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KoG Dinerbro

Dec 6, 2006
Again guys im seeing the same stuff in KoG. people antcipating promotions and not working exspecting it to be handed to them. That just makes it worse because leaders will think that u wont work once u have the promotoin.

Secondly: people Getting mad over people getting promoted before them! If you think you need that promotion you need to work like u want it. Promotions are not based on how long you've been in KoG its how hard u work! now if you've been a General for a year there is somthing wrong with that! One; you dont work at all . or Two (which I think is not the case) the council hates you!

Thirdly: Do your own Job! I cant stress this enough! Its not your job to worry about somone elses clan/squad!. Let them worry about it. I a SL/General asks you to put your tag in that clan then you can worry. That takes your focus off your clan and eventually causes your clan to fall apart.( I learned from experience)

please spam this to your clans

KoG Dinerbro​

RGC Birdie01

Forum Noob
Nov 30, 2006
Promotions are given to those who have earned it. When someone asks me for a promotion thats tells me the person wants it just to have it and not cause they earned it. And when someone asks me for a promotion i make them wait that much longer to get it. So remember promotions are earned not given out to random people.

KoG Fusion

Forum Member
Dec 11, 2006
Haha ya but try recruiting 3 generals haha i recruited three guys in the same party into KoG Revolution and now they are all captain about to be Generals haha i just found that out

KoG Scorpion

Carpel Tunnel
Dec 9, 2006
well...if its my turn to brag..i recruted 4 ppl who are generals now and maybe like 30 ppl who are captains now...maybe even more i didnt count

but from past experience...i recruted someoen when i was a sergeant..and that person got captain when i was still a sergeant

when i was recruted "someone" was a captain....when i got leuitenant he was still my captain....when i got general he was my captain..

so yea...its on effort not how long youve been in KoG