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Honor Code & Concerns

MD Holliday

Advanced Certified
Clan Leader
Sep 26, 2014
You and The Rejects better have a ton of recruits. Or you won’t like when I open “your” door...

This was posted as a reply to my post in the Ask the Community Leaders forum. Here's the link: https://www.xiledgaming.com/forum/xi...or-policy-dead

Is this not a violation of:

XGC Honor Code Section VIII - "or any other overly aggressive behavior toward fellow online gamers."


Forum Honor Code sections -

*You agree, through your use of this service, that you will not use the Forums to post any material which is knowingly false and/or defamatory, inaccurate, rude, disrespectful, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, or otherwise violative of any law.

*Absolutely NO flaming. Posts containing hostile language or rudeness directed at staff or other members will not be tolerated. All flames will be immediately deleted and posters who engage in flaming will be issued an official warning from staff.

In any case, this is the first time I have had any rank ever say anything to me that was threatening like that. I have had people cuss me out, blame for things I have never said or posted, among many other things but I have NEVER been threatened. And all because I asked a question regarding a policy that the general membership never felt they got a decent answer for. I don't even care personally about PC recruiting, but plenty of other members do and you noticed because it was in the notes several times in the last few months as an absolute NO without an actual explanation. Nobody was willing to ask above the XD's, and now I can see why despite this week's notes encouraging to ask the XC's. I did and the post was deleted; the most viewed post in that Forum's home page ever because I pushed for an actual answer for all members. Now there are 2 posts on Xiled Gaming's home page. One was asked for, one wasn't, but both were pointed at me.

What ever happened to XGC Honor Code Section IX -

BOTTOM LINE!!! Have fun, play games, and network with other gamers that share the same interest. At the end of the day, it is after all just a game!

It makes me wonder what has happened to XGC if that last section of the Honor no longer applies.

XGC x0 0 7x XI

Council Leader
Jan 1, 2006
A, A
Not at all a violation. I do love when people twist our honor code which is 100% for online in game treatment of fellow gamers. It in no way governs how we treat people within the community ranks. That is done based off of the old “Golden Rule”. Let me start by saying someone accidentally deleted your original post while trying to delete Bucs reply. As I’m sure you know we are 100% transparent. My 1 front page article was for a community response to your post. My second post had nothing to do with you or either of your posts. I don’t know how you could have taken it personally seeings as you never discussed anything about winning. It was a simple observation and my desire for us to focus on strategy for our clans. For us to focus on team work and the fun of winning games. For someone who openly says he doesn’t care about the recruitment of pc players you certainly seem invested in it.
people who go to your lengths for attention are only looking for drama and not an answer to a simple community question.
my response was in no way any type of threat. Me simply saying when I review your clan you better be practicing what you’re asking for. I am truly sorry you felt attacked. I hope this has cleared the air and answered your questions. As always I encourage everyone to ask me anything.
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MD Holliday

Advanced Certified
Clan Leader
Sep 26, 2014
First with the mea culpas...

*If anything I have posted has personally offended you at any point, I offer my sincere apologies.
* XGC HONOR CODE - Was always under the impression that it applied to everyone at all times (minus private gamies) concerning interactions between members and regular gamers.
*Both posts being targeted at me as I misread your reply saying you responded to both of my posts as your posts on the home page were the response.

As for the rest...

*I quoted also the Forum Honor Code which concerns all posting and conversations held on this site, or at least as I would understand the header to mean.
*I also find it strange that my comments about the deleted post weren't addressed in the initial post but left until brought up here to be addressed.
*Also in regards to the deletion, I would be remiss to not bring up that in the Moderators class it was severely emphasized that not only do we double check prior to confirming, but that we make sure the soft delete is checked, and also with any hard delete others posts (which we were told should almost never happen) we leave a note as to why.
*I don't believe in drama, but merely wanted answers. The resulting actions to my initial post in the XC Forum led me to believe that there either wasn't an actual answer or it wasn't to be known. Why else would it be brought up in weekly notes fairly regularly and when there are actual XD's in the Generals' meetings who say they have forwarded the question only to get a basic "we tried once but it didn't work because we couldn't get people that wanted to move over to a PC Division," it seems more of an excuse than an answer. So I said then I'll ask the XC's on everyone's behalf because I'm not afraid to push for an actual answer. If hearing multiple Generals, over a couple months, voice concern personally or on behalf of their members as to why but not feeling they're getting a reasoned answer and chosing to do what the notes said to (and anything else that ensues from it) is drama, then oh well I guess.
*Finally, I addressed your response as a threat because: it was decidedly separate from your notification of your response's location, it was very pointed in its use of "better have" and "or you won't like" which are threat phrases in any context., and the response of several members of varying ranks that I asked to review the post and your responses to which their interpretation was essentially that I'd better watch out.

In closing, I love XGC and the people I've met and played with through the years. My friends list would be much smaller and my Xbox experience much duller without XGC. I thank you and all the Community Leaders for that, and for what I hope to be many more years of the same.

XGC x0 0 7x XI

Council Leader
Jan 1, 2006
A, A
Ok. Now for me to be ME, since you’ve no doubt heard.

your mea culpa is the worst acknowledgement of wrong I’ve ever seen or heard.

NOTHING you could say or do would personally offend me. You don’t personally know me and your attempt to manipulate a situation you can’t should only be offensive to the people who took time to read your bull****.

as a 5 year member I find it unbelievable that you haven't seen many morons before you who have attempted to use the honor code against me or other leaders who are enormous ****s like I am.

your posts, all of them, NEVER at any point said or referenced my article on winning. So for you read into that it being directed toward you is alarming? Either you think everything is about you or you desperately want it to be. Either way it’s ****ed up.

moving on, allow me to direct you to the numerous articles on the front page that I have written in the past that speak my mind on things and how I will write and say what I want. If you don’t like it you’re free to leave. If it makes me a hypocrite then I can accept that in the defense of our community! Unfortunately too many before you and like you think you can twist what I’ve written and the foundation I helped lay. People who do that are removed. As a 5 year member you know that! And if you don’t, someone has by now told you.

Why do you feel I need to address the deletion? **** happens. Accidents happen. I didn’t ****ing delete it. I won’t be deleting this. I don’t give a **** if someone is offended by it. If you don’t like it you can leave. I’m sure the person who did it by accident realizes the mistake. Not sure why you think it’s your place to ridicule an admin for an error. On another point of this is this version of our website sucks. It’s being replaced as we speak. So the mistake might be on this ****ty version of vB5? But you think quoting a mod class makes you funny? Or clever? No. It makes you an ignorant *** hole.

I think it’s great you feel your a mouth piece for others. The reason we don’t want the struggle of PC players is we struggle with basic Xbox clan stuff now. Everyone has an excuse about recruiting or developing people. But there are people out there currently who need PC people?!?!? Most can’t handle Xbox gamers. Why the hell do they want to focus on PC? I’d love to hear the names of those generals and their clans so we can see if they are concerned about pc gamers or just looking for something to stir the pot over. I’d be curious as to the state of their clans. I bet they are ****. The PC gamer isn’t a priority because they are a minority in our XBOX audience!!!! Yet you are all pontificating about it. Who the **** cares? Grow your clans on Xbox. Master that and we’ll focus on PC gamers. Ok?

lastly my threat. Well I’ve heard both of those phrases most of my life and never been threatened by them. I’ll list a few.

you better have a bath or you’ll stink.

you better have wiped your *** good.

you won’t like eating liver.

you won’t like milking a cow.

none of those are threatening. just a few contexts. If those who read it thought it was threatening then they are most likely the same people who’s clans are **** sitting around worrying about this epidemic we now know as the cross plat PC gamers who desperately need to be recruited.

In closing, you better watch out! This rash of ****ing nonsense and drama is not what any of us get online for. You’ve been here for far to long for this to be your last day. If you have a question I suggest you ask because how you’ve gone about it makes you look like a ****ing drama queen and I don’t get online for **** like this. If you and your friends are butt hurt over this post you are free to quit. If you start stupid **** like this again I’ll kick you out! (Promise) not a threat. Anyone else who reads this and has a problem, all my gamer tags are at the bottom. Add me and we will talk. This Is THE LAST POST on this. Any response will be a perpetuation of this drama and you will be removed. I hope we are crystal clear.
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