Warfare. This will be held next Saturday, February 21st at 9 PM EST | 6 PM PST. It follows the same formats at the previous Last Man Standing events and will feature a $25 Amazon gift card for the victor of this event. If you are interested in seeing how you stack up against the competition, add the gamertag 'XG LastManStand' to your friends list and be online when it will be held. Good luck!

  • [The deadline for registration for this tournament is Monday, February 16th!]
    XGC Wolfman XS is putting together an 8 week long, 4v4 Advanced Warfare competitive season on the Xbox One / Xbox 360. There will be weekly scheduled matches, brackets, and playoffs as the season progresses. The winning team at the end of this event could win $240 worth of prizes. If you are interested, the rules are located > HERE < and the actual signup thread is located > HERE <. Please make sure that you read and understand the rules before you sign up!

  • Keep in mind that although tools like Voxer, Kik, Facebook, and text messages can be useful adjuncts to running your clan, they should not replace your day-to-day interaction on your gaming platform. Your meetings should never be held off of the console your clan is based on, and these technologies are not a substitute for a traditional meeting (even if all of the members have Voxer, for example). Furthermore, if you need to discipline a member (give them a warning, demote them, or remove them from XG), it must take place on the box. We don't demote or remove members by sending them a Voxer or Kik message (or through any other messaging program), so please make sure you aren't using these programs or apps to do this.

  • Finally, remember that the only way to solve problems you may be having is to bring the issue up the chain of command, not down. If you have an issue with one of your captains, you shouldn't complain about them to one of your sergeants, for example. This also applies to section leaders and higher; if a section leader is having problems with one of their generals, ideally only the XS and that general and maybe an XD should be aware of it. Complaining about your section leaders/generals/captains/etc. to other members that don't really need to know isn't just bad leadership, but it causes a lot of drama and leads to a host of other issues and tends to bring disciplinary actions upon those involved.


New Clans:
SYN United

Shutdown Clans:
SYN Friction

As always, have a great week and happy gaming!

Ancient orators tended to just Babylon. KoG Lycos XD.

XGC Traitor XC

The Queen's CoD Player
XG Addict
Tournament Admin
Jul 15, 2010
Oceanside, CA
Attention All Generals, Section Leaders, Division Leaders, Community Leaders, and The Council:
This is your Weekly Updates Mass PM for the Week of: November 1st, 2015

Important Notes:

  • There is now a sub-forum called "Xiled Gaming Leadership Training". This forum is where information about being a leader, Xiled Gaming Leadership Classes & other helpful information for those that wish to become leaders in Xiled Gaming will be posted.

  • When there is a new General promoted over a new or an existing clan. Please make sure that you are posting an announcement for that General on your Divisional Home Page, along with posting it in the "Weekly Updates, Promotions". This is to help recognize the hard work that the member put into the community.

  • Section Leaders, when there is an update in one of your clans such as a game update, console change, or a new General. Make sure you post an "Update Clan" request so the information on that clan is accurate. Also, when there is a clan split or a new clan being formed, please make sure that you post a "New Clan" request in the Help Desk.

  • Do you think you have what it takes to beat the girls of Xiled Gaming? If so, go to the XGG forums and present your challenge. The XG Girlz will be waiting!

Upcoming Classes:

Captain's Classes:

  • XGC Journey XS will be conducting a Captain's Class Monday, November 2nd @ 9PM EST. on the Xbox One in Party Chat. This class is limited to 10 spots only.

  • XGC Lizz XS will be conducting a Captain's Class Thursday, November 5th @ 9PM EST. on the Xbox 360 in Party Chat. This class is limited to 7 spots only.

  • XGC Tantaliz XS will be conducting a Captain's Class Tuesday, November 10th @ 9PM EST. on the Xbox One in Party Chat. This class is limited to 10 spots only.

General's Classes:

  • XGC Drum XD will be conducting an Intro's to General's Class Monday, November 2nd @ 6PM EST. & @ 8PM EST. both on the Xbox 360 in Party Chat. Both classes are limited to 7 spots only.

  • SYN Storm XD will be conducting an Intro's to General's Class Wednesday, November 4th @ 2PM EST. on the Xbox One in Party Chat. This class is limited to 10 spots only. & a Advanced General's Class Thursday, November 5th @ 2PM EST. on the Xbox One in Party Chat. This class is limited to 10 spots only.

Sign-ups can be found in the "Xiled Gaming Leadership Training" forums.​

Xiled Gaming Events:

  • XGC Orbitalink & XGC Fliggy will be hosting a "Halo 5 Game Night" Friday, November 6th @ 8PM EST. on Halo 5: Guardians on the Xbox One.

Games Coming Out Soon (2015):

  • CoD: Black Ops III - 11/06
  • Star Wars Battlefront - 11/17
  • Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Siege - 12/01

Recent Promotions:
Congratulations to the following members on their promotions!

SYN Lakota XS - New Section Leader in SYN

WASHIZAKI XC - New General over SYN Devil Dogs
XGC FORTY - New General over XGC Ol Skool XK
XGC IRAQVET XS - New General over XGC Ignition
XGC RyuHayabusa - New General over XGC Disciples
XGC Tida1Wave - New General over XGC 9th Legion
xXxGDoorxXx - New General over KoG Section 8

New Clans:
KoG Section 8

Shutdown Clans:
There were no clans shutdown this week.

Weekly Updates put together by SYN RUSTY XD.

XGC Traitor XC

The Queen's CoD Player
XG Addict
Tournament Admin
Jul 15, 2010
Oceanside, CA
Attention All Generals, Section Leaders, Division Leaders, Community Leaders, and The Council:
This is your Weekly Updates Mass PM for the Week of: November 8th, 2015

Important Notes:

  • Generals: Clan Lists are due Sunday, November 15th. Please make sure you have them done, if you can't have them done please let your respective Section Leader know.

  • User Group Request: Make sure that all join requests are checked for legitimacy before clicking "accept." Do not accept requests from members you do not know or from those who did not put down who recruited them until you talk with that member. Stay vigilant.

Upcoming Classes:

  • XGC Journey XS will be conducting a Captain's Class Monday, November 9th @ 9PM EST. on the Xbox One in Party Chat. This class is limited to 10 spots only.

  • XGC Tantaliz XS will be conducting a Captain's Class Tuesday, November 10th @ 9PM EST. on the Xbox One in Party Chat. This class is limited to 10 spots only.

  • XGC Lizz XS will be conducting a Captain's Class Saturday, November 14th @ 9PM EST. on the Xbox 360 in Party Chat. This class is limited to 7 spots only.

Sign-ups can be found in the "Xiled Gaming Leadership Training" forums.​

Xiled Gaming Events:

  • XGC Taurus and XGC Fliggy will be hosting a "BO3 Ground War Custom" Game Night on Sunday, November 15th at 6:30 PM EST till 8:00 PM EST on CoD: Black Ops III (Xbox One). Direct all questions to the hosts.

Games Coming Out Soon (2015):

  • Star Wars Battlefront - 11/17
  • Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Siege - 12/01

Recent Promotions:
Congratulations to the following members on their promotions!

KoG FLYY - New General over KoG Xiled Kings
SYN BabyBlue - New General over SYN Ground Zero
SYN Supa Finn - New General over SYN Insidious
XGC ASEPSIS - New General over XGC Abyss
XGC Draken - New General over XGC Death Note

New Clans:
XGC Abyss
XGC Death Note

Shutdown Clans:
XGC Dark Army
XGC Immortals XK
XGC Nightmare
XGC Themis

Weekly Updates put together by SYN RUSTY XD.