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General meeting notes


Section Leader
Apr 4, 2018
Success is not final,failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.
Don't find fault, find remedys.

Faults the mind killer:
It is easy to find fault in anything, whether it be in real life or community related, , find a solution to that fault and remedy it, never believe reaching a solution is unattainable, it takes patients, & understanding, bundled with communication is key, knowing how to approach the situation with a calm cool demeanor to squash the negativity that a believed fault is producing to obtain the peace of mind needed to proceed with clarity. Never allow yourself as a leader to fall victim to believing in faults of any kind, Always seek the truth before a fault can do damage.

Leading by Example:
Every leader was chosen for their quality's in leadership, so it important to never loose focus on how to leading by example, remember a boss orders, a leader leads, one of the best examples of this is having objectives as a leader, such as to help those who is doing poorly to do well, and help those who are doing well to do even better. Setting personal objective for ourselves as leaders in the community is very beneficial not only for us as leaders but for our leadership pipelines.
We should always be holding ourselves accountable as leaders striving to improve our own skills to better serve our members.
AS leaders we know there is two different types of Banter, friendly, and unwanted, knowing how to differentiate the two and have professional discussions to deescalate any unneeded problem is key., if this problem arises contact your leadership for advise.

Adapting to change:
Every leader has there own since of leading. We have our own styles in which makes us unique leaders. We all need to be aware of our members so we can better serve our members. Knowing our members will help each one of us the ability to tweak our leadership abilities to fit there needs. BE aware of your surroundings, always ready for the unexpected to take place., Stay three steps ahead, Have a plan for a plan for a plan.

Being a Team Leader
A Leader helps to guide a team towards achieving a certain goal while managing and resolving technical and interpersonal roadblocks along the way. As a result, the role of a team leader often requires people to exercise organizational and people skills.
UNITING THEIR TEAM - The team leader should ensure that all clan members clearly understand their roles as it relates to others on the team. Everyone should know how they are expected to work together to achieve success.
PLANTING GOALS AND MILESTONES - As a leader you should establish a plan for your Clan to reach their goals by identifying and communicating responsibilities to the clan members. MOTIVATE, INSPIRE, and EDUCATE!

How can a Leader motivate their team?
An effective leader should motivate and empower others to be their best. Every clan will face setbacks or unexpected problems. A leader’s ability to encourage others during challenging times creates a successful team. ALWAYS LEAD BY EXAMPLE. Acting as a member of the clan and show your commitment and inspire others by doing the right thing. Adhering to the rules and Showing appreciation to each and every individual member in your clan as well as Identifying, communicating and upholding the core values in line with those that can help people feel more inspired and motivated toward achieving certain goals.

Knowing the Characteristics of a Team Leader
A team leader should strive to be effective, accountable, empathetic and courageous. Acting as a team leader is a great opportunity to develop your character. Team leaders should communicate information consistently and clearly to their team. A good team leader is also a skilled learner who can accept and act on feedback, suggestions and concerns from team members. A good leader believes in the ability of their team to accomplish goals. This often improves the confidence, dedication and motivation of team members. Rules and guidelines must be communicated clearly and applied consistently by creating tasks and working to create a positive environment that is equal and without favoritism. A good team leader motivates individuals to do their best work to contribute to the goal, especially in times of stress or difficulty.

As a reminder please make sure if you're going on vacation or going to be away from the xbox for a long period of time. Please make sure you communicate with your chain of command. Let higher and lower leadership know so there isnt no miss communication on what your were abouts are.

Also next Community Meeting with be July 18th,2021


Section Leader
Apr 4, 2018
SUCCESS doesn't come from what you do occasionally,
it comes from what you do consistently.

Name Changes
Name change request and proper way to put them in on the website is very important
, Section Leaders must be training our their leadership pipelines on Name Change Requests before being submitted on the website. you need to follow up with each General and make sure they know the proper way of requesting a name change rather than making a ticket and submitting it in the help desk. if you are confused on this process please get with your division leader for assistance. always remember when names are submitted no copy cat names,

Ensuring Roles are added and removed accordingly, rank, clan must be up to date, please double check your discords to ensure we have them correct, always encourage our valuable member to utilize this valuable resource.

Website and Forum:
We all know that the website is our primary form of communication, it is also our most valuable source of information to help leaders in the community. Make sure that you are utilizing the abundance of information that is available in the Leadership tools on the website. Also, you should be frequently looking at and relooking at the XG Bible posts to see if there are any new posts or directives. The more active that you are on the website, the better of a leader that you will become.

Working with Peers:
To be successful as a group of leaders, we have to be working as a team. You have to be a strong enough leader to be able to put petty differences aside to work for the betterment of the whole team. There is no room for condescending remarks or attitudes when a peer comes to you for help. Further more if you are an XS with experience, you should be sharing your experiences to help your fellow XSs. None of us have the exact same experiences, therefore you can be a valuable asset during those times. For example, say that a new XS has a clan that is having issues and is in need of rebuilding. If you know that this XS has never been through this before and you have, why wouldn't you want to share your knowledge to help your peer and the community.

Supporting and Guiding our Generals:
As Section Leaders, it is your responsibility to guide your Generals to success. First, you must make sure that they understand the requirements of the positions and what is expected of them to meet those requirements. Then holding your Generals responsible to take their classes, upstanding to their responsibilities, and guiding their members is essential to your job.

Complacency & Time:
Remember we should always be striving to better ourselves. The day we grow complacent, is the day we start to move backwards. Keep going forwards! Time is limited, so choose what you want to do with it. Do you want to sit around and do nothing? Or make the decisions that will make you happy and ensure your destiny? It's ultimately up to you.

Establishing Priorities
It is important that you prioritize your limited amount of time that you have on the box. We do not expect you to have to deal with XG business the whole time while you are on the box. However, we do expect that you are taking care of business or issues in a timely manner. That means getting what needs to be done, done. If you know you need to speak to a general(s) for your weekly meeting, knock that out when you first get on, then enjoy your evening. If you become better at managing your time, your duties will not build up until you feel overwhelmed.

Another point regarding setting priorities, if you have a clan that is having issues or is not doing so well, you need to spend more time helping out in this clan than you need to with a clan that is doing well. It is your job to ensure the success of the clans in your section, so you need to be helping find solutions or providing input, or setting goals for clans that are in need.

Section Updates
In addition to the information about the clan status and goals that you are putting in your Section Updates, you should also being using these forums to document any discussions, corrections, or potential issues that you are having with any leaders in your section. So if you have a general whose clan is not growing and you have a conversation with that general about the importance of recruiting and give some advice on how the clan can get better results; document that in your Section Update. This will provide a record of your interactions with the general. Then if the situation does not improve and you are going to have to make a change in leadership, this record details the actions that were taken, what those results are for the situation, and provides support for the demotion. Also, use the Section Updates for positive results. So if that same general winds up following your advice and the clan starts doing great, that information is there as well.

Important Note: The information that you post, as mentioned above, does not take the place of doing a Leader Log, when the situation dictates one is needed. The information in your Section Update may wind up in a Leader Log, but it is not a replacement.

Up coming new games
With up coming release of the new games in the next couple of months, there will be opportunities for clan growth. However to be ready to seize those opportunities, you must be preparing now and over the next six weeks.

First of all you should be finding out what games your clan members are looking to purchase. Once you determine what most of the clan will be playing, there be members that may want to grow different game or transfer to another clan that is playing that game. Make sure no member is left behind.

You should be making sure that you have leadership in place that are prepared to grown the clan by helping welcome and train the new members. They should know the importance of holding game nights and meetings.

Also, as new members are concerned, you should make sure that your members know how to recruit, who to recruit, and what to do with them once they are recruited. It is hard to recruit if you are gaming with the same 5-6 members in a private party. Utilize the game chats to meet potential members. Everyone should be recruiting now and pick up the pace when the new games drop.

There will be an abundance of opportunities for clan growth and new members, will you take the time now to prepare to take advantage of those opportunities; if not, be assured that someone else will.


Section Leader
Apr 4, 2018

Name Changes
As Leaders, it is our responsibility to ensure that those below us know the proper route to take when doing name changes on the website. Generals, when members are requesting a name change, you should be researching these names on the website as well as on gaming platforms to ensure that the name isn't already taken. Names including XGC, KoG, SYN in front of it should be thoroughly researched before it is posted in your Section Leader's forums. If the name already exists on the website and has been active for less than 3yrs on both the gaming platform and/or the website, it will be denied. Names that are deemed inappropriate or offensive will be denied as well. Names that duplicate another member's name, a clan name or a fellow Leader's name will also be denied. Remember, having these 3 letters in front of your name, you not only represent yourself but your division and your community as a whole. Once the names have been researched and submitted to the Section Leader, it is their responsibility to do follow-up research and double-check to ensure that the names are good. Members should wait until the name is changed on the website before changing it on your specific console.

Community Teams
As you all know, Xiled Gaming also has 4 teams. They are the Events Team, News Team, Design Team and the Stream Team. Each team has a specific Team Leader assigned to oversee and make sure that they are being run smoothly. As members of these teams, we are always looking for people to join us in helping to make Xiled Gaming fun and more enjoyable on a day-to-day basis. Whether it be hosting Game nights on certain games to writing about new and upcoming games or interviewing Leaders, Designing new banners/signatures and avatars and streaming your games for fellow gamers to view. We all have a goal to reach in this community. Our goal as leaders of these teams is to ensure that members are having fun and networking with others that share the same idea. If anyone is interested in being a part of these Teams, feel free to hit up your Leaders at any time with any questions.

Working Together as a Team
As a member and a Leader in this community, we should be working together as a team. With that being said, ALL LEADERS in all three Divisions should be working together in handling these issues and not against each other. If an issue should arise in your Division and your fellow peer isn't available, you can reach out to other Divisions for assistance in resolving these issues. Remember, not all issues need to be handled instantly the moment has occurred. We are all Leaders for the same reasons and the same goal, there is no excuse as to why we are working against each other.

If a general has issues in their clan and their XS is not available, they can ask any other XS in the division or COMMUNITY on basic issues until the XS of the general is able to get with the general and close the issue.

Working together is a big part of the XG Community and making sure if we have issues with people we address them with the person, this will help solve the issues before they get out of hand. We don't ever talk through people. it is the quickest way to misunderstandings and drama.

Generals classes

Intro To General's Class Friday Aug 13th @9pm Eastern

XGC Mini Me XD will be hosting an Intro to Generals Class on Friday Aug 13th @ 9pm Eastern It is open to any member holding the current rank of General in all divisions within XG. This class will be held in Party Chat with only 10 spots available. Members will be invited according to the order...

Advanced Generals

SYN DESI XD will be hosting an Advanced Generals Class on AUGUST 20 2021 at 9:00 pm est It is open to any member holding the current rank of General in all divisions within XG. This class will be held in Party Chat with only 10 spots available. Members will be invited according to the order in...


Section Leader
Apr 4, 2018
INTEGRITY, INSIGHT, AND INCLUSIVENESS are the three essential qualities of Leadership
Generals, when and if you are not available for meetings, it is your responsibility to inform the leadership above and below you of your unavailability. Communication is the key to Success. Let the leadership below you know that they can reach out to other General in regards to Sunday meetings so that they are not being left out. Also, remember to communicate to your fellow peers as well as your section Leader to ensure that your section is covered during meetings so that someone can pick them up for meetings.

Respecting one another
Respecting one another No matter what clan, section or division you are a part of, you need to treat everyone with respect no matter the circumstances you are put under. This goes hand in hand with acting professionally as a leader. You should be holding yourself to a higher standard when it comes to how you present yourself to members and other leaders in the community.

Working with Peers
Working with Peers To be successful as a group of leaders, we have to be working as a team. You have to be a strong enough leader to be able to put petty differences aside to work for the betterment of the whole team. There is no room for condescending remarks or attitudes when a peer comes to you for help. Furthermore, if you are a General with experience, you should be sharing your experiences to help your fellow Generals. None of us have the exact same experiences, therefore you can be a valuable asset during those times. For example, say that a new General has a clan that is having issues and is in need of rebuilding. If you know that this General has never been through this before and you have, why wouldn't you want to share your knowledge to help your peer and the community?

Supporting and Guiding our Captains
Supporting and Guiding our Captains As Generals, it is your responsibility to guide your Captains to success. First, you must make sure that they understand the requirements of the positions and what is expected of them to meet those requirements. Then holding your Captains responsible to take their classes, upstanding their responsibilities, and guiding their members is essential to your job.

Establishing Priorities
Establishing Priorities It is important that you prioritize the limited amount of time that you have on the box. We do not expect you to have to deal with XG business the whole time while you are on the box. However, we do expect that you are taking care of business or issues in a timely manner. That means getting what needs to be done, done. If you know you need to speak to a Captain for your weekly meeting, knock that out when you first get on, then enjoy your evening. If you become better at managing your time, your duties will not build up until you feel overwhelmed. Another point regarding setting priorities, if you have a Squad that is having issues or is not doing so well, you need to spend more time helping out in this squad than you need to with a clan that is doing well. It is your job to ensure the success of the clans in your section, so you need to be helping find solutions or providing input, or setting goals for clans that are in need.

Grass Wasn't Greener
As a reminder, when it comes to the Grass Wasn't Greener Applications, if there is any information regarding the returning member-only Section Leaders and higher are able to reply to the application to hit them up. If a General has any information regarding the person, they are to report to their Section Leader and the Section Leader will then reply to the application so that a GwG Researcher will know to reach out to them. We do not continuously hit up the researchers and ask why this person's application has not been picked up yet. GwG applications can sit there for up to 90 days before being picked up by a researcher. If a member was recently removed and in less than 24hrs after their removal and decided they want to put in an application to return or were removed due to certain events, their application will not be touched for 2 weeks.

No meeting next weekend are next meeting will be held on 9-18-21
Generals classes

Intro to Generals Class

SYN DESI XD will be hosting an Intro to Generals Class on 09-10-2021 at 9 pm est It is open to any member holding the current rank of General in all divisions within XG. This class will be held in Party Chat with only 10 spots available. Members will be invited according to the order in which...


Section Leader
Apr 4, 2018
"The reality is that the only change comes is when you Lead by Example"
As many of you may know, there will be new games dropping within the upcoming year. Please make sure you as leaders are talking to your members to ensure that they are not going to be left behind. If you feel that your members would fit better in another clan that plays the same game as they do, please find them a clan that they would be best suited in. If the member is wishing to remain in the clan, come to a reasonable solution and adapt. We don't want to push our members out because new games are dropping and some can't purchase the game instantly or some refusing to get the new games.

When doing removal requests, please make sure that removal request reasons should be a brief message stating why they are being removed. If the member is to return and puts in a GWG, it'll help the researchers expedite the process more clearly. Putting down that the member LEFT is impeding the process of the GWG
Also, if you are putting in a mass removal request where the reason for removal is the same, please....please put them on one ticket. It isn't necessary to have multiple removal requests from one clan with all members listed as inactive. If you see that the removal request you put in earlier in the day has not been processed yet, go and edit the request then go from there.


As a reminder recycle leadership is frowned upon, we should be making sure we are training and having proper leadership ready. When looking to promote keep in mind you are looking for your replacement and your potential growth in the community. With that being said no position needs to be filled right away, take the time to ensure they are the right fit.


Captains Class Monday 09/20/21 at 9 EST

SYN CHELL XS will be hosting a Captains Class on Monday, September 20th, 2021 at 9:00PM EST This class is highly encouraged for those who intend to move up the ranks. It is open to any member holding the currently rank of Captain in all divisions with XG. This class will hold 10 spots...

Captains Class on September 28th at 9 PM eastern on discord.

KoG Drif XS will be hosting a Captains Class on Tuesday, September 28th, 2021 at 9:00PM EST on discord This class is highly encouraged for those who intend to move up the ranks. It is open to any member holding the currently rank of Captain in all divisions with XG. This class will hold 10...

Captains Class Thur 09/30/21 at 9 EST

SYN CHELL XS will be hosting a Captains Class on Thursday, September 30th, 2021 at 9:00PM EST This class is highly encouraged for those who intend to move up the ranks. It is open to any member holding the currently rank of Captain in all divisions with XG. This class will hold 10 spots...


Section Leader
Apr 4, 2018
Mindset Is Everything!!!!!!

The Events Team would like to thank the Community as a whole for a Great Birthday Bash we hosted on 01/08/22! Great way to start off the New Year and a wonderful 16th Birthday as well as the wonderful Trivia Night hosted by XGC COOP XC, XGC MiniMe XD and SYN DESI XD!

To start off the New Year, all Section Leaders should be getting their Section Updates in. The section update is where you put how your clans are doing, what they are working towards, if there are any issues or if there are future leaders that are standing out. If a new XS is not sure where to go you can hit up your peers or your XD.

Name changes

Xiled Gaming has had clan members from PC and PlayStation for quite awhile now. Xbox allows 12 characters in names, PlayStation allows 15 characters per name, but no open spaces. When creating a gamertag, if your not able to use spaces, use underscore to seperate your division tag from your gamertag.
Ex. KoG_Lotus_XD
To my knowledge PC gamers limited to 20 characters. This goes for Playstation and PC if needed.


Transfers should never be denied, nor should they be held up for any reason. Once a clan member requests a transfer, it should take no more than 72 hours to complete the entire process. The key to getting transfers done is communication. Communicating with the leaders of where the clan member wants to go is as easy as a sending an Xbox message, or a discord message. Not working hard to complete a transfer can cause the clan member to become disgruntled, which could lead to unnecessary drama.

Captains Classes:
Note: Captains Classes are now a requirement for promotion to General. You must sign up and take a Captains class if you are interested in being promoted to General.

Captains Class on Tuesday. January 18, 2022 at 9:00PM EST

SYN CHELL XS will be hosting a Captains Class on Tuesday. January 18, 2022 at 9:00PM EST This class is highly encouraged for those who intend to move up the ranks. It is open to any member holding the currently rank of Captain in all divisions with XG. This class will hold 10 spots. Members...


Captains Class on Friday. January 28, 2022 at 9:00PM EST

SYN CHELL XS will be hosting a Captains Class on Friday. January 28, 2022 at 9:00PM EST This class is highly encouraged for those who intend to move up the ranks. It is open to any member holding the currently rank of Captain in all divisions with XG. This class will hold 10 spots. Members...


Generals Class:

Intros to Generals 1/29/22 @8pm est

KoG LOTUS XD will be hosting an Intro to Generals Class on JANUARY 29th, 2022 @8p est (7p cst, 6p mountain, 5p pst) It is open to any member holding the CURRENT RANK of General in all divisions within XG. This class will be held in Party Chat and or DISCORD PARTY with only 10 spots available...


Community Event Night:

The Events Team Presents
Among Us Game Night

Tuesday 01/25/22 at 10:00 EST
With your hosts SYN CHELL XS and OkayKaite1
Send a message to either host for an invite to the event!

The Events Team Presents
Monopoly Plus Game Night
Wednesday 02/02/22 at 9:00Pm EST

With your hosts SYN CHELL XS and SYN Sobi
Send a message to either host for an invite to the event!

The Events Team Presents
Among Us Game Night
Saturday 02/12/22 at 9:00Pm EST

With your hosts SYN LEX XS and SYN Sobi
Send a message to either host for an invite to the event!

The Events Team Presents
Vanguard Game Night
Friday 02/18/22 at 9:00 EST

With your hosts SYN CHELL XS and XGC TripTrip
Send a message to either host for an invite to the event!


Section Leader
Apr 4, 2018
Effective teamwork
Begins and ends
with communication.

Section Leaders:

*Keep in mind some short-term and long-term goals for your clan. Discuss what directions your captains want to go and give Guidance if needed.,
*Section Updates should be posted at least once every 2 months, and updated as the need arises. This helps keep track of how the clans are progressing.
*Never be afraid to fill out a Leader log, leader logs are only record-keeping, not just for yourself, but the community as a whole.
*Peep to peer relationships are just as important as the working relationship you have with your XD's, Never be hesitant to come to us with anything, good, or bad, big or small, for we are here to help in your development as leaders.
*Communication is simple if you utilize the proper tools., and all tools are provided if you know where to look.


Team Effort Everything we do in an XGC Clan is a Team Effort. The Clan is based on the XGC Honor Code, Rank Structure, and Team Work. We pull the rope together and we succeed or fail together, but we always do it as a group. No one person is bigger than the whole, no one loss is more important...


As we all know tournaments have been a major request lately, what we need to know is what kind you want. Let's get the word out, find out what our members want as a community-wide tournament. Once you have your findings report to your direct leadership. Anything to bring people together is what like-minded gamers do.


General Classes are MANDATORY, if you have not taken the Generals Class lets to get this done ASAP! Please message your XS to get this scheduled for the best time for you and your instructors. Please contact The leadership team if you have a specific time. XGC MINI ME XD, KoG Lotus XD or SYN DESI XD. Thank you

Reminder CAPTAINS CLASSES are MANDATORY as well!!!!!

Basic everyday procedures:

Let's not forget what we have built-in in Xiled Gaming. The rank structure is there for a reason and let's see the game nights and clan meeting weekly for your section. If you aren't able then please have your Captain trained up to take on these responsibilities. Also, there has been a lot of slacking on posting the Clan and Squad lists. Let's make sure this is being done, please. Also, make sure your User Group matches your clan list. Your XS will be talking to you if not done so be prepared.


Recruiting is the main way to grow your clans. If you are stagnant and not looking or trying to recruit you are not only hurting yourself but your clan as well. Let's get this going and start training up leadership. It is simple if you bring in a recruit, assign them a Sergeant to help them answer any questions they might have. This helps the Sergeant be prepared for the LT position and helps the communication within the clan.


Team Effort Everything we do in an XGC Clan is a Team Effort. The Clan is based on the XGC Honor Code, Rank Structure, and Team Work. We pull the rope together and we succeed or fail together, but we always do it as a group. No one person is bigger than the whole, no one loss is more important...


Captain Class:

Captains Class Thursday 03/10/22 at 9 EST

SYN CHELL XS will be hosting a Captains Class on Thursday 03/10/22 at 9 est This class is highly encouraged for those who intend to move up the ranks. It is open to any member holding the currently rank of Captain in all divisions with XG. This class will hold 10 spots. Members will be invited...

Captains Class Monday 03/21/22 at 9 EST

SYN CHELL XS will be hosting a Captains Class on Monday 03/21/22 at 9 est This class is highly encouraged for those who intend to move up the ranks. It is open to any member holding the currently rank of Captain in all divisions with XG. This class will hold 10 spots. Members will be invited...

Captains Class Thursday 03/31/22 at 9 EST

SYN CHELL XS will be hosting a Captains Class on Thursday 03/31/22 at 9 est This class is highly encouraged for those who intend to move up the ranks. It is open to any member holding the currently rank of Captain in all divisions with XG. This class will hold 10 spots. Members will be invited...

Game Nights:

The Events Team Presents
Monopoly Plus Game Day
Friday, March 11th, 2022 at 1 pm EST
With your hosts XGC FireBee & SYN CHELL XS
Send a message to either host for an invite to the event!

The Events Team Presents
Call of Duty Fun Night on Vanguard
Friday, March 11th, 2022 at 9 pm EST
With your hosts XGC StaleDonuts & SYN CHELL XS.
We will be playing custom games anything Hardcore, but not Search & Destroy.
Send a message to either host for an invite to the event!

The Events Team Presents
Warzone Hide and Seek
Saturday, March 19th, 2022 at 9 EST
With your hosts: SYN CHELL XS and KoG BullFrog
Send a message to either host for an invite to the event!

Game With Fame:

Xiled Gaming Presents Community Game Night
Featuring KoG LOTUS XD
The game will be held on PUBG Saturday, March 18th at 8 EST
with Special host KoG LOTUS XD.
Streaming will be announced!
Feel free to send a message to either SYN CHELL XS or KoG LOTUS XD for an invite to the event or jump in our party and ask away any questions you would like!



With the release of Halo Infinite, Xiled Gaming Tournament Team is excited to announce this in-house Tournament starting April 8th, 2022 until April 22nd, 2022. This will be a weekly tournament that will be held every Friday in the month of April. This Tournament is held for members of Xiled Gaming to participate in. Each clan can have multiple teams participating or if you preferred to join a team consisting of different members, that is welcomed too. The primary goal is to see everyone gaming and having fun and bring competition back into Xiled Gaming as a whole. If you are wanting to participate and do not have a team, please let KoG LOTUS XD know and we will find you a team to join. Please read over the Rules of the Tournament before registering. Happy Gaming!


Xiled Gaming Tournament Team is Hosting a Madden 22 Tournament on March 11th, 2022.


Section Leader
Apr 4, 2018
The way to success is to focus on goals, not obstacles

Name Changes

For a long time, Xiled Gaming was almost always Xbox only. With the changes made a while ago, Xiled Gaming now has members on Xbox, PC, and Play Station. When a General submits a name change, not only should they list the current name,
the rank and the names wanted, but they should also list what console the member plays on.
Should that member play on multiple consoles, the console with the lowest number of characters allowed should take precedence for name length.
Which are as follows:
Xbox allows 12 characters.
Play Station allows 16 characters.
PC allows 20 characters

Discouragement within leadership

Deal with discouragement before it happens by being a positive leader. When you start to feel discouraged remember not to show this to everyone it will trickle down in the clan. When you feel like your clan has grown stagnant, Spend more time affirming and less time correcting. Give public acknowledgement, gratitude, and praise. Be available.
Three things to remember when in a rut are
remembering why you are doing this!
getting help from peers,
don't quit

Open discussion

Ask yourself these questions:
Where do you find encouragement?
How do you encourage others?
How do I know when I'm getting discouraged?
How can I overcome discouragement?
Personal reflection is never a bad thing it strengthens us as leaders.

Future Leadership:

As leaders, we want the best for our members. It is our job to train and teach each person below us (regardless of rank) how to better do their job and hopefully propel them forward in the future. Identifying this early is key! Don't wait until a position in leadership opens up before you start looking to fill that spot...you should have your eye on one, if not more, members to potentially move up into leadership roles! This is the way to build a strong foundation within your clan(s)! With good communication and training, you shouldn't have to worry about leadership!

Clan Primary Games

Your clan's primary games should stay updated consistently as the clan changes, especially with new games coming out. Get an Update Clan in tonight so everything can be brought up to date. There shouldn't be 5 main games in a clan at any point, narrow it down to 3 or less.


Just because you reach all requirements to be promoted to the next rank does not mean you will be promoted right away. Promotions are earned not given. If you are seeking a promotion, work for it! The leadership notice it! Training Leadership As a Section Leader, your main goal should be to ensure that your Generals are knowledgeable about their responsibilities and that they feel comfortable asking questions when they aren't. However, if you are spending time training someone on the same thing over and over again, and it doesn't seem to be getting through to them, you need to figure out why that is. Whether it's that you need to find a different way to teach them or ask for assistance from a peer or XD to get this done, it needs to be a priority. If someone isn't capable of learning or retaining information, sometimes that leads to making a difficult decision and putting someone into the rank that is capable of learning. Keep in mind that if someone can't learn it themself, how could they teach it to anyone else in the ranks below them?

Captains classes







Section Leader
Apr 4, 2018
Great works are performed, not by strength, but by Perseverance.
Without continual growth and progress, such words as Improvement, Achievement, and Success have no meaning.

You are not the lone ranger

Remember when it comes to being a leader you should utilize all members of your clan you are not alone. We should be listening and asking for ideas or help from up and down the chain of command.

Some examples include:
-listening to all your lower-ranking members they might have some great ideas to help your clan move forward and grow..
-utilize the captains to teach LTs and new members the honour code and running gamenights.
-Section leaders can be utilized to help with name change requests and other admin issues, as well as proving further training and giving ideas on different ways to handle issues Based on their experiences.
-XD-XI are there for you by providing tools and training forms growth of the division/community. They are also available to hear any issues or ideas to help you or the community continuento improve.

Remember, no one is expected to do everything on their on. Be willing to reach out and get the help that is in place for your success.

General's Meeting Notes:
As all Generals know they should be hosting weekly meetings with their clans. It should also be posted on the website under your clan's forum. Here is an example of what should be posted:
Attendance: (Please add names and not numbers of who attended)

The Events Team wants to announce that we will be working with all clans in Xiled Gaming to be in the spotlight! Any member on the events team can Co-Host game Nights for your Clans which everyone is invited to join.
This is the Events Team Rooster:

Events Team Rooster

Xiled Events Team Roster Lead Coordinator SYN CHELL XS Co-Lead Coordinator SYN Sobi and SYN LEX XS Game With Fame Coordinator SYN CHELL XS Trial Event Coordinators All those with two asterisks (**) next to their name and colored red KoG Havel XS Events Team Join Date 9/10/2019 Battlefield...

Here is an example of what this will look like:
The Events Team presents Fortnite Game Night with SYN Wrath7 hosting with SYN CHELL XS.
09/08/22 at 9 EST
Everyone is invited to join in the fun just hit up the General SYN Grimrepr or SYN CHELL XS

The Clans will pick the game they want to play, The date and time. Also, reach out to the Events Team member you would like to co-host and help set this up. The Events Team will do the rest for your clan by placing it on the website, calendar and banners will be spammed out on Discord. If any Section Leaders have a clan that would like to participate please let SYN CHELL XS know. This is for the whole community!

Captain Class

Captains Class Monday 06/06/22 at 9 EST

SYN CHELL XS will be hosting a Captains Class on Monday 06/06/22 at 9:00 est This class is highly encouraged for those who intend to move up the ranks. It is open to any member holding the current rank of Captain in all divisions with XG. This class will hold 10 spots. Members will be...


The Events Team Presents a Fortnite Game Night
with your hosts XGC Mango and XGC OkKaite1
June 10 2022 at 9pm EST
Send a message to either host for an invite to the event!

The Events Team Presents a Golf With Friends Game Night
with your hosts SYN CHELL XS and SYN ART XS
June 11 2022 at 9pm EST
Send a message to either host for an invite to the event!

The Events Team presents A Warzone Game Night
06/18/22 at 9 EST
with your hosts XGC StaleDonuts & XGC OkKatie1.
Send a message to either host for an invite to the event!

The Events Team Presents a Fall Guys Game Night
with your hosts XGC EATAL0T and XGC OkayKaite1
June 21st at 9pm EST
Send a message to either host for an invite to the event!

The Events Team presents XGC Blood Oath Clan Game Night
Cold War. 06/24/22 at 9 EST!
With your host XGC Blood Oath Clan.
You can hit up XGC DIVA (Captain) or XGC Mango (General) for the invite.
Send a message to either host for an invite to the event!


Section Leader
Apr 4, 2018

People rarely succeed unless
they have fun in what they do.

Streaming within the community.

The benefits of streaming are endless, streaming brings us together, We know we have some folks that are serious and trying to make it a profession, but we also have others that are using it to bring their clans together. So what does that look like in each division, each section, each clan? So We are wanting to get an understanding of what the use of streaming is within the community and the benefits streaming can offer to our overall success, so dig in ask follow up questions, open discussions., question like, how many streamers though out each section/clan/squad., how can we use streaming to push our names out there to be known and promote growth within our ranks.
What can the community provide to aid in this process. Like being hosted on the website. Announcements in the discords. ect
This is not so much a note, but an assignment.

The Primary Qualities of a Leader:

Leadership is not easy, No leader is perfect, there's always room for improvement, always be looking for the tools to aid in your journey.


Being A Leader In XG. As Written by XGC Wolfman XS Everything I have written here is a culmination of things that I've learned during my time in XGC. I wrote this post to act as a starting point for new leaders in the community. It is far from complete because there is always more to learn, but...


Throughout its history, the Xiled Gaming Company has successfully met all its challenges. The online XG community began on January of 2006, the Council of Leaders broke from the community known as KSI in order to run a Community free of cheating, trash talking, racism and run it the way they see...


The Events Team Presents Modern Warfare Game Night

Hosted by XGC Grim XS & XGC Kaite XS
Saturday, July 23, 2022 - 09:30 PM
Until: Saturday, July 23, 2022 - 11:30 PM
(Adjusted for timezone: America/New_York)

The Events Team Presents an Among Us Game Night
Friday, August 5th at 10:00pm EST
With your hosts SYN Sobi & SYN LEX XS
Send a message to either host for an invite to the event to join the fun!


Anyone interested in tournaments can contact XGC Traitor XC


will be hosting a Captains Class on Friday 07/22/22 at 9:30 est
Captains Class Friday 07/22/22 at 9:30 est


Today we lost a founding member of Xiled Gaming and a great friend, SYN HUNGRY XD. Hungry was with the core group from our first xbox clan in unreal, through KSI and then on to help build XG. He was a great gamer, leader and friend! You will be missed Hungry Man! RIP brother


Section Leader
Apr 4, 2018
Great leaders
are always ready
for the winds of change.

Full Stream Ahead!!!!!

XG is pleased to announce that the streaming capabilities on the website are now up and running. Now you stream will be featured and simulcasted on the website for all members to see. An announcement will also go out through the XG Discord to let everyone know that you are going live. (This function is glitching at the moment but should be fixed in the next few days.). The are bound to be other glitches or issues along the way, but we will jump on those as they occur.

How do I signed up? Glad you asked. This is an account upgrade that is available for $5 per month, for now. All funds will go back into the community, i.e. website and Discord updates, tournament prizes, etc..

Below are the steps to upgrade your account:

Go to your profile on the website (click your game pic in the upper right hand portion of the screen)
Tap Account Upgrades
Select the Streamer purchase button
This takes you to PayPal. YOU MUST HAVE A PAYPAL ACCOUNT!
After you secure payment, you are placed in the Streamers user group.
Go to the Streams forum and click on the “Submit Channel” button and provide the URL for your Twitch stream.

That’s all there is to it, hopefully. Stay tuned for other items related to the XG Streamers group, such as new banners, overlays, and affiliations in the near future. If you do run into any issues during this process, hit up your leadership. Several members have been requesting this ability for a while, so we are glad to finally be able to provide it. With that in mind, always remember to pass along any ideas to make the community moving forward.

Section Leaders:

Section Leaders are the face of your section. You are the leader that everyone depends on and trust. As a Section Leader, you are to help your Generals and train them the best way possible. This means getting to know your clans, show them around the website/discord and show them where to find things. As an XS this is each of yours responsibility. Let's go over just a few that some might need a refresher on:

Oversee all aspects of a section (group of clans). This includes, but is not limited to, attending clan meetings when possible, approving transfers and XG gamertag requests, preparing clan splits, and handling any cross-clan issues that may arise.

Best advice on this is to hold a leadership meeting with each clan once a week. Attend a clan meeting at least once a month. Get to know your members by joining game nights and meeting all new recruits. Remember Communication is the Key To Success! So communicate with your Generals on a regular base.

Work with Generals. Ensure they are properly trained to uphold their responsibilities, manage their clans effectively, and handle issues and enforce the Honor Code. Speak with them regularly to discuss clan activity, their development and the development of their Captains.

Get your leaderships short term and long term goal. Ask about potential members in the clan that would like to move up into leadership. Help your General's and guide them the way you were guided by your previous XS. Go over the usergroup together as you are a TEAM!

Micromanaging: As an XS you can give out ideas to help your clan but make sure you are not Micromanaging in any way. Let your General know that you are just giving guidance or suggestions based on previous experiences. They can choose what course they will take. Remember the Clan is your General's Clan! If you see something that might help the clan, this is where you will guide your General the way he/she needs to be guided.


Generals are the backbone of this community. As a General you all are responsible for making sure your clan is run the way it should be. You are looking for that potential leadership in everyone in your clan. Remember as a General or any member of Xiled Gaming our main goal is to have fun and game with like minded gamers. Don't lose that focus!! Here is a few things that might help:

Work with Captains. Ensure they are properly trained to uphold their responsibilities, manage their squads effectively, and handle issues and enforce the Honor Code. Speak with them regularly to discuss squad activity, their development and the development of their Lieutenants.

Get with your leadership weekly, let all your leadership know you are there to help them as well. See what their goals are and talk about how your going to help them reach that goal. Game with all your members and get to know each one. This will show your members that they can trust you and be there for them as well.

Attend mandatory bi-monthly leadership meetings to keep up-to-date on community information, and host weekly clan meetings to pass along necessary communication from upper leadership and ensure that clan issues and goals are discussed.

If you are not able to make a meeting be sure to let your XS know and have your Captain or LT step in for you. Utilize the Calendar on the website for community related activites and classes. If you have any questions be sure to go to your XS and ask. Remember their is no stupid question.

Maintain the clan’s Discord channel and clan list and updating it, at minimum, by the 1st and 15th of each month.

When updating your list by the 1st and 15th of each month, make sure your Captain has done this as well. If they are not able to then it is the Generals responsibility to do this for them. Also remember to assign roles as new members come into discord. This way they will see your clans Discord chat and know what's going on in the community and your clan.

Leadership Development:

Captains Class on Monday 08/29/22 at 9:00 est

SYN CHELL XS will be hosting a Captains Class on Monday 08/29/22 at 9:00 est This class is highly encouraged for those who intend to move up the ranks. It is open to any member holding the currently rank of Captain in all divisions with XG. This class will hold 10 spots. Members will be...

Clan Events Game Night:

The Events Team presents SYN Rebellion Clan Game Night
Golf With Friends
09/14/22 at 9pm EST
with your host SYN Rebellion Clan. You can hit up Kyandi Fox (SGT) or SYN LEX XS for invite.

Events Team Game Night:

The Events Team Presents powerwash simulator Game Night
Wednesday 8/24/22 @ 8:00 pm EST
With your hosts XGC Grim XS & KoG Lotus Xd

The Events Team Presents A Monopoly Plus Game Night
Wednesday, August 24th at 9:30pm EST
With your hosts SYN Sobi & SYN LEX XS

The Events Team Presents A Golf With Your Friends Game Night
Friday, August 26th at 9:00pm EST
With your hosts SYN Sobi & SYN Chell XS

The Events Team Presents an Among Us Game Night
Wednesday, August 31st at 9:30pm EST
With your hosts SYN Sobi & SYN LEX XS

The Events Team Presents PUBG Game Night
9/01/2022 @ 8:00 pm EST
With your hosts XGC Grim XS & KoG LOTUS XD
The lobby is open to anyone interested in participating, holding up to 100 players in Battle Royal. Teams of 4 will be randomized to ensure that every team is equally matched!


Section Leader
Apr 4, 2018
As an XS or general, it is your responsibility to provide the tools that are necessary for your generals and clan leaders to be successful. You got to the rank of XS or general because you were motivated to do the job requirements to reach the next level: so are you instilling that motivation into your generals or are you setting back and letting them do their own thing, hoping they will figure it out? You should be communicating with your generals about what it took for you to run a successful clan and assisting them in how to accomplish the tasks. For example, they should understand why it is important to always be recruiting, training leadership, holding clan events, joining community events, etc., as these pertain to the success of the clan and to them being able to reach the goals that they have established.

So what happens when you have this conversation with your general, but they say they have tried to do those but nothing is working? That is where Innovation comes in. If the way you are approaching a problem is not yielding positive results, you have to be able to try new approaches. If recruiting is not working because everyone is in party chat, try game chat. If no one is showing up for meetings, combine it with a game night or do a movie night. If you come across issues that you haven't faced before and are not sure of another approach, hit up a peer to see if they have some ideas or get with a section leader or division leader.

Ensuring Your Clans are Successful
Daily clan activities, weekly clan, and squad meetings, and leadership meetings are just a few ingredients that create a successful clan. The main reason people join our community is to find people that they enjoy gaming and hanging out with on a regular basis so they never have to play alone unless they want to.
When talking to your members and leadership in all of your clans, it's your responsibility to bring up ideas and come up with solutions to any issues that are occurring within the clan, and make sure people are comfortable coming to you with any ideas they have. Being proactive to prevent issues as well as asking people for ideas will help pave the way for success.
Reinforcing positive things is just as important as bringing up the negatives and addressing them, celebrating small positive changes, and building on them to keep moving forward.

Holiday Break
Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year are here again! Remember, this is a time when members can be distant and sometimes unresponsive due to traveling and family, so patience is going to be needed. Communicate with your members as best you can and hold games nights to keep activity up. Also, we are sure a lot of people will be getting new games over the holiday so let's not forget the recruitment opportunities.

Meeting Dates
  • December 4th, 2022
  • December 18th, 2022
  • January 15th, 2023

Leadership Classes
Captains Class: 11/25/2022 @8pm est
Host: KoG Drif XS

Captains Class on Friday 11/25/22 at 8 PM EST

KoG Drif XS will be hosting a Captains Class on Friday 11/28/22 at 9:30 EST This class is highly encouraged for those who intend to move up the ranks. It is open to any member holding the currently rank of Captain in all divisions with XG. This class will hold 10 spots. Members will be invited...
Captains Class: 11/28/2022 @9:30pm est

Captains Class on Monday 11/28/22 at 9:30 EST

SYN CHELL XS will be hosting a Captains Class on Monday 11/28/22 at 9:30 EST This class is highly encouraged for those who intend to move up the ranks. It is open to any member holding the currently rank of Captain in all divisions with XG. This class will hold 10 spots. Members will be...

Community Events
Events Team Presents:
The Events Team Presents a Modern Warfare 2 Game Night

Tuesday, November 29th @ 9pm EST
With your hosts XGC Grim XS and XGC Kaite XS.
We will be playing lots of different game modes. Party votes!
Send a message to either host for an invite to the event!

The Events Team Presents a COD: Cold War Game Night
Thursday, December 1st @ 9:00pm EST
With your hosts SYN Sobi and KGA Wrecker
We will be playing Custom Games including Window Wars, Quick Scoping, and Prop Hunt.
Send a message to either host for an invite to the event!

The Events Team Presents a Michael Myers Game Night on Modern Warfare 2
Saturday, December 3rd @ 9pm EST
With your hosts: KoG LOTUS XD and SYN CHELL XS
Custom Lobby Michael Myers Game Night!
Send a message to either host for an invite to the event!

The Events Team Presents a Rocket League Game Night
Thursday, December 8th @ 8:00pm EST
With your hosts SYN Sobi and EmeDiffers
We will be playing Customs against each other.
Send a message to either host for an invite to the event!



Section Leader
Apr 4, 2018
As an XS or general, it is your responsibility to provide the tools that are necessary for your generals and clan leaders to be successful. You got to the rank of XS or general because you were motivated to do the job requirements to reach the next level: so are you instilling that motivation into your generals or are you setting back and letting them do their own thing, hoping they will figure it out? You should be communicating with your generals about what it took for you to run a successful clan and assisting them in how to accomplish the tasks. For example, they should understand why it is important to always be recruiting, training leadership, holding clan events, joining community events, etc., as these pertain to the success of the clan and to them being able to reach the goals that they have established.

So what happens when you have this conversation with your general, but they say they have tried to do those but nothing is working? That is where Innovation comes in. If the way you are approaching a problem is not yielding positive results, you have to be able to try new approaches. If recruiting is not working because everyone is in party chat, try game chat. If no one is showing up for meetings, combine it with a game night or do a movie night. If you come across issues that you haven't faced before and are not sure of another approach, hit up a peer to see if they have some ideas or get with a section leader or division leader.

Ensuring Your Clans are Successful
Daily clan activities, weekly clan, and squad meetings, and leadership meetings are just a few ingredients that create a successful clan. The main reason people join our community is to find people that they enjoy gaming and hanging out with on a regular basis so they never have to play alone unless they want to.
When talking to your members and leadership in all of your clans, it's your responsibility to bring up ideas and come up with solutions to any issues that are occurring within the clan, and make sure people are comfortable coming to you with any ideas they have. Being proactive to prevent issues as well as asking people for ideas will help pave the way for success.
Reinforcing positive things is just as important as bringing up the negatives and addressing them, celebrating small positive changes, and building on them to keep moving forward.

Holiday Break
Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year are here again! Remember, this is a time when members can be distant and sometimes unresponsive due to traveling and family, so patience is going to be needed. Communicate with your members as best you can and hold games nights to keep activity up. Also, we are sure a lot of people will be getting new games over the holiday so let's not forget the recruitment opportunities.

Meeting Dates
  • December 4th, 2022
  • December 18th, 2022
  • January 15th, 2023

Leadership Classes
Captains Class: 11/25/2022 @8pm est
Host: KoG Drif XS

Captains Class on Friday 11/25/22 at 8 PM EST

KoG Drif XS will be hosting a Captains Class on Friday 11/28/22 at 9:30 EST This class is highly encouraged for those who intend to move up the ranks. It is open to any member holding the currently rank of Captain in all divisions with XG. This class will hold 10 spots. Members will be invited...
Captains Class: 11/28/2022 @9:30pm est

Captains Class on Monday 11/28/22 at 9:30 EST

SYN CHELL XS will be hosting a Captains Class on Monday 11/28/22 at 9:30 EST This class is highly encouraged for those who intend to move up the ranks. It is open to any member holding the currently rank of Captain in all divisions with XG. This class will hold 10 spots. Members will be...

Community Events
Events Team Presents:
The Events Team Presents a Modern Warfare 2 Game Night

Tuesday, November 29th @ 9pm EST
With your hosts XGC Grim XS and XGC Kaite XS.
We will be playing lots of different game modes. Party votes!
Send a message to either host for an invite to the event!

The Events Team Presents a COD: Cold War Game Night
Thursday, December 1st @ 9:00pm EST
With your hosts SYN Sobi and KGA Wrecker
We will be playing Custom Games including Window Wars, Quick Scoping, and Prop Hunt.
Send a message to either host for an invite to the event!

The Events Team Presents a Michael Myers Game Night on Modern Warfare 2
Saturday, December 3rd @ 9pm EST
With your hosts: KoG LOTUS XD and SYN CHELL XS
Custom Lobby Michael Myers Game Night!
Send a message to either host for an invite to the event!

The Events Team Presents a Rocket League Game Night
Thursday, December 8th @ 8:00pm EST
With your hosts SYN Sobi and EmeDiffers
We will be playing Customs against each other.
Send a message to either host for an invite to the event!



Section Leader
Apr 4, 2018
hard work is like trying
to harvest where you
haven't planted.
Leadership involvement

Leaders must be assertive at all times with their Sections/clans/squads, only by keeping level involvement will you be able to steadily ascertain the information you need to be a successful role model to your leadership pipeline., Never fall prey to minimized involvement when working with your pipelines, we must always check up on them even if we feel they are doing good.

Developing that level of involvement, when everything is good will pay dividends when the “going gets tough.” During those times, more attention/time will need to be dedicated to work through issues. To be a great leader, you have to have the dedication to show up when you clans, section, or division needs you most.

Be the Leader our members deserve:

One thing everyone should love about being a leader in Xiled Gaming is being the face of the community for our members, And striving to show the way in our training methods to ensure the future of our beloved community. train them to be a better leaders, not only on a professional level, but also on a personal one ,as well, our leadership pipelines are the future, so lets set ourselves up for success.


A leader log should consist of who, what, when and where. You should never do a leader log based on personal opinions. When doing a leaders log you should always be professional and think with a calm level head. remember the information must be true and accurate. Double check, did you cross every T and dot every I?, is what your trying to convey legible for all to understand? Knowing how to writing a accurate leader log is a must as a leader, if you have any questions never be afraid to ask for assistance from a peer, or a Division leader. No question is a Dumb question." We pull the rope together".
Also it's important that when having a conversation that you have a peer or peers with you for a witness, Witnesses are there only to observe, not interact unless advised by the leader conducting the interview., in some situations a Division leader or higher may need to be present, if so they are alway ready to assist you based on their availability.

Below are just a few examples of the who, what , where.
Members Gamertag:
The Date/time or incident:
What transpired:
Resolutions or actions taken:
Will there be a follow up?

Why do we do Leaderlogs?
The need for a verbal warning as it breaks the honor code. (Record keeping)
Member leaves the community for another community or trys to poach your members to that community (record keeping)
Member done something that you had to correct them on and you keep it for record keeping.

Honoe Code IV - Open Door Policy.

All members are encouraged to share any issues or ideas through the chain of command and with XC/XI at ANYTIME! The leaders of Xiled Gaming believe in the open-door policy in order to encourage openness and transparency with all members of the community.



Captains class- Friday 2/24/23

XGC Kaite XS will be hosting a Captains Class on Friday, 2-24-23 at 9:00 EST This class is highly encouraged for those who intend to move up the ranks. It is open to any member holding the currently rank of Captain in all divisions with XG. This class will hold 10 spots. Members will be...



Captains Class on Friday 3/10/23 at 9:00 EST

SYN CHELL XS will be hosting a Captains Class on Friday 3/10/23 at 9:00 EST This class is highly encouraged for those who intend to move up the ranks. It is open to any member holding the currently rank of Captain in all divisions with XG. This class will hold 10 spots. Members will be invited...


Events for Xiled Gaming
  • Like
Reactions: SYN Huntitto


Section Leader
Apr 4, 2018
"Before you are a leader, success is all about growing yourself. When you become a leader, success is all about growing others." -Jack Welch.


Emergencies happen in real-life and on the game that can affect your clan at any time. Is your clan ready? By this I mean XS's and general's should be training replacements. Not only for splits but in case someone needs to step down that mean training captains to take over for Gens and L'ts to take over for captains. Not having a backup plan can cause clans to break up or even fail because positions are open. On the other side of the spectrum, this should already be happening to prepare for growth as well. Always have people ready to go in these spots because Emergencies do happen and so does growth.

Housekeeping User groups:
*Generals & Section Leaders*
Also with the year coming to a end, everyone should be looking at their user groups on the website, discord and making sure they are accurate and up to date.

Accountability is important in leadership because it helps ensure that your team is working towards a common goal and that they are following through with their commitments.
We have to check in with each other to ensure that we are fulfilling our commitments that we all agreed to, or that we are reaching out with leadership together if we are unable.

Attention XSs, Generals and Captains, if a member/recruit has an issue with the website , they should never be advised to create another account. This is being done too often. Contact any admin (XD or higher) and we can help with whatever the issue is.
Also do not use other people's email to sign up on the website. No one should be creating an account for someone else.

We should be working together to make a difference instead of trying to make other leaders, and members look bad. Together Everyone Accomplish's More.

The Xteam has broaden their horizons adding new games to the plate. Destiny 2 and Rocket League teams are being put together, If any Generals has a team they would like to face the Xteam with please get with SYN CHELL XD or SYN CAREBEAR XS and they will help with setting this up. Also the Xteam is looking for more COD players to help with challenges. This is to help the community with fun exciting nights so more participating and helping would be appreciated.


Captain October 28th 9 pm Eastern

SYN CAREBEAR XS will be hosting a Captains Class on October 28th 9pm EST Captains Classes are now a requirement for promotion to General. You must sign up and take a Captains class if you are interested in being promoted to General. This class will hold 10 spots. Members will be invited in...


Advanced Generals Class on Oct 21st at 9 EST

XGC COOP XC and SYN CHELL XD will be hosting an Advanced Generals Class on Oct 21st at 9 EST It is open to any member holding the current rank of General in all divisions within XG. This class will be held in Party Chat with only 10 spots available. Members will be invited according to the...



Community Events:

The Events Team Presents a Party Animals Game Night
Friday, October 20th at 8:00pm EST
With Your Hosts: SYN Sobi XS, Navyfamily73, and SYN LEX XS
Please send a message to either host for an invite to the event!

The Events Team Presents a Monopoly Plus Game Night
Friday, October 27th at 9:00pm EST
with Your Hosts: SYN Sobi XS & SYN CAREBEAR XS
We will be playing custom games.
Please send a message to either host for an invite to the event!!!

The Events Team Presents a movie night of five night at Freddy movie
Saturday, October 28th at 8:00pm EST
With Your Hosts: SYN Weeb SYN Sobi XS
Please send a message to either host for an invite to the event!


Section Leader
Apr 4, 2018
Bettering the community topic:
Focusing in the right places. For example instead of stressing growth or promotion, focus on the environment being created around clans. A fun and positive environment naturally leads to growth and growth allows more potential options for future leaders to carry on that torch.

Leadership Development:
Work on being unique and finding what works best for you as a leader. We have a website full of rank responsibilities, guidelines, leadership tools, etc but a leader’s experience in the community shouldn’t just be defined by checking boxes based on what the requirements ask. What makes you special as a leader? What can you offer that makes this all more fun for yourself and the ones below you? Cause without them who are you leading? It’s never a job if you enjoy what you do. How can you as a leader make your position enjoyable and stress free while still holding yourself to the standard of your specific position.
Your clan or section is only as strong as the weakest member and leader. Make sure we're spending time with all leadership and Generals with all members to ensure that nobody is left behind. To have a successful clan everyone works together as a team. Together Everyone Achieves More

The Design Team
The Design Team is looking for new members who like creating epic designs for event flyers, member signatures, and banners for the community. If you or your members have a love for graphic design, please get in touch with SYN Sobi XS on help with the application process or questions about the Design Team you may have. We look forward to hearing from you.



CAPTAINS CLASS NOV 10 @ 2 pm est

XGC GUNNY XS will be hosting a Captains Class on Nov. 10th 2:00 EST Captains Classes are now a requirement for promotion to General. You must sign up and take a Captains class if you are interested in being promoted to General. This class will hold 10 spots. Members will be invited in order...


Intro Generals Class on November 11th at 9 EST

SYN CHELL XD will be hosting an Intro Generals Class on November 11th at 9 EST It is open to any member holding the current rank of General in all divisions within XG. This class will be held in Party Chat with only 10 spots available. Members will be invited according to the order in which...


Advanced Generals Class on Nov. 18th at 9 PM EST

SYN CHELL XD will be hosting an Advanced Generals Class on Nov. 18th at 9 PM EST It is open to any member holding the current rank of General in all divisions within XG. This class will be held in Party Chat with only 10 spots available. Members will be invited according to the order in which...


Community Events:

The Events Team Presents a Monopoly Plus Game Night
Wednesday, November 8th at 9:00pm EST
with Your Hosts: SYN Sobi XS & SYN CAREBEAR XS
We will be playing custom games.
Please send a message to either host for an invite to the event!!!

The Events Team Presents a Fall Guys Game Night
Friday, November 10th at 9:00pm EST
with Your Hosts: XGC Grim XS & SYN CHELL XD
We will be playing custom games.
Please send a message to either host for an invite to the event!!!

The Events Team Presents a MW3 Night
Sunday, November 12th at 9:00pm EST
with Your Hosts: SYN Ohana XS & SYN CHELL XD
We will be playing custom games.
Please send a message to either host for an invite to the event!!!

The Events Team Presents a Trivia Game Night
Friday, November 17th at 9:30pm EST
with Your Hosts SYN Tragedy & SYN CHELL XD
Come test your skills on Trivia.
Please send a message to either host for an invite to the event!!!

The Events Team Presents a Overwatch 2 game night
Tuesday November 21 at 9:00pm EST
with Your Hosts SYN Weeb and SYN Tragedy
Where playing custom games
Please send a message to either host for an invite to the event!!!

Xteam Battles:
XTEAM has a Challenge on Nov 12th at 8 pm against Xenith Clan is on Grid Legends so get your steering wheels ready and come have some fun!
And as always the XTEAM is always looking for new games for challenges so get a team together and hit up SYN Chell XD or SYN CAREBEAR XS and get a date set.


Section Leader
Apr 4, 2018

A good leader inspires people to have confidence in the leader. A great leader inspires people to have confidence in themselves.” —Eleanor Roosevelt​

End of Year:​

As 2023 comes to an end, our clan list and usergroups should be cleaned up. Make sure to remove all inactives in your clans to make room for new members. As a leader we do not hold onto members for inactivity, just put in the removal request so when they do come back to our wonderful community they can chose where they would like to go.

When a member comes to leadership and asking for a transfer, we have 72 hours to make this happen. Between divisions please remember this is discussed Section Leader to Section Leader unless its a tricky member then the Division Leaders are involved. Communication is the KEY for this to happen smoothly.


The Xteam is looking for challenges so get with your sections and clans to see if you all has what it takes to bring in the bragging rights to beat your XS's and higher. If you have any questions please get with SYN CHELL XD or SYN CareBear XS.



Captain class December 12, 2023 9 PM Eastern

SYN CAREBEAR XS will be hosting a Captains Class on December 12, 2023 9 PM Eastern Captains Classes are now a requirement for promotion to General. You must sign up and take a Captains class if you are interested in being promoted to General. This class will hold 10 spots. Members will be...


XS Class:

XS Class-Sunday December 10th, 2023 @ 8:30 pm est

The class will be held Sunday December 10 @ 8:30 pm EST. It is not mandatory but highly recommended that you are able to get onto the website during the class. The class will be held in the Leadership Training voice chat in the XG Leaders Discord server. There will be a max of 10 people...


Be sure to sign up for this class on the website if you have not had your XS class!!!


Community Events:

The Events Team Presents a BO2 Night
Tuesday, December 5th at 9:00pm EST
Please send a message to either host for an invite to the event!!!

The Events Team Presents an Among Us Game Night featuring the clan XGC WOLFPACK XK
Saturday, December 9th at 9:00pm EST
with Your Hosts: SYN Sobi XS and XGC PANDA XS
Please send a message to either host for an invite to the event!!!

The Events Team Presents an Fortnite Game
we will play creative Night Friday December 15 at 10:00pm EST
with Your Hosts: SYN Weeb and XGC kaite XS
Please send a message to either host for an invite to the event!!!

Xteam Battles:


Section Leader
Apr 4, 2018
The task of the leader is to get their people from where they
are to where they have not been.” Henry Kissinger
Goals for 2024

It's the beginning of the year, now is a great time to reflect back on 2023 and what you accomplished. Now is the time to set goals for this year - keep them as S.M.A.R.T. goals and make sure your leaders do the same with your assistance.

S - Specific = Don't create a goal that is unclear or needs detailed explanation, it should be specific enough to be easily understood when talking about it.
M - Measurable = Determine how you will be able to tell if the goal is 25% complete, 50% complete, and so on. If the goal isn't met 100%, talk about why.
A - Achievable = Make a goal that is not unreasonable. For example, if you set a recruiting goal for 10 recruits in a week, but typically only bring in 1-2, that goal will most likely not be met. Start with something realistic, and if that goal is met easily, then increase it for the next time.
R - Relevant = Have the goal be something the squad or clan needs to work on. For example, if recruiting is slow and needs improvement, that would be a good goal. If recruiting is something that happens normally and isn't a struggle, a goal for leadership training and development would be better.
T - Time Bound = Set a time-frame for the goal to be achieved. Whether it's a short term or long term goal, having a "due date" helps keep people focused and working towards it.

Make sure that when you set a goal you are checking in on progress at least a couple of times a week, to help keep everyone focused and ensure it isn't forgotten. If the goal isn't met, discuss why - it shouldn't be a negative conversation, just a discussion about why it didn't happen and how to try to achieve it using a different strategy.

Showing Offline:
We all appear offline from time to time. This can be when we have company, spending time with loved ones, etc.. and generally we're not available so we don't want people to think we are when our Xbox is on for whatever reasons. This should not be used to hide from our members or leadership! You should NOT be appearing offline all of the time and expect people to message you if they need you.

Leadership should NOT appear offline all of the time and leave it to your clans to guess if you are online or note. Even clan members should not appear offline all of the time. Part of the reason people join the community is to socialize with members, and if everyone appears offline, the socializing will not happen. If you are online, you should appear online unless it's for a good reason. Do not abuse the appear online function!

GWG Reminder:
If a member leaves or is kicked out today and they want to return tomorrow, they need to post a GWG app immediately. There are no time frames to follow other than the fact that a researcher will not begin research on the app until 2 weeks have passed since separation from the community (Example: after 1, 2, 3 years, member no longer needs to fill an app. Not a thing!). Only if the member left for inactivity and it has been confirmed from the member’s last usergroup removal request on the help desk, then they are welcome to join back in without an application. If there are ever any doubts or inconsistencies you have come across, please ask an XD.

Clan Usergroup:
Does your user group and clan list match? One aspect of running a clan is ALWAY checking our lists, It is your responsibility to make sure that all of your members are joining the User Group. It is also your responsibility to get those same members removed from the User Group if they leave, get kicked or transfer out. As many already know, you need to post a request in the Help Desk to get members removed. If you need assistance, please contact your immediate leadership.

Section Leaders working with Events Team:
Starting in 2024 we are going to do something spectacular for the Community. This will take each one of you to help so here it is. Every Section Leader will have a clan in his/her section to host a game night with the Events Team for the community to join . The Events Team will help with spreading the word like putting it on Calendar, Spamming out on discord and etc... It does not have to be a General to host but anyone in that clan that would like to represent. Please get with SYN CHELL XD by PM or Xbox party! If that day is free on the Calendar then we can do it. Let's fill the Calendar up folks!!

Xiled Gaming:
Thanks to everyone that came out to celebrate XG’s birthday. 18 years is quite an accomplishment!!!

A special thanks to the members of the Events team that planned and coordinated the Birthday Bash. Thanks to their efforts, everyone was able to have a great time and meet new community members.


The Xteam is looking for challenges so get with your sections and clans to see if you all has what it takes to bring in the bragging rights to beat your XS's and higher. If you have any questions please get with XGC GRIM XS or SYN CareBear XS.


No classes at this time as they are being updated to better our Community. Although classes are not going on at this time, please don't stop teaching and don't stop asking questions.

Community Events:

The Events Team Presents SYN Odyssey on Golf with Friends Game Night
Tuesday, January 9th @ 9:00pm EST
With your hosts SYN x Ghost and and XGC Kaite XS
We will be playing custom games.
Send a message to either host for an invite to the event or jump into party!

The Events Team Presents Golf with Friends Game Night
Thursday, January 11th @ 9:00pm EST
With your hosts SYN CHELL XD and SYN CAREBEAR XS
We will be playing custom games.
Send a message to either host for an invite to the event or jump into party!

The Events Team Presents a Overwatch 2 Game Night, on Thursday, January 25th @ 8:00pm EST
With your hosts SYN Sobi XS and Kingtoxic420#700
We will be playing custom games.
Send a message to either host for an invite to the event!

Xiled Gaming Tournament Team proudly presents:
Pool Blitz Tournament

01/26/2024 at 8 EST
02/5/2024 at midnight

Registration will end
01/25/2024 at Midnight

Prize will be $50.00 Gift card for 1st place and 25.00 for 2nd place!!!!
(Xiled Gaming is not responsible for this prize)

SYN CHELL XD is solely responsible


Xiled Gaming Tournament Team proudly presents:

Madden NFL 2024 X/S Version

February 9th, 2024, at 12:00am EST
February 18th, 2024, at 11:59pm EST

Registration will Close:
February 8th, 2024, at 7:00pm EST

1st Place - $50.oo Gift Card
2nd Place - $20.00 Gift Card

All prizes are the sole responsibility of SYN Sobi XS.
Xiled Gaming Has no responsibility for the prizes!!!


XTEAM Battles:

Clan Name: SYN ENVY 7
Game: MW3
Date: 1/12/24
Time: 8pm EST
Casual: Core

Team Names: OHANA's Section
Game MW3
Date 1/13/24
Time 9pm est

Date :1/15/24
Time: 9pm
3v3 soccer


Section Leader
Apr 4, 2018

Leader Meeting Notes:

All Section Leader's and General's can put in a meeting note idea. The meeting notes is to help keep everyone up to date on Community News. Here are the links if you are not aware of the place you need to go to post them:
Section Leader's: https://www.xiledgaming.com/forums/xs-weekly-notes.161/
General's: https://www.xiledgaming.com/forums/generals-weekly-notes.122/
All XD's along with the XC's work together as a team to complete the notes provided.
For example:
All Events team events that are provided are on the website which we get off as so the Tournaments and the classes then so forth.
We as a team do go by the website only for this information.

Who our members can game with:

Here in Xiled Gaming we do not tell our members who they can and cannot game with. Here lately there has been talk with members that leadership has been trying to dictate who they can game with. While we do want members gaming with their clan and squad, we do understand that members have friends that are in other clans and divisions, or not in the community at all. We don't expect members to give up their other friends and only play with members of the clan that they are in. As long as they are active with the clan there should be not issues with who they are gaming with. This also includes people that you do not like. Regardless of how you feel about the person they are gaming with, if they are not doing anything to hurt the clan there should be no issues at all with members gaming with whom ever they want.


To eliminate drama and keep any kind of favoritism or feelings from influencing decisions, XG does not allow husband/wife, boyfriend/girlfriend, or immediate family to directly report. We realize that with the amazing members we have, at some point you might find the person who completes your life. If you do, we require you to notify a leader (XD, XC, XI) so one of you can be moved. Notifying a leader of these relationships will not result in the loss of rank or removal from the community. However, any lying, deception, manipulation of stories or members, or relationships that generate issues or drama for the community may result in demotion and/or removal from the community. The rank structure is intended to be followed without personal feelings or emotional decisions affecting the directions of our clans.

Look, we get it, some of you are going to date. We don't care! Just spare us and your division the drama of going through it by being honest!

The XTEAM has been very busy with all the Challenges coming in. We are loving the challenges you all are bringing to us. Please keep up the effort and keep bringing all new game ideas as well. Any questions please feel free to Hit up SYN CAREBEAR XS , XGC Grim XS or KoG XDnME XS

Clan name: SYN Predators
Game: Overwatch
Date: 02/02/24 at 8 pm EST
Maps and modes on Discord

3V3 STANDARD (best 2 of 3)
DATE. Saturday, Febuary,3rd
Time : 10:00 pm east

Team Names: OHANA's Section
Game MW3
Date 2/10/24
Time 9pm est

Community Events:

The Events Team Presents a Overwatch 2 Game Night, on Thursday, January 25th @ 8:00pm EST
With your hosts SYN Sobi XS and Kingtoxic420#700
We will be playing custom games.
Send a message to either host for an invite to the event!

The Events Team Presents a Lego Fortnite gamenight on January 30 8pm est
With your hosts SYN Weeb and SYN Sobi XS
We will be playing Lego Lego Fortnite
Send a message to either host for an invite to the event!

The Events Team Presents a Golf with Your Friends Game night
Feb. 7th at 9PM EST
With your hosts MU5ik M1X3R & SYN Sobi XS
We will be playing Custom Games.
Send a message to either host for an invite to the event!


Xiled Gaming Tournament Team proudly presents:
Pool Blitz Tournament

01/26/2024 at 8 EST
02/5/2024 at midnight

Registration will end
01/25/2024 at Midnight

Prize will be Microsoft Gift cards
1st place $50.00
2nd place $25.00
3rd place $15.00
(Xiled Gaming is not responsible for this prize)

SYN CHELL XD is solely responsible


Xiled Gaming Tournament Team proudly presents:

Madden NFL 2024 X/S Version

February 9th, 2024, at 12:00am EST
February 18th, 2024, at 11:59pm EST

Registration will Close:
February 8th, 2024, at 7:00pm EST

1st Place - $50.00 Gift Card
2nd Place - $20.00 Gift Card

All prizes are the sole responsibility of SYN Sobi XS.
Xiled Gaming Has no responsibility for the prizes!!!


XGC Kaite XS presents:

Modern Warfare II 2v2 Gunfight

Hosted by: XGC Kaite XS

How to register?
Contact XGC Kaite XS on Discord

Registration will end
01/27/24 8PM CST/9PM EST

For any questions contact XGC Kaite XS on Discord.



Section Leader
Apr 4, 2018
"Circumstance does not alter responsibility." - Unknown
We are all gamers and we are all here to have fun, however, if you have elected to take on responsibility within your clan and throughout the community, you are held to honor and uphold those responsibilities at all times while in your role. If you need a break, communicate it! However, if you are not able to follow through on what you have volunteered to do, then speak with your leadership to determine the best course of action.

Honor Code:

Xiled Gaming members will display a professional gaming demeanor at all times. Any match an Xiled Gaming member participates in should observe the rules of Fair Play, Sportsmanship, and Respect. As an Xiled Gaming member, you not only represent yourself but Xiled Gaming as a whole.

Usergroup Removal Requests:

For User Group Removal requests, please make sure you are being detailed in your request. The GWG team and leaders need to be able to look back and see why a member was removed. If you think that a leader log should be written, then a leader log should be written. If you have any questions on what qualifies for an issue to be added to the leader log, contact your Division Leader.

Meeting Notes:

When passing along leader meeting notes to your clans as a General, make sure that you do not copy and paste all the notes and only include notes that are relevant to your clan. Be innovative and proactive to come up with 2-3 topics that will engage the clan and make them want to continue to make every meeting.

Leadership Ideas:

When having a game night, event, or other type clan activity, a good leader should try to get the majority of the clan's leadership, or possible leadership, involved with the process of getting the idea from thought to final product. This is a great way to teach leadership skills to up and coming leadership. Helping your clan with any questions or guidance is NOT Micro Managing. SHOW YOUR SUPPORT!


XTEAM is always looking for a good challenge so get a team together and come challenge us! Any Questions please hit up SYN CAREBEAR XS OR KoG XDnME XS. Also, I would like to make a huge shout out and Thank You to everyone that has participated in the XTEAM and to everyone that has stepped up and Challenged Us. We also want to thank SYN Ohana XS for streaming several of our past matches! The Challenges we have coming up:

Feb 10th at 9pm EST Against:
SYN Ohana's Section on MW3

Feb 16th at 9pm EST Against:
SYN Predators on Overwatch

SYN OHANA streams all challenges so if you need the link to watch the matches please hit him up.

Community Events:

The Events Team Features XGC WOLFPACK XK on Valheim
February 5th, @9:00pm EST
Host: XGC DIDYGOAT and EmeDiffers
Contact either host for invite and have some fun!!!

The Events Team Features XGC ENIGMA on MWII
February 6th, @9pm EST
Host: moparman6943 and SYN Weeb
Contact either host for invite and have some fun!!!

The Events Team Presents a Golf with Your Friends Game Night
Feb. 7th at 9PM EST
With your hosts MU5ik M1X3R & SYN Sobi XS
We will be playing Custom Games.
Send a message to either host for an invite to the event!

The Events Team Presents a Monopoly Game Night
February, 12th at 9PM EST
With your hosts SYN CAREBEAR XS and SYN CHELL XD
Send a message to either host for an invite to the event!

The Events Team Presents a Yugioh: Master Duel Game Night
Friday, February 16th @ 8:00pm EST
With your hosts SYN Sobi XS and SYN Weeb.
We will be playing custom games!
Send a message to either host for an invite to the event!

The Events Team Presents a overwatch 2 Game Night
Tuesday February 20 @ 8:00pm EST
With your hosts SYN Weeb and SYN tragedy
We will be playing custom games and Quickplay
Send a message to either host for an invite to the event!

The Events Team Presents a MWIII Game Night
2/23/24, at 8pm est
Featuring your hosts: KoG Hijacker and XGC Kaite XS
We will be playing various custom game modes.
Send a message to either host for an invite to the event!


Congrats to XGC Gunny XS on coming in 1st place in the Pool Blitz Tournament. Also to Music Mixer for 2nd place and mrreptile for 3rd. Great job guys!!!

Xiled Gaming Tournament Team proudly presents:

Madden NFL 2024 X/S Version

February 9th, 2024, at 12:00am EST
February 18th, 2024, at 11:59pm EST

Registration will Close:
February 8th, 2024, at 7:00pm EST

1st Place - $50.00 Gift Card
2nd Place - $20.00 Gift Card

All prizes are the sole responsibility of SYN Sobi XS.
Xiled Gaming has no responsibility for the prizes!!!