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KoG SynysterA7X

Forum Member
Aug 25, 2007
About the requirements thing. It says captain must be a captain for a min of 30 days. I have been a captain since february. I have had a replacement since march. My two generals were my privates and some how managed to get general before me. I have squad meetings every week. So why the hell am i not promoted? plz answer the best u can.

KoG Scorpion

Carpel Tunnel
Dec 9, 2006
Hmmm...maybe you havent read the other part...

It dosent matter how long your in XG, it matters on your dedication, commitment and leadership.

You said that if your a captain for 30 days you get general. That is not true you must have misread, in order for you to BECOME general you have to be a captain for 30 days or 1 month, just because your in the clan for over a month dosent mean you get general, like i said you need to show leadership, commitments and dedication.

I have had people who i recruted catch up to me in rank and i dont complain because i am happy that i recrute quality people.

Also, it shows me that you are not patient, all leaders need to be patient and maybe thats whats holding your positing back.

KoG Ezekiel XS please continue (KoG Ezekiel was a leiutenant under me and now he is the same rank as me which makes me happy)

XGC Ezekiel

Mar 26, 2007
Along with Scorpion's statement, the 30 days is just a rule you must follow before promotion. Think about it there have been people in KoG maybe even the whole XG that waited more then just one month. Promotions from captains to generals come with a section leader seeing qualtiy leadership. Not saying that you arent ready but maybe your section leader believes your not quite prepared. Leaders arent born they are created by other leaders. Reading scorpions Leadership Classes would be a great idea, and reading the New XG Ranking Structure and the New XG Promotion Requirments. Now with the new rules that have just came out, your going to have to wait a lot longer as well. The new rule I'm referring to is " Only one general per clan, and one clan per general". I hope you dont get frustrated with the explanation you are recieving.


Forum Star
Apr 17, 2007
Ehh I think he means the Gen requirements and stuff....maybe? Yeah well I mean min. 30 days and anyone can get Gen. Even if your an elder capt. It wont matter if you're not a leader, enforce the honor code, rank stucture/symbols and help run your clan. I mean me and one other captain were running our clan but my Xbox died yesterday :( Now its our Gen and pretty much one captain are doing the business. Also you need to recruit and USE FORUMS and other things.