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Nov 29, 2011
Dayton, TN
Events Team Application:

1) What is your username and gamer tag?

XGC Betrayer

2) What times are you available during the week? Do these times change often?
6pm to 10pm EST and yes they vary depending on where im working at the time.

3) What are your current ideas of events you'd like to hold?

2v2 SnD on BO3
1v1 TDM on BO3
6v6 DOM on BO3
Destiny Raid Night

4) If you had to describe yourself in 1 sentence, how would you do so?

I'm dedicated and willing to do anything i can to be someone who impacts XG.

5) Have you ever planned, held, or helped host an event? If so, please list which and how many times you have done so.

I am a former events team member and i couldnt really tell you how many events ive held. Not all were community events. Most of them were New Dynasty game nights to get people involved and enjoy being here.

6) If the answer to any of the above questions is "yes", what type of an event was it?

Everything from 1v1 to Michael Myers on mw3 and bo2 and Halo 4

7) Are you interested in being a Freelancer or Full-Time? (Freelancer allows you to stay in your current clan & be part of the events team. If you choose full-time you will be required to make a divisional transfer to XDC.)


8) How long have you been in XG? Please also list whether you have left XG and returned, or not.

4 years and yes i have left and returned. I was deployed and went inactive for several years and now im stable and back into gaming.

9) What division and clan are you currently in? What is your rank?

XGC, Xiled Kings, Sgt

10) What is your main reasoning in wanting to join the Events Team?

To get back to where i was being completely involved in the community and just helping XG be a fun place that everyone wants to be a part of.

11) What do you hope to accomplish if accepted?

Basically what i said in the previous question. I just want to be active in the community and help XG be a fun environment for everyone and to meet more people on other divisions

12) Did someone recommend you to the Events team? If so, who? No


XGC Pantheon
XGC Ragnarok
May 11, 2012
Seattle, WA
Events Team Application:

1) What is your username and gamer tag?

XGC Betrayer

2) What times are you available during the week? Do these times change often?
6pm to 10pm EST and yes they vary depending on where im working at the time.

3) What are your current ideas of events you'd like to hold?

2v2 SnD on BO3
1v1 TDM on BO3
6v6 DOM on BO3
Destiny Raid Night

4) If you had to describe yourself in 1 sentence, how would you do so?

I'm dedicated and willing to do anything i can to be someone who impacts XG.

5) Have you ever planned, held, or helped host an event? If so, please list which and how many times you have done so.

I am a former events team member and i couldnt really tell you how many events ive held. Not all were community events. Most of them were New Dynasty game nights to get people involved and enjoy being here.

6) If the answer to any of the above questions is "yes", what type of an event was it?

Everything from 1v1 to Michael Myers on mw3 and bo2 and Halo 4

7) Are you interested in being a Freelancer or Full-Time? (Freelancer allows you to stay in your current clan & be part of the events team. If you choose full-time you will be required to make a divisional transfer to XDC.)


8) How long have you been in XG? Please also list whether you have left XG and returned, or not.

4 years and yes i have left and returned. I was deployed and went inactive for several years and now im stable and back into gaming.

9) What division and clan are you currently in? What is your rank?

XGC, Xiled Kings, Sgt

10) What is your main reasoning in wanting to join the Events Team?

To get back to where i was being completely involved in the community and just helping XG be a fun place that everyone wants to be a part of.

11) What do you hope to accomplish if accepted?

Basically what i said in the previous question. I just want to be active in the community and help XG be a fun environment for everyone and to meet more people on other divisions

12) Did someone recommend you to the Events team? If so, who? No

Please hit me up on the box to further discuss your application