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XGC Maggnus

Forum Nerd
Dec 11, 2006
If your problems aren't solved by the section leaders, go to a division leader, and if they can't solve your problem, go to the council. Thats as simple as I think I could get this post so that everyone can read it without misinterpreting it. To be honest, this thread going this far is rediculous. It seems like the XLs has been doing a great job trying to understand your situation without having all of the information and they're trying to be as helpfull as possible. If your problem, to you, doesn't seem to be addressed by anyone, go to the next step, to a division leader. Hylander offered to speak with you in a private room, my advice is do so and stop bickering about it on here.



Mar 27, 2006
somewhere on the internet
LOL!!! You are hilarious dude. Come man, read what you just said over and over you can't be for real.

So, another Section Leader doesn't get your points, huh?
How many of us have to talked to?
Seems like we are all saying the same things to you so it must be more of an issue with you not liking what we are saying then anything else.

I can say this, several hundred other people can communicate with me and the other Section Leaders on the forums and on XBL. Hell, I would venture to say thousands of people can.

You mentioned that you have an "issue" other than what you have already been talking about. Have your brought that up to anyone besides yourself?

Try going to your Section Leader and talking about it. You can even seek me out and do so. I help many many people in XG.

Realize this, if you are looking for some sugar coated repsonse, I am not the one to talk to. I will give it to you straight and hard if the situation warrants that type of response. You can take it or leave it.

As for being happy and having fun on the forums, dude, if you are bringing trouble or want to be negative, go somewhere else and do so because your right, we don't want any of it in XG.

As I said to you in my last post, do not post anything, come to me on XBL and speak to me about your "issue". I am online everyday for 2 to 4 hours mostly in the evenings. I am not hard to find. I was online earlier today for 2 hours. Do that and I will be happy to discuss things with you.

End of story. This thread is now closed.
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