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Destiny 2 Gambit League

KoG Gibz XD

May 27, 2011
Upper Lake, Ca
Introductory Statement:

Hello and welcome guardians. Gambit is battle of wit and might that stacks guardians up against both PVE and PVP environments. In this league we will test the and valor and adversity of every fireteam involved. This will not be traditional gambit, for there will be some limitations and adaptations to the traditional play during this showcase of strength.​

Rules of Combat:
  1. Each team must have a minimum of 3 players in each league matchup with a maximum of 4 players on each team. In the case of a team needing to play with 3, the other team will only be allowed 3 of their teams 4 players. Players can be substituted between matches of

  2. Each league matchup will be a 3 game series. Not best of 3, but a 3 game series to settle a weeks matchup. Matchup win and loss tallies must be sent to KoG Gibz XS at the end of each series for the matchups to count towards a teams overall record.

  3. Each matchup will consist of a 3 minute connectivity check. After the 3 minutes have passed each team captain will communicate on whether or not the host connection was stable enough. Switch host if necessary.

  4. There will be a 4 week scheduled regular season play. At the start of week 5 a playoff bracket will be made based on the win/loss records of each seasonal team followed by a league championship.

  5. ALL ROCKET LAUNCHERS and the Exotic Jotün Fusion Rifle will be banned from play
  6. All gambit settings will remain default except for the match timer which will be set to NO TIME LIMIT.
  7. Host will be decided by the HOME team and will be recognized as the team listed AFTER the vs for example (Away Team vs Home Team)
  8. The home team will choose the first map setup and for each game after will be decided by the losing team
  9. In the event of a lag out, disconnect, or game crash the first occurrence will be discussed by each team captain and the match will be restarted or counted as an official result. If each team captain is at odds at all with a decision then the match will be restarted. A second occurrence of this and the match will be continued as normal and counted as official. NO JOINING IN PROGRESS.

  10. Matches will have a 7 day play period in which they need to be finished. Starting on Fridays and Ending each weekly matchup by Thursday Evening. It is completely the responsibility of each team captain to communicate and schedule a day that works for both teams to play all 3 of their gambit matches in one session. If their is an occurrence where it needs to take play on multiple days then it must be brought to KoG Gibz XS for approval
How to Participate:
One team captain will post below with minimum 3 members and maximum 4 members EXACT GAMER TAGS AND BUNGIE ID. Also must have a listed team name as well. Please copy and paste the format below to help keep everything neat. If any player wants to sign up but does not have a team you will be placed into the “Player Pool” and be placed on a player pool team created by KoG Gibz XS as soon as there are enough members in the pool to create one. The player pool will be a first come first serve priority wait list.

Team Name:

Team Captain:

Member List:

Playoff Formatting:
  1. 5Team league will result in a playoff of the top 4 team records in a seed based playoff format. For example, (1) Ranked team plays the (4) Ranked team and (2) would play (3)
  2. A league of less than 5 teams would result in every team making the playoffs in the same seeding format.
Championship Riches:
Each Team member of up to a maximum of 4 team members will receive their choice of reward from the prize pool​
  • Choice of 1 Standard Edition of Forsaken, Shadowkeep, Beyond Light, 30th Anniversary or Witch Queen expansions
  • $20 Microsoft Gift card
  • A choice of T-shirt from the bungie merch store of $25 or less
Player Pool:
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