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XILED GAMING is comprised of several X-leaders from many other gaming networks. These leaders have all joined forces to become the future of online gaming. As a team or a Council the original 11 leaders will all make decisions as a whole with no one person's agenda being higher than the others. This is truly how a democracy runs. Xiled Gaming members are held to the highest of standards and are above any petty drama that is sent their way. Xiled Gaming members are professional above all others and conduct themselves in a manner that is becoming of themselves and the organization.

Xiled Gaming does not have any alliances with any other gaming network and does not want any alliances. However we want to be friendly and professional with all who game on any platform. There are NO gamers that Xiled Gaming members are forbidden from playing with or hanging out with. Xiled Gaming is a community of all kinds of people all with different expectations of what they want from a gaming community. Xiled Gaming provides the ability to do this in a professional gaming environment. All Xiled Gaming members can work together to achieve their goals.

Xiled Gaming will have different sections for everyone. (XGC/KoG/SYN) Xiled Gaming will be actively bringing in sponsors and affiliates to join in our community of gamers. With a proven structure and a long history of success this will surely be the gaming network to be in.

XGC x0 0 7x XI

XGC x0 0 7x XI

(XI) Council Leader