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Forum Tourist
Jul 11, 2007
I need to make a suggesting. Move on! Halo 3 I understand the new game hasn't come out yet, Call of Duty 4 has been out for over 2 years and there has been a new game come out and there is about to be another one I no longer have Call of Duty 4 or Halo 3. I haven't had them in quite a while so I haven't been to a Generals meeting since I got promoted. I would also like to get in Clan Compete but you guys take forever to start a new game i'm already done with WOW and ready to move on to the next game is it going tto take you guys another 3 years to move on to COD MW 2. If this keeps continuing I will never be able to get into Clan Compete, You guys should be starting on the new game not worrying about Call of Duty 4 for Clan Compete you need to start making it for the new Modern Warfare. Call of Duty WAW has been having tournaments for quite a while why is it not on Clan Compete. Should have been on there awhile ago. thanks for listening lets just get up to date please.

SYN soonerbomb

Forum Veteran
Aug 15, 2009
CoD WaW wasn't as successful as originally hoped for. There are a lot of people who do not have it and do not play it! A lot of us got it and played for a while but realized the gameplay on CoD 4 is just better and went back to it. People are still playing CoD 4 because as of right now in a lot of peoples eyes such as myself MW2 is a very questionable game, they have switched game engines for the new MW2 from the last MW and in reviews they are comparing it to Battlefield: Bad Company! If this is the case then it may be the next best thing, but if not done to peoples standards then it could turn out the next biggest flop. I have watched the multiplayer trailer just like a lot of other people and it looks good, but only time will tell before we can play it and make our own decisions. With that being the case people are still playing CoD 4 because they do not like WaW or because they are waiting on MW2. So until MW2 is released and months after until they finally feel comfortable with it, glitches are removed, and people learn the game it will not be on www.clancompete.com or www.gamebattles.com! So until then may CoD 4 (one of the greatest games ever made) live on!!!


Forum Tourist
Jul 11, 2007
for 1 there are usually no less than 75,000 peaple on cod waw don't get me wrong cod 4 was a great game people in my clan still play it but cod 4 is a slower game than waw i was in the top 1000 when i quit playing it in kills and in waw i'm in the top 2500 i just say people play these games and we need to add meetings and clan compete to these games sooner because like me i'm probable going to trade in my waw so i don't have to pay as much for MW 2

XGC Caviezel XI

Council Leader
Jan 2, 2006
We will have more games added to clan compete. Need I remind that clan compete has gone through a major overhaul and alot of bugs and glitches have now been fixed. The reason we stick with Halo3 and CoD 4 alot of the times. Is due to the fact the majority of our members are on these games also alot of us own them as well. When MW2 comes out there will be a ladder for that. Along with any other good online competitive game. Who here remembers old school CC and the uno ladder? I do. I hope this answers your questions.


Forum Tourist
Jul 11, 2007
that's all i needed to know but i would like to suggest adding generals meetings and captains meetings to these new games. I am a general and i would like to attend a meeting i have never been invited to a party chat for a generals meeting i would attend them if their was enough room so maybe if their is more than 8 people we could get maybe another xs to give a meeting or class i do get the weekly notes and use those in my meetings so those are extremly helpful. thanks for listening and hope to see you in the ladders for Modern Warfare 2