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Feb 10, 2013
New Jersey, USA
Events Team Application:

What is your username and gamertag?
XGC Joe Onion

What times are you available during the week? Do these times change often?
It varies really, most every night after 8pm EST, my occupation is all contracting so i set my own hours.

What are your current ideas of events you'd like to hold?
im really big on game nights. at the same time mixing it up yes doing the normal Mike Myers, tomahawk only, dodge ball, VIP etc.. but also starting clan compete type tournaments between clans and bringing back the friendly competition between clans. im just really big on mixing things up and keeping being in a gaming community fun for everyone, esp by taking what people want to do and mixing them all together and making some sort of game out of it.

If you had to describe yourself in 1 sentence, how would you do so?
I am an outgoing, adventurous, daredevil that loves to joke around about anything and be everybody's friend.

Have you ever planned, held, or helped host an event? If so, please list which and how many times you have done so.
Lol, yeah ever since i was a Lt. I mean i haven't hosted an XDC official event but i host a scheduled game night once a week, plus I will often spur of the moment fill a lobby and run an all nighter of every game you could think of and then some. exactly how many times? honestly i have hosted at least one game night a week every week for the past 6 months..

If the answer to any of the above questions is "yes", what type of an event was it?
Game night, specifically i have hosted Micheal Myers, Dodge ball, VIP, Tomahawk only, Pistol only, knife only, honestly pick any weird weapon or lethal or tactical and ive probably hosted games using only it. I've also hosted a few clan battles with great success and would like to continue and hopefully get more people into it.

Are you interested in being a Freelancer or Full-Time?
(Freelancer allows you to stay in your current clan & be part of the events team. If you choose full-time you will be required to make a divisional transfer to XDC.)
Freelancer, I love that there is a Design team as its a big part of XG but as i am a General in XGC I do not want to abandon my guys.. plus its too much fun being a General =]

How long have you been in XG? Please also list whether you have left XG and returned, or not.
A little over a year & I haven't left.

What division and clan are you currently in? What is your rank?
XGC Immortals XK - General

What is your main reasoning in wanting to join the Events Team?
Honestly, I've been wanting to join since i was a Cpt but i always see that post about not accepting apps for freelancers and i never applied; I know i can and still will host and run events without being on the events team but i like the idea of being with a group of people that also like hosting events as much as i do and it would be great to have that sounding board for new ideas on events and game nights to run.

What do you hope to accomplish if accepted?
If accepted i hope to help build up a better relationship between clans, most clans have 3 or 4 guys that go all over XG and meet everyone I want to help those individuals that may not be as outgoing find other like minded people on Xbox to build not only good community relationships but friendships.

Did someone recommend you to the Events team? If so, who?
Nope. like i said just kinda always wanted to join.


Dec 20, 2006
Events Team Application:

What is your username and gamertag?
XGC Joe Onion

What times are you available during the week? Do these times change often?
It varies really, most every night after 8pm EST, my occupation is all contracting so i set my own hours.

What are your current ideas of events you'd like to hold?
im really big on game nights. at the same time mixing it up yes doing the normal Mike Myers, tomahawk only, dodge ball, VIP etc.. but also starting clan compete type tournaments between clans and bringing back the friendly competition between clans. im just really big on mixing things up and keeping being in a gaming community fun for everyone, esp by taking what people want to do and mixing them all together and making some sort of game out of it.

If you had to describe yourself in 1 sentence, how would you do so?
I am an outgoing, adventurous, daredevil that loves to joke around about anything and be everybody's friend.

Have you ever planned, held, or helped host an event? If so, please list which and how many times you have done so.
Lol, yeah ever since i was a Lt. I mean i haven't hosted an XDC official event but i host a scheduled game night once a week, plus I will often spur of the moment fill a lobby and run an all nighter of every game you could think of and then some. exactly how many times? honestly i have hosted at least one game night a week every week for the past 6 months..

If the answer to any of the above questions is "yes", what type of an event was it?
Game night, specifically i have hosted Micheal Myers, Dodge ball, VIP, Tomahawk only, Pistol only, knife only, honestly pick any weird weapon or lethal or tactical and ive probably hosted games using only it. I've also hosted a few clan battles with great success and would like to continue and hopefully get more people into it.

Are you interested in being a Freelancer or Full-Time?
(Freelancer allows you to stay in your current clan & be part of the events team. If you choose full-time you will be required to make a divisional transfer to XDC.)
Freelancer, I love that there is a Design team as its a big part of XG but as i am a General in XGC I do not want to abandon my guys.. plus its too much fun being a General =]

How long have you been in XG? Please also list whether you have left XG and returned, or not.
A little over a year & I haven't left.

What division and clan are you currently in? What is your rank?
XGC Immortals XK - General

What is your main reasoning in wanting to join the Events Team?
Honestly, I've been wanting to join since i was a Cpt but i always see that post about not accepting apps for freelancers and i never applied; I know i can and still will host and run events without being on the events team but i like the idea of being with a group of people that also like hosting events as much as i do and it would be great to have that sounding board for new ideas on events and game nights to run.

What do you hope to accomplish if accepted?
If accepted i hope to help build up a better relationship between clans, most clans have 3 or 4 guys that go all over XG and meet everyone I want to help those individuals that may not be as outgoing find other like minded people on Xbox to build not only good community relationships but friendships.

Did someone recommend you to the Events team? If so, who?
Nope. like i said just kinda always wanted to join.

Hit me up on the box and we will work this out so we can host a game night for you.
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