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  • I will be done by the end of the year. By then, I'll have my Bachelors degree. I'm most likely going to go for my Masters degree though.
    Well butter my biscuits and call me Tina...someone said something obvious!

    Yeah, I know I'm a noob...I'm in the "BKs of SYN" social group for a reason >_>
    I'm inactive also lol. Right now I'm being swamped with work that's all do this week plus having midterms this week. It's not a fun time.
    Well luckily I don't have to look at it thanks to image blockers haha. It hasn't gotten to that point yet though. But yeah, I just knew something wasn't altogether "right-looking" on it, but you were spot-on about the color.

    But don't get a big ego missy, you were wrong about things before lol :p
    Yeah, I think that would be my only gripe about it. Maybe if it were the same reddish-orange as the background (slightly lighter) it wouldn't stand out as much and would look more natural. But yeah, you hit the nail on the head: the light color contrasts too much with the background. It'll probably be fixed in time I imagine.
    I like the color (again, I like orange-red mixes) but I don't like the flashing glow animation on the word "Admin." The font's fine and the background is cool, but the flash just seems outta place or something :/
    Did you have something to do with this? The Admin (and presumably super mod/moderator as well) banners have changed.

    -strokes chin-

    Hey, i love your design work!!!! Would it be alright if i request a sig? And a banner request for KoG Basic?
    I heard that too, and they found me through SYN Awesome XS (I was quite angry at him haha). But apparently the people that Facebook stalked us also stalked his friends and anyone else's they could. I would have accepted Sandman...but I'm not going to accept someone on my real Facebook when they're on an XG Facebook; furthermore, there's no picture or anything, and I can't be bothered with all that.

    I do have hobbies missy! I hate people for a hobby...that's always fun. I also love proving people wrong (especially the moron 2 hours to your NW). Umm...I murder people on video games on the daily, you don't even know.

    In all seriousness, though, I really love rock climbing/mountain biking and exploring the desert where I live and enjoying the peace and quiet to be found there ;)
    This is why my motto on the box is "Always stay skeptical." I shatter these nonsense myths and misconceptions all the time (like the myth that saccharin/aspartame causes cancer...for example). There is no such thing as multitasking.

    They did a study where they had a group of people that were "self-described experts at multitasking" and pitted them against a control group of people that weren't multitasking (doing one thing at a time). The multitasking group had far lower marks on the accuracy of their work, the quality of their work, and the amount they got done.

    Multitasking - the only thing on the planet that the more you practice at it, the worse you get.

    Looks like I wasn't the only one helped today by you vvvvvvvv

    Also, maybe others should note that just because you're busy, you can always budget time to get stuff done. Just sayin'.
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