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XGC Touche

Forum Addict
Oct 16, 2013
San Bernardino CA
What is your username and gamertag? XGC Thomas

What times are you available during the week? Do these times change often? Monday through Friday after 5pm pst and most of the time on the weekends

What are your current ideas of events you'd like to hold? Dodgeball night, Michael Myers

If you had to describe yourself in 1 sentence, how would you do so? I'm pretty quiet but can get my point across when needed

Have you ever planned, held, or helped host an event? If so, please list which and how many times you have done so. No

If the answer to any of the above questions is "yes", what type of an event was it?

Are you interested in being a Freelancer or Full-Time? Freelancer
(Freelancer allows you to stay in your current clan & be part of the events team. If you choose full-time you will be required to make a divisional transfer to XDC.)

How long have you been in XG? Please also list whether you have left XG and returned, or not. I joined in October 2013

What division and clan are you currently in? What is your rank? XGC Ascension Sergeant

What is your main reasoning in wanting to join the Events Team? I want to be a bigger part of XGC

What do you hope to accomplish if accepted? I hope to help make events fun for all who are playing

Did someone recommend you to the Events team? If so, who? SYN Aliki, SYN Recon, XGC I'm So Cute
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