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Forum Member
Dec 13, 2006
When I first came over to KoG it was hard. I transferred over to help a new division be created. I thought an XG division for any age would be awesome. I had so many friends over in XGC. I wasn't leaving them or anything; they were just a division away. Once I came over a lot of my "XGC FRIENDS" removed me; I didn't understand. Then there were the people calling us "Kids" of Gaming. I was shocked. I didn't understand. Why? I still don't get it. XG is a community built on morals and values. But in time all that stuff died down. Those people are still not my friends. In fact, they are no longer around in XG. Can you guess why?

Anyway, recently a very friendly and loved member of XG left for many reasons. One of those reasons was the fact that when they had also transferred over to another division they were made fun of by the ones who used to be their friends. Some of them were, in fact, leaders of XG. They had approached me and told me why they were leaving. I told her my "odyssey" of coming over. I gave you all a short version. In fact, it was a lot harder than that.

Here is the deal boys and girls of XG. You are in XG; you follow the honor code set before you. You are to respect gamers and make this a peaceful community. If you want to talk trash about a community I suggest this, LEAVE XG! Otherwise, treat your fellow gamers and such as this...a family. That is what XG, in truth, really is. We came over from another community originally, too. We banded together, like a bunch of Brothers in Arms. So lets keep to it. Just because were all separated by divisions does NOT make any one different. We all get the same rights and privileges of being in XG.


My understanding when I joined KoG was that I would be treated respectfully. I thought KoG would be a change from being in other Gaming Communities where you are countlessly being made fun of and being called a "kid". I respect XG for making a community of all ages. I go into Matchmaking with XG members and other gamers not in XG ask what KoG is and the XG members reply, "That's our smaller branck for little kids." It gets old real fast.

Members of XG disobey the Honor Code and call KoG, "Kids" of Gaming. They even go beyond that making other remarks about how childish we are and it's past our bedtime and other disrespectful remarks. Just because KoG is for all ages does not mean that everyone is a child. Even older people in KoG are made fun of for having to deal w/ little kids all day.

I hope that one day that this disrespect toward KoG will stop and we can all be a family under one title, Xiled Gaming.

-KoG Sigma

When I joined XG, I thought this was the coolest thing I had ever seen. A gaming community that was against cheating and that had a set of rules that were good. Now I’ll be the first to admit when I found out about KoG I thought it was a laughable concept. I thought of them as “Kiddies of Gaming” but once I transferred over from XGC and got my Section Leader I realized how wrong I was.

Once I got comfortable in my position and got to know my fellow clan mates, and fellow leaders I thought to myself, “Hey these guys are really cool!” I found myself getting along well in my new role and then I had to deal with first hand the crap that some people in KoG had to put up with from some of the other Divisions of XG. To tell the truth I was quite outraged at some of the stuff I had to listen to… Of course, this was back when if you got caught talking trash about KoG; you received the privilege of joining the ranks of KoG. Why we stopped doing that I’ll never know. I thought it was a great idea. However, with this crap still going on it just shows how immature people can be! Moreover, I’ll tell you right now; if you’re going to act immature your stay in XG isn’t going to last very long. I promise that if I find someone talking trash to another person in another division of XG about that person being in that division I will make it my personal mission to see that you get kicked out of XG! It doesn’t matter if you are in XGC, KoG, SYN, or XGG I see it you are gone!

On that note, I hope you people learn something from this and take what I have to say to heart because believe it or not, “The Power Hungry” Apollyon doesn’t like to kick people out. (Although there have been a few times when it has been very enjoyable but those people had it coming anyways!) Please don’t make it my mission to have someone removed from XG!

-KoG Apollyon XS

XGC, KoG and SYN is a FAMILY! We are a giant family, just split up. It really amazes me what a difference of respect you get in KoG. I was in XGC for 3 months and I was treated great. I felt really welcomed. Then my general found out i was grabdfathered in. So i asked for a transfer. Of course I got it, but soon after I was treated disgracefully by a small amount of XGC members. I dont like the treatment. I was tired of seeing my XGC members treat me like i was 8 years old. Im 16, two years away from adulthood, treat me as a young adult please. Now when I join parties that have my old XGC buddies its awkward. They used to think of me as the funniest guy in the clan, but once i was in KoG that titled went out the window. I would say a joke, and I would hear, "Shut up kid", or "Does your mommy know you talk like that lil' boy". Its ridiculous!

What really shocked me was hearing some members saying KoG isnt real, the council doesnt care about them. and my favorite KoG was made so we didnt have to hear little squeky voices! Ha come on now, KoG AND SYN are not fill with 7 and and 8 year olds.

I hope one day that members of XGC that have no respect for their other branches of family will figure out we are in this together making XG BIGGER, BETTER, AND BADASS

-KoG Ezekiel

XGC Ezekiel

Mar 26, 2007
XGC, KoG and SYN is a FAMILY! We are a giant family, just split up. It really amazes me what a difference of respect you get in KoG. I was in XGC for 3 months and I was treated great. I felt really welcomed. Then my general found out i was grabdfathered in. So i asked for a transfer. Of course I got it, but soon after I was treated disgracefully by a small amount of XGC members. I dont like the treatment. I was tired of seeing my XGC members treat me like i was 8 years old. Im 16, two years away from adulthood, treat me as a young adult please. Now when I join parties that have my old XGC buddies its awkward. They used to think of me as the funniest guy in the clan, but once i was in KoG that titled went out the window. I would say a joke, and I would hear, "Shut up kid", or "Does your mommy know you talk like that lil' boy". Its ridiculous!

What really shocked me was hearing some members saying KoG isnt real, the council doesnt care about them. and my favorite KoG was made so we didnt have to hear little squeky voices! Ha come on now, KoG AND SYN are not fill with 7 and and 8 year olds.

I hope one day that members of XGC that have no respect for their other branches of family will figure out we are in this together making XG BIGGER, BETTER, AND BADASS