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Forum Junkie
Nov 20, 2009
new Mexico
ok i tried to let big whit continue being a douchebag and i said to myself, "oh well ther are alot of ****ty ppl like that, who cares". i was in syndicate under phantom, but things did not work out and i barely found ppl to play with and well i just had some problems in syn pro. i talked to big whit about it and he "took me under his wing" and helped me get into xgc where i figured it would be more mature. and most of it was but big whit was not. now i regret talking to him. i had problems transferring and he helped me transfer. but as soon as i was officially part of spec ops (which is where he was from while i transferred) he ignored me and ditched me in many games. i figured oh well, i just want to find a good group, and now i have another door opened for me. and then he invited me to games here and there and everytime i played with him he did horrible and the entire time yelling at me like a child and blaming me b/c he did horrible. (i can be specific if asked, other than that not worth my time). anyways, now he sits there and harrasses xgc disabled and gives me problems. i'm done. dont care if this is about childishness then you can have it i'm done. thanks for all the cool ppl in xgc. there are some good ppl here, but i dont care to continue playing this junior high school game ****. if this is grounds for me being booted from xgc then so be it, i dont want to be in a place with hypocritical, racist, sacks of **** like big whit anyways. :D


Forum Veteran
Oct 1, 2009
Wellington, Ohio
...Why not just request a transfer into either another division, or another section?That way you wouldn't need to deal with your current problems, and you'd still enjoy the fun parts of being in XG.:D
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