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  1. KoG Artemis


    I had an idea, maybe we can use a binder or organizer of some sort, have at least 8 divders, first section would be the honor code, second section would be the rank structure, third section would be the squad lists updated, fourth section would be a star system where you star on people for going...
  2. KoG Artemis


    I had an idea, maybe we can use a binder or organizer of some sort, have at least 8 divders, first section would be the honor code, second section would be the rank structure, third section would be the squad lists updated, fourth section would be a star system where you star on people for going...
  3. KoG Artemis


    I had an idea, maybe we can use a binder or organizer of some sort, have at least 8 divders, first section would be the honor code, second section would be the rank structure, third section would be the squad lists updated, fourth section would be a star system where you star on people for going...
  4. KoG Artemis


    I had an idea, maybe we can use a binder or organizer of some sort, have at least 8 divders, first section would be the honor code, second section would be the rank structure, third section would be the squad lists updated, fourth section would be a star system where you star on people for going...
  5. KoG Artemis


    Ok the clan hitter is an old divsion leader called XGC Homer XL. He Has the tags like ISPH BigMac, ISPH T MAC, ISPH A MAC and a fake tag of a council leader XGC Coleslaw Xi. notice the lower case I in Xi. Thats a fake Tag. So just let you know XGC Homer XL has no life he hit about 10 clans now...
  6. KoG Artemis


    Ok the clan hitter is an old divsion leader called XGC Homer XL. He Has the tags like ISPH BigMac, ISPH T MAC, ISPH A MAC and a fake tag of a council leader XGC Coleslaw Xi. notice the lower case I in Xi. Thats a fake Tag. So just let you know XGC Homer XL has no life he hit about 10 clans now...
  7. KoG Artemis


    My clan was hit twice in the last 5 days. I know who it was and it was and old XGC Division Leader. Please I need to talk to one of the Council Leaders and Discuss how we can block these players. Please respond ASAP. Thanks.:(
  8. KoG Artemis


    My clan was hit twice in the last 5 days. I know who it was and it was and old XGC Division Leader. Please I need to talk to one of the Council Leaders and Discuss how we can block these players. Please respond ASAP. Thanks.:(
  9. KoG Artemis


    im really pissed off that the colts are going to the super bowl. the colts shouldn't diserve it.:mad: