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XGC Lethality

Forum Nerd
Aug 23, 2011
I, Lethal Trigger, Want to entertain all of XGC from Recruit all the way up to the founders of this great community, with an idea.
As you may or may not know, Forza Motorsport III has an online drifting lobby for those who like to drive their cars sideways. I am one of those fans and if you are too, you would see the need to have friends and even clan members playing along with you.
The problem with Forza drifting and how we can solve it together. There are many people (about 200 on average) who drift race online. About 1/3 of them (about 63/200) only go into the lobby to either smash around the other racers or to use a high powered car, gain about 300 points then finish the race and start the timer, gaining his win (and level) by default. If we together as a clan start a division for those who love to drift and respect each racer as you would like to be respected, then we can solve this issue with people ruining the lobbies.
I have talked to a few captains about this idea, and I was told to find players who would sign up for this, but as I am a private and cannot recruit, I ask any of you XGC if you are interested in signing up for drifting. You dont have to but even if you just drift once a week or twice a month, your support would help. Please post on this thread if you support this idea.
Deepest thanks, Lethal Trigger