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  • Hey TFLEM! I've got my digital Xbox One copy of CoD: Advanced Warfare. Now we can grace each other with each others presence and game. lol
    That's not gossip, it's awesome news. You can call me any time! I love talking with you just as a friend, and I also enjoy hearing XG news from time to time.
    Call me soon when you get a chance! I miss you!!
    Yeah as much as I prefer HALO I have always gotten COD as well. Maybe not on launch day but at some point down the line. We should hook up on some Halo.
    A couple of the posts just didn't seem to make any sense at all but as you go back further it was like you and I were also talking to others which were causing issues so one or two of my posts were directed at them. Are you even considering getting the new Halo ?
    Dude, WTF is all the **** in our conversation??? I just scrolled down and saw some posts from like 2009 which I surely did not make yet they show up as coming from me? Did my account get hacked back then?
    I gotcha. ;) Just trying not to step all over folks and playing nice. Well, for the most part. LOL.. Spinz mentioned Viper moving me up to Admin at some point. That would be even more helpful as then I can just take care of whatever is needed that comes up and help others as well. No rush as I know Viper is a little slow. I mean, he is older than me. LOL..
    Why didn't you tell me that you became a council member? Congratulations sweetie! I'm so happy for you and proud to be your friend!!
    The other day I started laughing thinking about the XC podcasts we did and how much fun we had recording them. We laughed SO hard while doing them, it was so much fun! I really miss you guys and all the fun we had! I even miss the very late night Sunday meetings.
    Give me a call soon so we can catch up! XO
    Hey, weren't you once a section leader back in the Halo 2 days? Cause if I remember correctly, you were the XS of XGC Basic back when I used to be in XG. I remember you getting promoted to division leader and then community leader. Huge congrats on the council leader promotion! So are you and Viper the only 2 people to have been promoted to the XI rank?
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