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42,000 MEMBERS!!!!

Nv Corona vF

Forum Star
Dec 10, 2008
So to clear some of it up. Go to members list, look at join date for some members, then look at last time they were on the site. Over half will be the same date :p

Running a gaming site myself, I can truly respect what it takes to get that many registered users. That is one hell of an achievement. Hell, overall Id even say XG is the most successful to date. You just need to truly think about that to understand how big it is. Every community has done its own things. In Nv, im truly proud of having an article in a top mag, and how fast were growing, you have PMS which is by far the biggest girls gaming clan. You have MoB which made an impact in the pro side, and vVv which has had multiple teams take first place at MLG.

As a suggestion tho, do you really think youll get 60,000+ unique registers from PS3? Maybe try the pc side, chances are better there :p