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FX Samurai

Forum Veteran
Dec 3, 2006
Middletown, DE
This came up at one of the Generals Meetings not too long ago but I felt that I would post the idea in here in case you missed it. A good idea is to Make a silver membership from your xbox 360 dashboard. Make it the name of your clan and make sure to write the e-mail and password down on paper (or somewhere you wont forget it or lose it) and give it to your section leader. This way if something were to happen to you, your section leader can do an account recovery on his/her xbox and access the clan list. This allows you to spam messages to your clan and when its time for your clan meeting, with the new friends of friends update, when youre in Halo 3 or Call of Duty 4 or any other game, you can just look onto your clans friends and invite them to the meeting/practice. This also keeps your members in touch with the others as well. Of course, dont forget to add yourself to the friendslist of your own clan. This has helped me alot by keeping in touch with my clan (XGC Soldierz). Of course, talk it over with your section leader and let him/her know how it works out.

-XGC Druid (General of XGC Soldierz)

SYN Jerriel

Carpel Tunnel
Dec 10, 2006
cali on the west coast
OK here is why the idea has been shot down by a XS of mine(not one that looks over me but one of my friends) the reason is that once a General or XS that is holding the tag decides to leave the clan he or she can easily hit it. This is why tag for clans have let to be but up as a thing we SHOULD do.

FX Samurai

Forum Veteran
Dec 3, 2006
Middletown, DE
That makes sense. However the way I use it is just for reference and to communicate to my squad. Im by no means using it as my actual squad list, but as a medium to keep me and my squad connected by just looking at SOLDIERZ friends and seeing whose on.


Forum Member
Jan 25, 2007
Well so far ive used it and it has helped my clan a great deal there may be some drawbacks but alot of people feel the good outweighs the bad

FX Samurai

Forum Veteran
Dec 3, 2006
Middletown, DE
Very true. I just feel it shouldnt be used as an official clan list, just a way generals can keep track of there clan. btw, sorry cheapskate but having a DL create it wouldnt be a good idea. they probably woulnt sign in to the clan tags that often and do you know how many Clans that would be? alot. you would be better off having the general or XS do it....

XGC CobraStrike

Forum Member
Dec 18, 2006
Quad Cities, IL
There is one thing you guys forgot to mention. If your clan is active on the forums than you would not have to worry about clan hitting. Because you could get them back in anytime, or be able to send them friend request just by who is registered. So it still comes down to getting people registered on the forums. This is and always will be the best communication for XG. I know that a lot of people do not have computers, but most of our problem comes from lazy people that do not want to take the time to register. This is what I have found in the last 2 years in XG anyway. So push for them to sign up, and will never have to worry about clan hits.


FX Samurai

Forum Veteran
Dec 3, 2006
Middletown, DE
I completely agree with you on this cobra. However, it also comes down to if the general knows who is still in the clan by keeping a record of every member that comes into their squad like I do, then you dont have to worry about it. As a General, it is very important that you keep a notebook filled with important rules, guidelines and notes about disputes in case you need to refer back to them when it becomes a problem and you need to rely on them. This link on xbox live for your clan members is just clearly a way for you all to stay connected on xbox live without having to search through your friendslist in order to figure out who has who on their friendslist. I just think its a good idea to organize things a little bit more. Whether you want to use this method is completely up to you. It may work for you, it may not. but this is only an idea that I think serves its purpose.

XGC CobraStrike

Forum Member
Dec 18, 2006
Quad Cities, IL
Druid, I am not saying it is a bad idea by any means, I like the idea!!!!! I just wanted to put my point out about getting members to communicate properly. It is easier on the Generals too!!!!



Forum Junkie
Aug 21, 2006
Ossian, IN
I think some of you are reading to much into what Druid is trying to say. The silver tag is just an extra Friends list for your clan. So now as a General instead of having your whole clan on your personal Tag, you can have everyone on the silver tag and just look at the Friends list and send party inv from their. Now Generals, you should always keep your CPTs on your FL, and CPTs should have everyone from their squad on their FL so that they can spam messages to their squads, but the General needs to have access to the entire clan and that is what Druid is trying to help with.

Make no mistake though, this does not replace the user groups, and this is not like a halo 2 clan list either, we had too many people in halo 2 that were in the clans and not registered. What I would do is have the new recruits send a FR to the clan tag and as the General not accept the request until the recruit is registered and on the user groups.

Druid this is an awesome idea! My Generals are using it and it is doing wonders. I basically have 3 FLs now.


Forum Junkie
Aug 21, 2006
Ossian, IN
No thank you. It never sank in with the update that you could do that with a silver tag. It definitely helps to keep your clan members seperate from your FL. But when they started talking about hitting it I had to say something. You can't hit a FL. lol

FX Samurai

Forum Veteran
Dec 3, 2006
Middletown, DE
haha I know. but I guess people werent fully graping the idea and thinking that if a general sits there and goes through the process of creating a silvertag to begin ith for HIS own benefit, why would he want to remov people from his friendslist if they are part of his clan and it all comes down to HIS communication with THEM. It just wouldnt make sense, its like constructing a building that takes like five years to build and then destroying it in five seconds just to make another one. IT JUST DOESNT MAKE SENSE!!! lol