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Forum Veteran
Dec 11, 2006
So far this is what has happend. My clan went and registered on this site Gamebattles.com and accepted a clan challenge from a clan that didn't show up for the match yet somehow they were awarded the win. So i subbmited a ticket arguing the validity of the alleged win for the match that they didn't show up for and was told that the ruling stands. Based on what i have no idea, so i submitted this ticket (below) to ask how this decision was made and what the decision was based on. Can u guys see any flaws in my arguement? I don't.:confused:

"Concerning Match id: 1146143

I reported a "no show" (the other team didn't show up), and yet according to your websites own rules a team has 30min. to show up for a scheduled match. And they didn't and i offered a link (http://www.bungie.net/Stats/GameStats.aspx?gameID=659489044&player=XGC T3D PWNZOR) that showed my team waiting for the opposing team to show up. I and my clan are new to this web site, but i feel that we do know and understand the rules quite well. Another rule that seems to be unimportant was rule #4 under the CHALLENGES section that states, "Should a team need to cancel a match already accepted in the match scheduler, they must do so at least 24 hours before the scheduled start time of the accepted match by submitting a ticket," With this in mind the leader of the opposing clan sent me an email 4 hours prior to the match requesting a reschedule, but i was only able to check my email approxamatly 1hr. before scheduled match time. Keeping the previously mentioned rule (rule #4 under challenges) in mind my clan was forced to send mass friend requests to all members listed on BlindRiots roster in hopes of contacting someone before the match 30min. window was up. The only one that we had was there leader; who very convienetly was offline. All attempts to send party invites to there clan leader failed and after waiting for 30mins. (following rule #2; under No-Shows) we submitted a ticket arguing that the opposing team didn't show up for the scheduled match. I even offered giving my email account and password to an admin to check the email that i offer as proof sent on behalf of this website w/ all the information intact and no tampering even possible, due to the fact that checking the ip address, would show it was sent from is ur own server. According to what i've heard from other admins. about this clan this isn't the first time that there actions have been under question.

With this in mind, following all rules to the max, the part that I am extremely confused about is how was a win awarded to the clan that didn't show up for the match; (Match id: 1146143) without any proof of a match even being played on bungie? If anything, the outcome (if ur arguement is "no-proof") should be no one getting a win; as this is the most logical conclusion based on YOUR own rules! But given the argument you have just read it should be clear to anyone that we deserve the "win" based on what I have offered as my clans defence and your rules unless the rules have been changed or altered."


Forum Veteran
Dec 11, 2006
well it turns out that they submitted a ticket saying we didn't show up for the match! what a bunch of cheating WHO***, anywho i guess we just need to be more carefull.

XGC Maggnus

Forum Nerd
Dec 11, 2006
What can you do about their submitting a false ticket and if its that easy to beat their rinky dink system, whats the point in having it. Must be something corrupted over there because there's no way they had proof you didn't show up.


Forum Veteran
Dec 11, 2006
for sure hylander. im thinking about removing our clan from this gamebattles site enirely. I just have to put it up to vote w/ my capt. and luit., and see what they think about the whole situation.


Dec 10, 2006
The Murda Mitten
i agree with hylander on this one. xglonline.com is the way to go. it might still have a lil kinks in it and wat not but it is improving. so yea just check it out and see wat u think. CHEA!!!


Forum Veteran
Dec 11, 2006
Well i just submitted a pm to the leader of the entire website and i'll let you know what they have to say. Here's what i wrote:

"Well all i ask is that you at least read this through and through very carefully. And after you do, if you still feel this to be unneccesary, then ban me or do whatever you need to, but i wouldn't risk that unless i felt for sure that it warrents your attention as this is very important and is so clearly a lie on behalf of the opposing clan that other than you being there that night w/ my clan you have to believe me and my clansmen. I offer proof after proof, i only ask that you try to get proof from the opposing clan in regards to this issue at hand. Plz i beg of you. I also recomend that you make it manditory for refferees to be at every match somehow so as to avoid this in the future other wise submitting a false ticket becomes too easy to do in order to get around your system. I also feel that you should know that i have brought this issue up to all the major clans KSI, MoB, FBI, FSI, XGC, PMS, H2o etc. so that they may be aware of this kind of trickery and deceit. I am only trying to make things right.
This is my case and arguement.

Arena Halo 2
Category Other
Clan ID 21278
Status Closed

Ticket History

Mar 07 03:30:48 PM 2007 Concerning Match id: 1146143

I reported a "no show" (the other team didn't show up), and yet according to your websites own rules a team has 30min. to show up for a scheduled match. And they didn't and i offered a link (http://www.bungie.net/Stats/GameStats.aspx?gameID=659489044&player=XGC T3D PWNZOR) that showed my team waiting for the opposing team to show up. I and my clan are new to this web site, but i feel that we do know and understand the rules quite well. Another rule that seems to be unimportant was rule #4 under the CHALLENGES section that states,

"Should a team need to cancel a match already accepted in the match scheduler, they must do so at least 24 hours before the scheduled start time of the accepted match by submitting a ticket,"

With this in mind the leader of the opposing clan sent me an email 4 hours prior to the match requesting a reschedule, but i was only able to check my email approxamatly 1hr. before scheduled match time. Keeping the previously mentioned rule (rule #4 under challenges) in mind, my clan was forced to send mass friend requests to all members listed on BlindRiots roster in hopes of contacting someone before the match 30min. window was up. The only one that we had was there leader; who very convienetly was offline. All attempts to send party invites to there clan leader failed,and all attempts were declined; after waiting for 30mins. (following rule #2; under No-Shows) we submitted a ticket stateing that the opposing team didn't show up for the scheduled match. I even offered giving my email account and password (and still do) to an admin to check the email that i offer as proof sent on behalf of this website w/ all the information intact and no tampering even possible, due to the fact that checking the ip address, would show it was sent from ur own server. According to what i've heard from other admins. about this clan this isn't the first time that there actions have been under question.

With this in mind, following all rules to the max, the part that I am extremely confused about is how was a win awarded to the clan[<<<<<<(clan id:20238)>>>>>>] that didn't show up for the match; (Match id: 1146143) without any proof of a match even being played on bungie? If anything, the outcome (if ur arguement is "no-proof") should be no one getting a win; as this is the most logical conclusion based on YOUR own rules! But given the argument you have just read it should be clear to anyone that we deserve the "win" based on what I have offered as my clans defence and your rules unless the rules have been changed or altered.

After all of this; this was the response i recieved . . .


Mar 07 10:07:09 PM 2007 They submitted a ticket to me stating you failed to show, your ticket appeared well after I reported the match. My ruling stands.
Also quoting rules to me is not a way to get on my good side this week as I helped in writing some of those rules and do not need them quoted to me.
Thank you.

Halo2 Admin
Email: SSniper68@staff.gamebattles.com

Aim: IIGBIISSniper68

. . . how can that be when i submitted a ticket 8mins. after the 30min. cut off window.(check ticket below) Looks like there seems to be some kind of favoritism/not looking at all the details going on. Again, I'm very sorry to bring this to your attention and normaly i wouldn't do this but this is outright cheating on behalf of blindriot (clan id: 20238) and needs to be dealt with accordingly . . .

Arena Halo 2
Category No show for match
Clan ID 21278
Status Closed

Ticket History

Feb 24 12:08:58 AM 2007 THe opposing clan did not show up at the agreed time within the 30min. window. We all sent friend requests to there leadership and were declined. we were there and waiting at least 10min before game. we have proof of our party being ready on bungie at specified time if needed.

Feb 24 12:04:04 PM 2007 resubmit ticket with all details filled out including the challenge id.

Grunt the Eagle
Halo 2 Admin
IIGBII Grunt00


. . . That is all i have to say, except for this, XGC, the clan im in (www.xiledgaming.com) is dedicated to not cheating in any games and stying as professional as possible. That is why i am fighting this so hard, it is a direct insult to everything that my clan stands for and believes gaming should be about. If you have gotten this far thank you for taking the time to at least read this. Please go back and get some more info on this issue before automaticlly assuming that we wouldn't show up for a match. My clan was ready and waiting and u have the link as previously mentioned, this was going to be our first match on this website! we would not, not show up for our own scheduled match, it isn't logical, and doesn't make any sence."


Forum Veteran
Dec 11, 2006
Well i got some good news about this whole thing! The clan that cheated us was removed from the ladder entirely so hopefully they enjoyed there ban! i got a email from the admin. that told me so yay! just was served!