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XGC 3xceS

Forum Veteran
Dec 19, 2006
North Carolina
K the new generals night will be the same as the old one the 3rd saturday of the month. (for those of you keeping track thats next saturday the 19th.

The game is still up for debate.

anyone interested post here or PM me i have a 2ndary tag i can use or we can use one of the main leaders tags that everyone has on their list like 007.

I look forward to gaming with you all and plan on being available the whole afternoon so that we can do anything.

If anyone would like to assist then thats fine if we do go with halo 3 we may try customs/social big team or some type of tournament.

This is for generals but any XS or above that is interested can join in im sure without any trouble.

XGC 3xceS

Forum Veteran
Dec 19, 2006
North Carolina
I'd love to see R6v2 but for the first week i think halo 3 would work best so that way we can kidna setup a different game every month.

As of now im going to send out a super pm soon detailing the gaming night.

XGC 3xceS

Forum Veteran
Dec 19, 2006
North Carolina
yah i hoped back on right after your message but you were offline....

we'll have to figure out a more concrete way to get members into the partys....

i think rainbow six vegas 2 would work better we can try the 2nd week of august for those that have it as well as anyone that would want to run another halo 3 night to maximize the availability for members...

i tried the mass pm but some people's inbox were full and i had to manually send everything out....

im hoping by next time to have some form of an XG generals clan that is more accessible we had trouble getting everyone on that was on in the party so maybe we could utilize the chat function or an XBL silver gamertag.....

I'll talk to some higher-ups to check on the situation and figure out the best course of actions but i appreciate everyone that was on and if you didnt find the room then we will do better next time.