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XGC M4ster

Forum Veteran
Dec 10, 2006
OK guys their is a huge lag in communication right now and we need to fix it. My box has been down and instead of playing i've been addressing concerns with people and hanging on the forums and if you haven't noticed lately we have a problem, a pretty big one. I'm not here to point fingers but some section leaders haven't been doing their job and alot of generals haven't been doing their job since halo3 came out. What we all need to do is let our members know in halo 2 that we haven't forgotten about them, look at it from their point. Wouldn't you be mad if you thought you played with some really cool people that if you met in real life you'd be friends and then this game comes out and they never even talk to you. I'll even admit it myself i've slacked off some but now i'm picking it back up and getting it into gear.
We all need to, and if you'd rather just focus on getting your rank and level up then deal with anything then i dont think your general material anymore and you should either step up or step down. What you need to do is get on halo 2 or get in contact with who has halo 2 and let your members know you will be playing halo 3 but the forums are still up, and thats where everything will be going down from now on. All we have to do now is a little extra effort, i already write down what I'm going to say at the meetings so why not post it up on the forums for everyone to see. And let everyone know that they need to sign up for the user group to prove their activity on the forums and be an official member of XGC.
Halo 3 can make us or break us and we've been spoiled having a clans list in Halo 2 but not having it forces us to be more organized or fall apart. And if your willing to let it fall apart then you watch it happen but I was never one to give up when things got a little hard i always know that things turn out better in the end. If you want to give up then stop wasting time and do it, you got to this spot by making decisions so make one now. I'm more then willing to step into your spot and take over if i'm allowed to do so. Our job is to make the game fun for everyone but if we are leaving people in the dark then were not doing our job.
Right now who ever reads this i'm going to need you to help to get generals back in action. Remind them that they have to get on the forums and let everyone know whats going and maybe even read this post. Tell them XGC still is alive and well and if they want to continue to be apart of it they have to get back into action. We all have to look out for each other and everyone falls but you'll get to the end a lot slower if you stay down, so help other generals out. Get them back on the forums and back into action, thanks.

XGC CobraStrike

Forum Member
Dec 18, 2006
Quad Cities, IL
Well put, I will help with the communication any way I can. I am very active, and send spam messages all of the time. We just need to put our foot down, and make sure people are registered. I take 2 days out of the week to post on the forums. I also check the forums daily. Is that to much to ask? I wouldnt think so. If you need anything, please let me know!!!!


SYN Classic

Forum Veteran
Dec 11, 2006
Redding, CA
Agreed, just because there isn't a built in clan system in H3 doesn't mean we can't have a clan. We can use the friends of friends feature to make a clan list if that gets approved. And if it doesn't then we can just use the forums which are a great communications tool. I have a big feeling that once Christmas is done we will all get our communications back together.

FX Samurai

Forum Veteran
Dec 3, 2006
Middletown, DE
you dont need an approval. just a silver tag with your clan name on it and add every member in your squad. but just dont slack off by not getting your members on the usergroups and not updating your squad list. just because you have your own clan list doesnt mean the rest of xg cant. gens need to make sure theyre doing what needs to be done and keeping your members satisfied with your clan.

XGC CobraStrike

Forum Member
Dec 18, 2006
Quad Cities, IL
Well put buddy!!!!! That clan tag is working awesome, now I will just keep up not only on the user groups, but the lists too. They both need to stay active and done correctly. Druid thanks for the idea by the way with the extra tag, it is working great!!!!!
