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FX Samurai

Forum Veteran
Dec 3, 2006
Middletown, DE
I am one of three generals of XGC Soldierz. I am the most active general, second most active is XGC REDFACTORv2. Least Active is XGC SHAKEANBAKE (due to living issues, which is understandable). We have suffered from being hit from our past general XGC CUB, dealing with our clan splitting into XGC 82nd Airborne, and soon after, we now suffer from many of our members transferring into other clans and the remaining members being inactive. Many captains do not even get on much anymore. It would be great if we could set something up with other clans to move some captains over to soldierz that will be active enough to help get soldierz back on track. Then, after it does, if they wish to transfer back to their clan they can. If someone could add XGC Druid (my gamertag), preferably the generals, if you would like to help. then we can set something up with our section leaders and help get soldierz back up and running. Thanks for your help.

-XGC Druid
General of XGC Soldierz

XGC Halodaddy

Forum Star
Dec 10, 2006
I had the same problem recently. It took some time, and now I have just got to a decent amount of Capt.. I can't afford to lose any right now.
However in a month it might be a different story. I will keep my eyes and ears open for you in the meantime.

Take your lieutenant for now and keep him/her beside you. Any chance you get to solve a problem send them an invite and let them see what procedures and all that are. The basics I look for in a Captain are do they post, are they active, do they attend meetings and/or practices, do they seem mature enough to handle any situation as an adult, and does every1 else in the clan respect them and him respect them back!

XGC CobraStrike

Forum Member
Dec 18, 2006
Quad Cities, IL
Give him a chance, and just give him peon priviledges for now until he proves to you he is ready. In 82nd we are going to have 4 captains maybe 5 at most. That is all you really need to run a strong clan. If you have to many captains I have found that causes power trips and clan hits. So start small and build it strong. Get 3 or 4 very active Captains and you will be fine.

FX Samurai

Forum Veteran
Dec 3, 2006
Middletown, DE
We have 5 captains, and lilman will make a 6th. Though alot of them arent very active. Thats why soldierz isnt that strong right now. I want to get rid of some of them but I know its not allowed. I want to find a way to get rid of the dead gamertags without getting in trouble for booting people for inactivity. which i know isnt allowed. btw, I am going to make lilman a captain as soon as i get the approval from redfactor as well, since it is his clan as well as mine.

XGC Halodaddy

Forum Star
Dec 10, 2006
Druid just demote the ones that are inactive. Lts. have a responsibility to get recruits and Captains run clan meetings and squad practices. Anyone not doing their job demote them and write it down so you remember when Squad list are due. I had a problem of noone recruiting besides myself and 2 other clan members each brought 1 more. I demoted 7 lts. now i only have 4, but they are doing their job. I had a sgt that was a Lt leave cause he was mad. On the most part they stepped down without complaint. As much as I hate demoting it makes everyone else in the clan happy.

Booting inactive tags, If they havent been on that tag in 3 mths and you need room in the clan. I am pretty sure you can Remove them.
They are still considered in XG though remember you dont have to be in a clan to be in XGC

FX Samurai

Forum Veteran
Dec 3, 2006
Middletown, DE
thanks alot for the information. as you might have guessed, I am a new general and I am still learning a bit of the ropes and such. but I value everyone's input and I appreciate the help as always. Thanks Halodaddy.

XGC Halodaddy

Forum Star
Dec 10, 2006
That last post could be innaccurate with the new rule of anyone being removed or leaving your clan no matter what list them on the DnR.

If Halo3 last half as long as H2 we are going to be ruined with thousands and thousands of dead gamer tags. We need to do something about this b4 it happens.

FX Samurai

Forum Veteran
Dec 3, 2006
Middletown, DE
yeah, we have to try and get the rule changed. because that causes problems as far as making sure you have active members that dont even make any effort to stay in or tell you that you cant be on for this long because of something. We need to make sure we get almost all of our members onto the website. that way they can post more and also tell us when they arent going to be on.