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SYN Cheddarbob

Carpel Tunnel
Dec 15, 2006
Boston, MA
I have finnally finished writing the new design team honor code, I have posted it on the forums but it's not stickied so I want your approval of it and mabye editing too. Here it is....


All designers, no mattter the rank, must show respect to all other XG members when associating with other XG members and with other people in general.​


All designers must do their job for the website when told to. This means if we need some banner templates done for game banners, get them done asap. Failure to follow orders could result in ways determined by the task-giver.​


You must repect other people's work. If you are going to critisize someone's work, do it in a constructive manner by giving them advice on how to improve on it and give them some encouragment for the future. This means only constructive critisism please! No saying, "ewww that sig sucks! You suck" ect. ect.​


When doing a signature request, do your best to follow the guidlines that they gave you, if they weren't specific enough, ask them some questions about what they would like in it and give them some examples. Only go free-style on it if they specifically tell you to do so! Remember respect other people's ideas for their sig!​


When making a signature for someone, DO NOT put your name in that sig! It is their sig, not yours! (ex, by so-and-so, is not acceptable in any way for sig requests on the design team forums) we are proffesionals!​


Do not cause arguments among members of the design team over who is best. Getting caught up in this kind of drama could result in booting from the design team if it is sought as nessasary to the leaders of XG.​


When using the design team forums, or any forums in general, have a proffesional attitude, if you belong to other design teams on other sites, you are representing us as a whole so keep a good and proffesional attitude. As a design team member you are representing us in you XG clans as well. Have a good clan attitude and keep your name clean and we won't ever have a problem.


If a member of XG is booted or leaves, he is also leaving the Design Team as well. If a member is let back in under certain circumstances, he will most likely be allowed back on the design team as well. Depending on the decision of our leaders in most cases.


All design team members must also follow the XG overall honor code as well. Breaking of that honor code could result in removal from the design team if not XG in general.


All members must read and accept this honor code in order to be on the design team.


Finnaly, remeber, just have fun, do your job, and love what you do! Remember,
"Work smarter, not harder"
-XGC Viper Xi

This honor code can be subject to change at anytime by instruction of our leaders.
Last edited:


Forum Member
Mar 15, 2007
Rotterdam, The Netherlands
"All designers must do their job for the website when told to"

This will not work, not everybody has all the time of the world, you're dealing with people here.

Second, I think you should name this "Banner design team honor code", because the website consists more design issues then only grafics.

Further, great job! ;)

SYN Cheddarbob

Carpel Tunnel
Dec 15, 2006
Boston, MA
thee design team in general is supposed to do banners, sig are secondary. And I'm saying get it done eventually, don't slack off, when I say asap I mean as soo as you can. Design team is not a privelage, it's a responsobility. When you sign up for the team and get in, your devoting your graphics time to the design teams jobs assigned.

XGC Coleslaw XI

Council Member
Jan 1, 2006
Pittsburgh, PA
i think that if all members (XGC, KoG, SYN, designers, etc.) of XG just adhere to Xiled Gaming's honor code then we will be ok... i personally dont' see a reason for this honor code...

i appreciate all of your hard work, but XG is all about having fun... some have fun by just gaming, others by leading, and others by doing a variety of things to help XG... we never say that people HAVE to do anything, but if you want a rank or responsibility, you are expected to at least make an effort... but we dont' ask much, just get online, have fun and rep XG good...

SYN Cheddarbob

Carpel Tunnel
Dec 15, 2006
Boston, MA
Mine is based towards the productivity side of the team, and it's also guidlines for design team members to follow. I'll most likely re-create this into something that is basicaly a creedo sort of thing that talks about moral standards for design team members, as well as their work ethic standards.