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Mar 3, 2016
virginia, hampton
Getting Your Recruit Registered

After recruiting, and after reading in your new recruit, it is time to get them registered on the website. It is easy if it is done correctly, but a nightmare if it isn't done correctly. The following is a basic guideline to make it easy.

Have the recruit log into the website at www.xilidgaming.com This is the first stumbling block. Many recruits use their smart phone to register. After they log on, they must scroll to the bottom of the page and click on FULL SITE. This will eliminate many problems as you progress.

The first thing they do is click Register at the top right of the screen. The screen will change, and they will enter their birthdate, and then click proceed. The screen will change again, and here we go...

UserName: The gamers XboxLive name
Password: A password they will REMEMBER
Confirm Password: This should be obvious, I hope
Email Address: Their Email address that they have access to. Make sure it is put in correctly
Confirm Email Address: Again, it should be obvious, but this has been probably the biggest problem I have seen
Image verification: A pain in the #&% but it must be done correctly. It is for security reasons

They will put a check mark in the following boxes:
Honor Code
General Forum Rules
Terms of Service

They select their gender.

Referrer: They put in the name of the person that recruited them.

Time Zone: Use the drop down box and find their time zone

DST Correction: For daylight savings time.

Receive Email: The Admins box is already checked, it is advisable to check the other box as well

Gaming Community: SYN This is the community that we are in.

Xbox Live Gamer tag: Their gamer tag.

Console: Xbox 360

Everything else is optional, but I like to have them put in their location, at least the state.

Click on Complete Registration.

Now the fun begins......

Have the recruit go to their Email, and find an email from XiledGaming. They need to click on the URL that is in the Email.

The URL will take them back to Xiledgaming. It should bring them to their profile page. If it doesn't, they can click on their name at the top of the page to get there.

Once on their profile page, have them scroll down, looking at the left side of the screen until the find Permission Groups. They click on Join Groups.

After the page loads, have then scroll down and find the clan that they are joining, and click on Join Group. Scroll down to almost the bottom of the page, and on the right side, Click on Join Group. They should fill in the person who recruited them, and click on the button that says send request.

If this is followed properly, there shouldn't be any problems with the registration.