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Forum Junkie
Oct 7, 2009
eugene oregon
I'm a captain in XGC Coldfire. i still have yet to take the captains class though, but i feel like i've done a fare job so far.

as of now, our clan is currently out a general due to an unfortunate circumstance. as of now, our section leader is our acting general. we have 2 captains (myself and XGC MuRkEn) awaiting a possible promotion. we're really just waiting on who take the class and who seems like the more appropriate candidate. i still fully intend on taking the captains class, but i was wondering if i would be able to attend a generals class whilst i wait? i could see how that may be inappropriate, but i feel the need to ask. not that i'm impatient, but rather excited. the idea of being a general really appeals to me.

i find myself constantly obsessing over the forums; refreshing our clans page, checking other other forums, lurking around the website in general. i would love to give as much of myself to this clan as possible. i love working my way up the ranking structure. it gives me something to look forward to. i LOVE this community, and just want to give back as much as it has given me.

sorry, i tend to drone on lol...

XGC Olde Fogy

Forum Nub
Aug 14, 2008
Storden, MN
I was able to attend the Generals Class as a Captain, this however solely depends on who is teaching and how many poeple are taking it at that time. Current Generals, first and foremost, get priority.

Check back when you see Generals classes are being held, ask the facilitator if it is possible to attend (based on class size). Also make sure your XS is aware and has no problem with it.