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Forum Nub
Aug 31, 2010
Hey everyone, My current PSN/Gamertag is PiE_iZ_4_NoObS/ PiE iZ 4 NoObS but I was previously know as someone you might remember XGC SYDEWAZE. I served as a captain for about 9 months on Halo 2. I was in XGC ARMADA and my general was XGC JAPANFLOOR aka XGC PHILLY and I'm here so I can return to the community. I wasn't booted from the clan. I just got a new console and when I tried to reenter the clan nobody invited me so i just disappeared from the XGC scene but I remembered that there was a forum and I'm here to ask back in. I have been reading and I know that you have now branched into PS3 an since I'm usually on that I could continue on there as my old rank or as whatever you feel is right. I would like to continue as a captain tho. because i worked hard for that title and recruited a lot of people for that position. In fact there is someone that is still in XGC that I recruited many years ago. His tag is XGC KillnTyme well I'm not to sure how to spell it. I was at all the meetings on time I also hosted meetings myself. Message me back if you read this and let me know whats going on