KoG ThirdEye Mar 19, 2023 Idk if anyone from my era may or may not still be around the XG parts, but if so hmu on Discord: Trash Dick#6609
Idk if anyone from my era may or may not still be around the XG parts, but if so hmu on Discord: Trash Dick#6609
KoG ThirdEye Mar 14, 2019 Just figured I'd let anyone who cares to know or contact me, I no longer play Xbox I switched to PC, but I am frequently on Discord add me up!
Just figured I'd let anyone who cares to know or contact me, I no longer play Xbox I switched to PC, but I am frequently on Discord add me up!
S S SYN CAVSCOUT Aug 10, 2018 Congratulations dude! I’m happy for you. I’ve been good man just been working and living the good life down here in Texas.
Congratulations dude! I’m happy for you. I’ve been good man just been working and living the good life down here in Texas.
S S SYN CAVSCOUT Aug 10, 2018 Now if that isn't the name I haven't seen in some time!! How is it going Thirdeye!! Hopefully you are doing well dude.
Now if that isn't the name I haven't seen in some time!! How is it going Thirdeye!! Hopefully you are doing well dude.
KoG Exile May 19, 2018 Hey brother disregard Royalty’s banner and esteemeds Leader banner. Thanks man.
hlo reaper 1995 May 4, 2018 Nice! I think ‘The Passenger’ had to be my favorite by Iggy but as far as Billy Joel goes it’d have to be between ‘We Didn’t Start The Fire’ and ‘Scenes From An Italian Restaurant’.
Nice! I think ‘The Passenger’ had to be my favorite by Iggy but as far as Billy Joel goes it’d have to be between ‘We Didn’t Start The Fire’ and ‘Scenes From An Italian Restaurant’.
XGC Phntm XD Apr 24, 2018 Whoa, blast from the past! How have you been man? Good to hear from you! All is well on my end.
KoG ThirdEye Jan 15, 2018 Add me if anyone plays Overwatch on PS4 @Trash_Dic If anyone plays XB1 add me @Trash Dic